View Full Version : Alpha Male

10-29-2009, 06:37 PM
Brutis is the Alpha Male in the nest and his aggression is showing. He almost killed KnotHead tonight. We heard this blood curdling scream and went to check on them KnotHead was hanging from the top of the cage and Brutis jumped up grabbed him and they both fell to the bottom Brutis then proceeded to pound KnotHead and he was screaming his head off. Even after we reached in for KnotHead Brutis was till trying to get at him. We put KnotHead in the bottom cage by himself but I'm not sure that Brutis is the one that should be segregated. They are nestiing and Brutis is getting aggressive not only towards his brother but to us as well. I am not sure how to handle this situation. I know that squirrels can kill other squirrels over territory

10-29-2009, 06:49 PM
Last I read here, Knothead was the behavior problem. Biting his brothers without provocation.

I think you should segregate Knothead for his own safety and the behavioral development of the others. Brutis is big enough that he does not have to take random, serious biting.

10-29-2009, 07:05 PM
As much as I hate to agree on the separation, I think that is the best course of action. Good luck and sending you good thoughts.

10-29-2009, 07:46 PM
You are right Knothead is a bad boy and he probably started it....Poor Knotty of course he has been kicked out of the nest for several weeks so this is best for all of them. I just feel so sorry for him:(

10-29-2009, 09:08 PM
Give him some stuffies to beat up and a rice buddie. Does Knothead bite you too? Can we have a new picture of this little Naughtikins? If he has Downs he may smell different to them, too.

10-29-2009, 09:13 PM
Oh yes he bites me...Last night he brought blood on my knuckle but I think that was a mistake. He can just be sitting on my shoulder on minute and ripping my ear off the next. But he has his sweet moments. Brutis has never bitten me but when I try to put him in the cage after play time he gets very upset and voices his objection...

10-29-2009, 09:17 PM
Here's a recent picture

10-29-2009, 09:23 PM
Awwww. Knothead is just a little special needs boy. It's too bad he is so bitey. It's easy to understand though, why the others would not want him to be biting and disturbing them all the time. He doesn't look like a Downs squirrel. Maybe you should just hold him in your lap for extra lovin's. Does he groom himself OK?

10-29-2009, 09:28 PM
No he's not very steady on his feet we have to clean him up. And right now he is on my lap eating his apple. When we are home and he's awake he is usually in our laps. he does not sleep like squirrels either....At dusk squirrels are supposed to be in the nest. he however does not follow any of the normal rules. I check on him all through the night and he may be awake at 3am when he should be alseep

10-29-2009, 09:30 PM
Geez Louise! No wonder they kicked him out of the nest! He's your special boy alright. As long as he has you and some stuffies he'll be OK, don't you think? Is Knothead maybe autistic?

10-29-2009, 09:34 PM
Cutie :)

He doesn't look Downs to me, either. Maybe he suffered some sort of neurological trauma in a fall.

10-30-2009, 08:10 AM
I think he is "special" and God has given him to me for a reason. I really believe his mama knew something was not right at birth and tried to eliminate him. The gash on his head looked a lot like squirrel teeth. I think mothers know when something is not right and unlike humans they can kill their young. Sometime I wish I had that option :rotfl Other than the biting problem he is a sweetie from Heaven and I believe a valuable lesson will be learned from him one day

10-30-2009, 09:51 AM
Maybe he'll outgrow the biting problem. If his mama bit him in the head, maybe he thinks that's how you give affection. (just joking, not very funny.) Do you groom him? Like little licks with a damp cloth even when he is not messy? Little Freddie's mama and sisters were always grooming him. (See my thread on Little Freddie, who has was killed by the cat a couple of weeks ago.)

He looks like a sweetie, too. I wouldn't give up any child just because he has some special needs. They can be the most loving.

10-31-2009, 08:18 AM
I went back and read your Little Freddie post and I am so very sorry :( I will say that his tail when wet was stunning. But Little Freedie is safe and happy right now and his little hair lip is no more....He truly was special.

I seperated the little munchklins and the 3 amigos seem happy but little KnotHead is unhappy by himself. He would have been by himself in a few weeks anyway. He chirps loudly EARLY in the a.m. I think looking for his bro's.

I did open up the cage yesterday since I was home and could watch him and Squeaky jumped him. Bless him he just can't win a battle. The 3 stooges are going to their big ole pre release cage this weekend then Knotty can have the whole Condo to himself. (He reaaly likes the top level)

Jackie in Tampa
10-31-2009, 09:08 AM
I wouldn't give up any child just because he has some special needs. They can be the most loving.

10-31-2009, 09:44 AM
When Knottyhead is sweet he is SOOOO sweet but when he is bad look out! We love him and he will have a nice cushy life forever in our home. I really have grown attached to this little devil. The way he looks up at you with that good eye is just precious. But yesterday I was giving him kisses and he attacked my lip. So now I sit at work with a mangled bottom lip but that's ok it matches the big scratch on my nose from Brutis and my torn up hands from the rest. Oh the life with squirrels I LOVE IT.