View Full Version : more problems...broken/dislocated bones?
10-03-2006, 08:37 AM
So I finally took all three babies out for a really good look-see last night...figured they were probably still gonna be scared but they know the Milk Machine hasn't done anything bad to them yet... :tilt
I had been lifting them in and out of the cage by cupping them in my hands, so I can see how I missed their injuries...
Chet has a broken leg (I think). It's his left rear leg, between his knee and ankle. It's pretty bad, but I'm hoping it's fixable.
One of his sisters has a dislocated hip, I think. Never read about that before so I have no idea if that's fixable.
Anyone know if these injuries are going to warrant euthanization? Hoping to get in to the vet tonight.
If its the lower part of the leg a vet may be able to strap it up with a splint maybe and see how it goes.
For the dislocation, it may be possible to very gently pop the leg back in, but that would require you have a nice vet you can talk to?
10-03-2006, 09:46 AM
Yep, I have a call into her already and I hope to see her with them tonight. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to help them if it's possible.
Thanks for your "expert" opinion Suro...I appreciate it very much. I wasn't thinking these injuries (if they are what I think they are) would warrant euthanasia, but wanted some other opinions, too.
Hopefully the vet will be able to set his break and re-locate her hip.
10-03-2006, 10:57 AM
I dont think euthanasia is even remotely needed.The dislocation wont be a problem.Even if the broken leg will not fully heal, he wont have a problem to live with it.( If there is no damage to the spine there is no threat to the life ).I had a dog with a broken leg (In 2 places) and it healed completely.
10-03-2006, 11:29 AM
Thanks, GhosTS, that is SO good to hear. I was just remembering poor Thundersquirrel with the squirrel with the break way up by the hip that had to be put down... I've already lost 5 of 11 squirrels I've taken this summer/fall...I hope these two are fixable. Just trying to prepare myself for the worst, ya know? Just like little Ahleeya...the day she rallied was the day she died of a respiratory infection...I never seem to "win" at this "game".
And I'm usually an optimist! Go figure...
Momma Squirrel
10-03-2006, 12:47 PM
Critter Queen, I know it seems bad at times but even in the worst situations you and the squirrel are winners because you brought what little bit of hope, comfort and love into their lives before they left you. That is so much more than they would ever have had without you. You hang in there and let us know the news from the vet. Animals of all kinds will surprise you just when you think it is hopeless. :grouphug
10-04-2006, 08:48 AM
Both had breaks in their left hind legs. Chet's is exactly where I thought it would be and is pretty bad. Hope's (named her Hope cuz, well, use your imagination :thumbsup ) break is in the upper bone (femur???) and is right at the place where the bone meets the knee joint. (OUCH!) Vet wasn't sure either would set well enough to make them releasable, but we set them anyway. :thumbsup Now we wait and see and try to keep them from nawing the splints off...
Check this out: first two are chet, last two are Hope. (other sister is now named Faith, but no new pics of her yet, vet confirms she is uninjured)
Momma Squirrel
10-04-2006, 09:56 AM
Kind of odd they are both hurt on the same leg?? Well if you can keep the splints on mother nature and squirrels have a way of healing themselves with lots of care and love given. Which I know they will get with you. Glad to hear Faith is injury free. Keep us posted on their progress. Did they vet say how long they would have to have the splints on??? They look so pittiful but cute, boy they will get spoiled :D
10-04-2006, 10:12 AM
Spoiled? Nahhhhhh.... :D
Vet said that if they could keep the splints on for two weeks it would be good, but also a we shall see. I have some bitter apple I might just rub on the splints if I see any gnawing going on...
They are getting around ok...I put them in a smaller cage so they can't really get too far anyway...dragging their little broken legs behind them... At least they both are putting weight on the broken leg now, thanks to the splints.
Hmmm...I just thought of something...what happens as they grow? Two weeks is a LONG time in baby squirrel time...
10-04-2006, 11:00 AM
Great to hear that the vet treated them CQ.If the bone is correctly aligned I dont think there will be a problem when they grow up.Also since they grow up so fast the chances are that they will heal fast.Hope they will do fine.( News that they dont have spinal injuries is the best news ).Keep us updated.
