View Full Version : releasing
10-22-2009, 08:18 AM
I'm torn on this one. I have read past posts about over wintering and some release before October 31st. They should be weened by next week except for knothead. Brutis and Larry are going cage crazy and I feel like they would benefit the most for their freedom. Should I wait and release all 3 at the same time or is it ok to to it seperate? I plan on putting all 3 in a release cage after Halloween depending on the weather I thought I would leave them outside in the cage during the day and bring them in at night. I really don't think Brutis is going to wait till next Spring. I have a nesting house for them and food and water will be available all Winter. I don't know I need some advice.
10-23-2009, 03:14 PM
How cold does it get in your area of Georgia? right now its snowing here in Minnesota and at this point last year I had decided to keep Lucky inside through the winter(and last year it wasn't this cold with snow!)
I think everything depends of the weather conditions there, there'd be no way I could release a squirrel now up here. In fact Lucky's babies just started coming down from the tree over the last week and I'm putting food at the bottom of the tree so hopefully they can fatten up really stinks here right now.
10-23-2009, 03:30 PM
Winters here are usually mild....It really does not start getting cold till Jan or Feb I would say in November hights around 50"ish. Of course you never know. They will have food and shelter what do you think about releasing them at seperate times? Or would it be best to release them together?
10-23-2009, 03:35 PM
I think you should be o.k. releasing them if it's in the 50's (it's 34 here right now brrrrrrrrrr!!! lol) Squirrels are so independent that releasing them together or apart shouldn't make much of a difference....I would say when you think they're ready start the slow release process.
Good Luck and keep us posted :)
11-30-2009, 11:19 AM
Upper 50 during the day and in the 30's at night...2 of the boys are getting restless and trying to nest under a grill cover in the gagrage when I let them out in the afternoon. As much as I want to wait till March 2010 I don't think they will make it. Squeaky and Larry are getting a little aggressive. I went out to play with Nut Nut who visits every night and when I came back to let the boys out they didn't like the smell on my body and bit me...I bit them back (kidding) I'm going to try and hold them off but they are ready to go. I don't know what to do :(
12-19-2009, 10:24 AM
Well today is the big day...I am sure they sensed my anxiety this morning because when I went to let them out of their cage in the garage they didn't want to come out. Maybe because I didn't have on my pink housecoat that they love. Once they finally came out I could tell the attitude was different. They would not come near us which is so out of the ordinary. We got them transferred to the outside cage and it was business as usual...fighting, playing ect...Rick is building them a cover for the cage now. I'm not concerned about them staying warm they have a nice house with plenty of warm stuffing the weather is NOTHING like New York is getting right now. High in the 40's and next week with the exception of some rain will be upper 50's. I hope they are happy and content I have been crying all morning. I'm going to miss our nightly play time....It's not about me though...It's all about them and what they need. I'm still sad:hissyfit
island rehabber
12-19-2009, 11:38 AM
You're doing the best thing, virgo.....try to watch them when they play, and especially when they go up into the trees. You can actually "see" their excitement and joy in the way they will help any anxiety you have about whether you've made the right choice. :)
12-19-2009, 03:54 PM
the boys have been in their house most of the day. I have seen them play a couple of times. I think my finger is broke...When I was getting Larry to his cage I grabbed at him and he turned around and nailed me OUCH right in the same place Knothead got me...I think it's broke. It's all swollen and bruised. Stupid me for grabbing him:poke . My Fault not his:dono
12-22-2009, 05:30 PM
So you weren't able to get them outside? or are you talking about a outdoor release cage? Sorry to hear about your finger, that stinks :sanp3
the boys have been in their house most of the day. I have seen them play a couple of times. I think my finger is broke...When I was getting Larry to his cage I grabbed at him and he turned around and nailed me OUCH right in the same place Knothead got me...I think it's broke. It's all swollen and bruised. Stupid me for grabbing him:poke . My Fault not his:dono
12-22-2009, 05:43 PM
Oh no sorry we did get them in their release cage outside. They seem pretty happy I can see them out my sunroom window. I see them playing some but mostly stays in their cage. I go out to visit and they are not lunging at me to get out anymore....kinda hurts my feelings:dono I am glad to see they are adjusting and we've had some pretty nice weather...Do you think one week outside is enough or should I give them 2 weeks? I so miss our nightly playtime. Nut Nut who has been released since July came by last night and played on my shoulder for awhile I was so glad to see him....Wonder how he is going to take to the boys?
12-22-2009, 05:56 PM
So happy to hear your Nut Nut stopped by! that is always great when they stop by "home" once in awhile...
They're a bit "spooked" being outside, when they stay in their house like that.
I figure about a week then open the door and leave it open and watch what they do, they'll probably come back allot at first but eventually will take off on their own....once they stop coming back "home" to sleep you can safely shut the door and remove the release cage.
I know the heart-ache of letting them go is hard but you are doing the right thing...our Lucky had 3 babies this fall and they all still sleep together in her big nest in the pine tree out front of our house.
But when you see them having babies you really know what a good thing you did by returning them to the wild.
We also cut up a bunch of towels for Lucky and she took them all up to her nest, you may want to do the same thing once they're "free"...makes nest making easier and more comfortable for them :)
And besides, Lucky gave me the hint she was cold, she stole our Sunday newspaper and tore it up for her nest! :rotfl
Your doing a great job and as Nut Nut showed you, they never forget where they came from :)
Oh no sorry we did get them in their release cage outside. They seem pretty happy I can see them out my sunroom window. I see them playing some but mostly stays in their cage. I go out to visit and they are not lunging at me to get out anymore....kinda hurts my feelings:dono I am glad to see they are adjusting and we've had some pretty nice weather...Do you think one week outside is enough or should I give them 2 weeks? I so miss our nightly playtime. Nut Nut who has been released since July came by last night and played on my shoulder for awhile I was so glad to see him....Wonder how he is going to take to the boys?
