View Full Version : Adult female flyer- dog puncture wound abdomin

10-20-2009, 09:09 PM
Animal control brought me a beautiful little flyer. Adult female with nipples showing, hope her young are not starving tonight. She looked fine at first,
but was not moving around much. Put her in an aquarium with heat and let her rest. Next check I noticed a tiny puncture wound near her anus but in the abdomen area. Slight bleed, one drop red blood. I had one drop of Meloxicam left over from another squirrel. I gave it to her for pain. Offered a pecan and she took it in her mouth and just held it. Her back legs are weak and slow to respond, could be pain or neurological damage. She is so sweet,
didn't even try to bite me. Fur is shiny and she is very healthy in appearance.
Control said a neighbors dog had the squirrel in it's mouth. Strange a flyer would be out in the daytime. Wondering if a baby fell and mom went after it.
I am near the Wildlife Center of VA, so I plan to take her there when they reopen at 8:30 AM, if she makes it that long. She is the first flyer I have had.
Held them and fed them at the Center. Can't believe how cute she is.
any other suggestions for tonight. She is in a sack type bed with a heating pad and rice sock. Aquarium is screen covered and has a light blanket over the top to make it dark for her. Put in a jar lid with a tiny amount of water and also added an apple cube if she is thirsty. It worries me feeding her at all with apuncture wound in the lower abdomen, but she did seem hungry.

Jackie in Tampa
10-20-2009, 09:56 PM
Animal control brought me a beautiful little flyer. Adult female with nipples showing, hope her young are not starving tonight. She looked fine at first,
but was not moving around much. Put her in an aquarium with heat and let her rest. Next check I noticed a tiny puncture wound near her anus but in the abdomen area. Slight bleed, one drop red blood. I had one drop of Meloxicam left over from another squirrel. I gave it to her for pain. Offered a pecan and she took it in her mouth and just held it. Her back legs are weak and slow to respond, could be pain or neurological damage. She is so sweet,
didn't even try to bite me. Fur is shiny and she is very healthy in appearance.
Control said a neighbors dog had the squirrel in it's mouth. Strange a flyer would be out in the daytime. Wondering if a baby fell and mom went after it.
I am near the Wildlife Center of VA, so I plan to take her there when they reopen at 8:30 AM, if she makes it that long. She is the first flyer I have had.
Held them and fed them at the Center. Can't believe how cute she is.
any other suggestions for tonight. She is in a sack type bed with a heating pad and rice sock. Aquarium is screen covered and has a light blanket over the top to make it dark for her. Put in a jar lid with a tiny amount of water and also added an apple cube if she is thirsty. It worries me feeding her at all with apuncture wound in the lower abdomen, but she did seem hungry.
Heat, Hydration, Anti-botics.
Hope she can hang on:grouphug
Hoping someone comes on soon.
Can you post a pic for the rehabbers?
Thank you and Good luck

10-21-2009, 04:45 AM
Update on my little one. She is alive this morning. Quite a bit of dried blood on blankets. She was still not aggressive this morning. I did not lift her up or move her around, afraid of back injury or restarting the bleeding.
I will have her to a vet by 8:15 this morning. Would love to continue caring for her after their visit but we are headed out of town on our RV. Too much bouncing around for her I think. Will see what the vet says about injuries. I already love her. I am a sucker for an injured animal. Thanks for your help will keep you posted, must shower and get ready.

Nancy in New York
10-21-2009, 06:07 AM
Good luck at the vets. Do you know what you are going to do with he? I am just afraid that if you tell the vet that you are going out of town., he may just put her down if you leave her there...Is it legal to have flyers where you are? Just asking, not too familiar with the state and their wildlife laws...:)

10-21-2009, 04:36 PM
Poor baby! Hope the vet went well, and good luck finding her a forever family!! :Love_Icon

10-21-2009, 06:47 PM
Update, sad news the xrays showed her back was badly broken. She could no longer hold urine and what she passed was near straight blood. The vet
kindly put her down for me. No more suffering. She really did not look that bad last night. I named her Acorn because she loved eating them even as sick as she was. Thanks for all of the notes you sent, I am always open to new ways to make things better. this time this was a must do. Even I could see the break on the x-ray.

10-21-2009, 08:12 PM
I am so sorry to hear about Acorn. :( Poor little girl!! :grouphug

10-21-2009, 08:19 PM
Its tough to do the right thing sometimes. Very sorry. Are you going to look for babies?????????

Jackie in Tampa
10-21-2009, 08:38 PM

10-22-2009, 06:20 AM
Poor baby. But she is no longer suffering. Godspeed little Acorn......

Nancy in New York
10-22-2009, 06:34 AM
Thank you for loving her enough to get her to a vet, give her a name, and to end her pain...:grouphug