10-04-2006, 11:04 AM
Yeah, I was worried about a low spine injury on Hope when I thought it was a dislocation...cuz I couldn't tell exactly where it was hurt on that leg...
I hope that in one-two weeks (however long they'll put up with the splints) we can remove the bandaging and get them PTed back into shape for release in the spring...MAYBE late this year but I doubt it. I want to be extra sure they have plenty of muscle built back up before they have to fend for themselves in ANY way... Looks like I'm going to be glad to have two outdoor enclosures this winter! It's looking like I'll be wintering at least two sets if not three...
10-04-2006, 06:57 PM
i don't think those breaks would call for euthanasia. and besides, it's not a problem for boys. boys don't get pregnant. you'll have to make sure hope's leg is ok before releasing her, but hopefully her break is far away enough from her hip that it won't mess things up. what you really want her to have is the ability to move her femur around while in the hip's socket.
some people think pinning works better than a splint, but i suppose a splint is less invasive. i'm not a vet, so i'll trust your DVM's decision.
make sure they get plenty of calcium! our veterinarian (before we knew the little girl couldn't be saved) gave us an anti-biotic that was supposed to help the bone heal faster. i'll see if i can get the name of that stuff for you. in the meantime, you could try nutri-cal. it's got alllllllll the vitamins, so they only need a lick or two per day. and it's yummy (though i've never tried it myself lol).
10-05-2006, 08:18 AM
i don't think those breaks would call for euthanasia. and besides, it's not a problem for boys. boys don't get pregnant. you'll have to make sure hope's leg is ok before releasing her, but hopefully her break is far away enough from her hip that it won't mess things up. what you really want her to have is the ability to move her femur around while in the hip's socket.
some people think pinning works better than a splint, but i suppose a splint is less invasive. i'm not a vet, so i'll trust your DVM's decision.
make sure they get plenty of calcium! our veterinarian (before we knew the little girl couldn't be saved) gave us an anti-biotic that was supposed to help the bone heal faster. i'll see if i can get the name of that stuff for you. in the meantime, you could try nutri-cal. it's got alllllllll the vitamins, so they only need a lick or two per day. and it's yummy (though i've never tried it myself lol).
Thanks for the tips, TS. I would be interested to know the name of the drug you refer to so I can discuss it with my vet. I was thinking about supplementing their formula with calcium, but wondered how much is TOO much? I know the formula has all the calcium they would usually need, and the two females are consistently good eaters of that (4xday/14cc each) and Chet doesn't do TOO bad at about 7-10 cc 4xday...and all of them are snacking on the smorgasbord (sp?) I leave for them every morning. :thumbsup Anyway, back to the formula and calcium...I also add Bene Bac and ground rodent block to their formula...I know the rodent block has a lot of calcium too...would adding even more be wise?
Hope's break is close to her knee, the vet said, so I was wrong about the location and nature of her injury (thank God for my vet, I'd be lost without her!). So hopefully pregnancy won't be an issue for her. I hadn't thought of that...
Thanks again!
10-05-2006, 06:52 PM
CC, Those pictures are so cute and sad, it makes me want to cry. I'm so glad you were able to get them help.Heidi
10-05-2006, 07:38 PM
CQ, Saw your babies pictures, I wish you all the best of luck. Those babies
are in great hands with you. Saw your outdoor enclosure, that is a great home. I'll keep your lil ones in my thoughts, Hope, Chet and Faith are in good
hands. All that I really know about squirrels I have learned from people here.
I just kind of winged it with henri when he came into my life as a baby, now
he is a big boy 2 1l2yrs old, and thanks to ya'll he got his first maggots to eat today,and he enjoyed them.(from his acorns,thought that was bad)
Hubby looked at your outdoor enclosure,and is trying to figure how to build one close to it. He read you saying about the Starfish, got tears in his eyes.
I think that I Hyjacked your outdoor enclosure page, and now I feel really bad
about that, I started the husky thing, so sorry. Some members stick with you
when you "introduce yourself" you are one, muffinsquirrel, Mrs.J, Timber,
Rippin-n-lilgirlsmom, Momma Squirrel. Since then I have gotten too know more nice people. You have my best thoughts.