12-22-2009, 09:11 PM
I thought about opening the door Friday (Christmas) thought that would be a good gift for them but I will probably cry all day and ruin Christmas for everyone else....Next weekend I am out of town Rick will be here to watch them but I really don't want to miss the big event. It makes me feel like they are adjusting since they really don't charge us anymore when we go visit.
I will cut up some towels for them. Since they are all boys I wonder if they will continue to stay together through the Winter? I hate to see them break up they are so cute together?
12-22-2009, 10:45 PM
Please don't use towels - use fleece instead. It's warmer, softer, and won't ravel or catch around their toes. :D
12-23-2009, 12:24 PM
And besides, Lucky gave me the hint she was cold, she stole our Sunday newspaper and tore it up for her nest! :rotfl
maybe she was just trying to let you know she is still around and still in control....So happy to hear about the babies...cuddles
12-25-2009, 09:50 AM
I hesitated this morning when I went to give the boys their breakfast...Was not sure that today was the day...As I approached the cage all three met me at the door and as soon as I opened it they were out and running :) They explored one tree limb by limb and two of them fell from the same tree about 20 feet but they are fine. After a few minutes one went to the left and one to the right. There was no calling them back. Unlike my other babies they were not clinging to me so I felt good about this tears. They all explored the trees, found the feeder, meet a few of my grown squirrels then proceeded to build a nest in a large hole of a tree. They will be fine. The older boys will teach them the ropes. They are so happy to be free. I doubt they will even come back to their cage but I will be there waiting in case they do. What a bittersweet Christmas. I did the right thing now it's up to them and they will be perfectly happy in the woods. MERRY CHRISTMAS babies...I love you
12-25-2009, 07:54 PM
OH, you did it. I do hope they hang around so you can watch over them. It is not a day I am looking forward to...
Nancy in New York
12-25-2009, 09:04 PM
12-26-2009, 08:05 AM
Day 2: All is calm. I have not seen one of my little boys :( What are the odds of all three leaving? No one came back to the house last night :( I would like to just see them. There is food and water out there if they need it
island rehabber
12-26-2009, 08:09 AM
Is it gloomy and gray down there like it is up here in NY? I mean, it's so dark the street lights are still on...:shakehead Squirrels will stay in all day in weather like this. Don't worry too much, mamma. :)
Nancy in New York
12-27-2009, 01:01 PM
Hoping that you at least get a postcard from these little ones....:grouphug
Jackie in Tampa
12-27-2009, 01:57 PM
:grouphug awe...they're hunker'd in momma:grouphug
all georgia had rain recently, so damp and chilly....
be safe baby sqs:Love_Icon
12-28-2009, 09:51 AM
Day 4 still no babies...I do have two that look like mine coming to the cage to eat but I can't get within 10 feet of them. Remember I said they both fell from the tree? I checked both of them and they seemed fine running around and playing with no problem. Maybe Nut Nut has just claimed territory and ran them off but I have been all over the woods and nothing. Seems a mystery. I can't imagine NONE of them letting me get close. Next time I release some babies I'm going to paint them so I can see them in the woods.
12-31-2009, 08:53 AM
I saw the boys this morning (I think) on their cage munching on pecans:jump I went out there and they would not come and see me of course unlike my utter nutters they didn't come to me when I called anyway they were very independent. I'm just happy I saw them. I do believe it was them because I have not seen 3 together at the same time.
Nancy in New York
12-31-2009, 01:39 PM
I saw the boys this morning (I think) on their cage munching on pecans:jump I went out there and they would not come and see me of course unlike my utter nutters they didn't come to me when I called anyway they were very independent. I'm just happy I saw them. I do believe it was them because I have not seen 3 together at the same time.'s them...just stopping by to wish you a Happy New Year...and to thank you for all that you've done...:grouphug :grouphug
01-10-2010, 10:28 PM
Geeze Louise....Anyone ever released squirrels that never came back? I know they are out there because I see new squirrels in the woods. I can't get within 5 feet of them. You would think they were wild animals. You know I never thought they would just up and leave. Not the picture perfect postcard I imagined heck there were 3 you would think ONE would come and say hi:wave123 ....Maybe that's the difference in releasing multiples instead og just one :( heck now I'm second guessing myself after a month. I want summer squirrels no more fall babies to stressful
01-22-2010, 09:13 AM
Well it's been almost 1 month I have not seen them or if I have I didn't know it. My neighbors think they have taken up nest at their house down the driveway. I do know someone has been drinking out of the water bottle in their cage. I don't know if a wild squirrel would do that. Anyway they say that 3 new squirrels have shown up on their porch and there are always 3 of them :) Even though they can't touch them they say they are not really terrified when they walk to the door and watch. They are feeding them well.
Jackie in Tampa
01-22-2010, 09:36 AM
Well it's been almost 1 month I have not seen them or if I have I didn't know it. My neighbors think they have taken up nest at their house down the driveway. I do know someone has been drinking out of the water bottle in their cage. I don't know if a wild squirrel would do that. Anyway they say that 3 new squirrels have shown up on their porch and there are always 3 of them :) Even though they can't touch them they say they are not really terrified when they walk to the door and watch. They are feeding them well.
:) probably your monkeys!:thumbsup
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