10-06-2006, 08:32 AM
They are pretty pitiful looking, huh Heidi? But they are adjusting well and are enjoying late night eats "in bed" now since I try not to disturb them more than a few times a day to eat and inspect everyone...THOROUGHLY. I so learned my lesson about making sure to do a FULL physical exam upon matter what the circumstances.
Henrismom, no sweat about hyjacking my other thread, I was kidding you. :thumbsup Doesn't bother me a bit. Hyjack away! :) That happens sometimes...
I'm glad you feel good here and have found friends. This is currently one of my top three places to "be" on Earth right now...the other two are with my mom or husband... People act like I'm a lunatic for caring as much about my animals as I would a human in my family...why wouldn't I? I guess just like they don't get how I feel, I totally don't get their point of view has never occured (sp?) to me not to love anything living. I even get fond of cats, when they are indoor-only cats.
Are acorn worms really maggots??? EEEWWWW! I wouldn't come within 10' of it! LOL! I had to get hundreds of maggots out of a poor little squirrel this year...then lost her anyway two days later. (there's a really graphic thread about it under the life threatening area, in August I think) The only way I'm coming near any maggot is to save a life or to squish it! LOL! YUCK! :D
I can't remember where I got the starfish thing from...but it's actually even better than what's in my signature...I had to edit it down to meet the maxium character requirements for a signature on this board...
Here is the whole thing as originally written:
The Star Thrower
A wise man was taking a sunrise walk along the beach. He came upon a young man who was picking up starfish from the sand and tossing them gently back into the ocean.
"What are you doing?" the wise man asked.
"The sun is coming up and the tide is going out. If I don't throw them back, they will die," was the young man's response.
To that, the wise man replied, "But there are miles and miles of beach and millions of starfish. You cannot possibly make a difference."
The young man bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it lovingly back beyond the breaking waves.
I made a difference for that one," he replied.
10-06-2006, 11:52 AM
CQ..I call them maggots, but they just may be acorn worms. I saw a post on
here about acorns, and moth larva, so I asked if anyone else had these odd
wormie things (maggots) in their acorns. I think that it was muffinsquirrel who
answered me. She said that they love these worm things,I could put the acorns in a strainer and let the worms fall in a bucket,freeze them for winter, or I could freeze the whole acorn. I trust muffinsquirrel, I call them maggots,
they maybe just some type of acorn worm. I said to her that nature was just wonderful, squirrels need protein and they get it in an acorn. I found the thing
you said to read on maggots, that is horrible. I tend to get a lot of strays,
people know that if something is put in my yard, it has a home. I have gotten
dogs with heartworms, had them treated and kept them, oh, you have no idea, of what turns up here.
I guess that we are an odd bunch, but that's o.k. with me, a neighbor(use that term loosely) a preacher, told me that I'm going to HELL because I have
animals in my house, spend money to feed them, and somethimes put them
before people.They are ahead of him for sure.......We don't talk anymore....
Glad that your babies are doing fine today....Think that I have a little problem.
Another squirrel got into the hutch,last Sun & Mon we patched up the place
where we thought it was getting in, used hardware cloth, new wood.
Mon. evening she was eating the wood again, got back in, open a drawer and
would sit there going chip,chip, half of her body was out. Hubby checked for a
nest, said he didn't see one, should of done it myself, feel that it's the only reason she was so determined to get back in. The last few days,she has not
moved much, seems to be dragging herself around, she maybe hurt...Should I
go back into the hutch to look for a nest, and see if she is o.k. or just leave her alone and not scare her? What to do....???? I call her chippy, no, I wasn't going to try and catch her or her babies,she can use the free. :dono
10-06-2006, 01:22 PM
Another squirrel got into the hutch,last Sun & Mon we patched up the place
where we thought it was getting in, used hardware cloth, new wood.
Mon. evening she was eating the wood again, got back in, open a drawer and
would sit there going chip,chip, half of her body was out. Hubby checked for a
nest, said he didn't see one, should of done it myself, feel that it's the only reason she was so determined to get back in. The last few days,she has not
moved much, seems to be dragging herself around, she maybe hurt...Should I
go back into the hutch to look for a nest, and see if she is o.k. or just leave her alone and not scare her? What to do....???? I call her chippy, no, I wasn't going to try and catch her or her babies,she can use the free. :dono
If I'm reading this right, you are saying there is wild adult squirrel that got into a hutch you have about five days ago, and it's now living in the hutch. IF, (big if, it's late in the season) she is pregnant and has a nest in there she may not move around or leave much for a few days before and after giving birth. See if you can tell from however close you can get if she is injured or just being lazy. I'm not sure what else to tell you... hmmmmmm....
10-06-2006, 01:24 PM
CQ, Your babies are beautiful and soo healthy looking. I'm sure they will be fine. They have a good caregiver. Keep up the good work!!!:thumbsup
Thanks, Kim. I hope they heal well. I don't have the best "luck" sometimes with these poor little critters...I always do my very best, though...
10-06-2006, 03:18 PM
CQ...Maybe I should of started a thread on this, but again I Hyjacked you.
I will get kicked off TSB for being Stupid....She came into the hutch about 2wks. ago. There was a large hole eaten thru the wall, into the hutch,tree fell
against the wall during the storm. The hutch is in the room next to the t.v. so
I could here her in there. She broke some dishes,torn up some old checks,saw
her on the carpet once and to me she doesn't look that big,but not a baby.
We closed the hole in the wall,she just ate her way back in. If I keep a distance from her, she just looks at me, but don't think that I can catch her.
I just got a glimpse of her today, I think that she went out got into some type of poison,that people put down to kill rats. Her eyes are swollen,she is
now afraid of me,have the t.v. on mute,and swear that I hear tiny cries. It
could be her,not feeling well or babies. I think that I have to go in and try to
help in some sort of way. Get her some medical help,I was thinking of setting
a live trap to try and catch her,but don't think she will come out of the hutch.
I can't sit here and let her die in the hutch and do nothing.......I know that you have you hands full, I will post on a thread,only if its good news....
You are a good and careing person. :bowdown
10-06-2006, 03:41 PM
Yeah, you'd better check it out. There might not be anything you can do for her, but if she does have babies in there (they sound kinda like birds chirping really high-pitched) and she's very ill you need to be aware of her situation so you can intervene if you have to.
I hate that you think she got into some poison... I hope that's not the case if she is nursing because it could pass to the babies...
I agree that you should take a closer look. And feel free to post it here if you want...I don't mind at all and you won't get kicked off here for being stupid! :thumbsup We like squirrel-people here. :D
10-07-2006, 11:23 AM
henrismom, i think you should do something about it.If she only digested a small amount of poison there is a possibility that she could be saved.But treatments should be started very quickly.Also CQ is right.if she has babies it can lead to problems.Please do something about it.
10-07-2006, 04:04 PM
I don't know how things will turn out, but hoping for the best. She is in the
hutch for sure. A handler from the vet is coming out with those heavy duty
gloves to help me this afternoon. Call the vet. college 60 miles away (1way)
they will take the babies, if I understood them correctly, they will at least try
to save the babies, I know that they will take them from me, but if it saves
their lives, they deserve anything that I can do. If the babies live they give
them to a rehabber, but I will never learn or know the outcome. By the way
the vet is sending out a shot to put the mom to sleep if she is too bad off,
not for me to give it, the vet. personal will give the shot. There is so much
bad news on here right now, I don't know if I should keep people up on this
story? Thank you all for caring, I just hate to see things like this. I don't know
why people have to put poison out for the rats? There is no poison in my yard, can't do that. Again thank you all.....:grouphug
island rehabber
10-07-2006, 04:39 PM
Henrismom we all care about squirrels and we want to hear the good and the bad, so that we can learn from everyone's experience. You are a good person to go through all this hassle to help that mamma squirrel and her babies, and I know I am very interested in how it all turns out. Bless you for caring! :peace
10-07-2006, 06:32 PM
Please keep us informed?:dono
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