View Full Version : 10 and 1/2 weeks weaning?

10-13-2009, 04:40 PM
Hi all,
Luna is our 10 and 1/2 week old squirrely girl. Lately I can get her to take 18 cc's of Formula at night and about 12 cc's mid day. She is eating other foods, her blocks and a salad of veggies daily.Along with a couple of pecans. I am just wondering if this small amount of formula is ok at her age.
Scurry our 1 year old weaned herself at 9 weeks and had a collapse of MBD. Scurry never ate other things well though and at the time had virtually no nutrients going in when stubborn her decided she didn't want formula anymore. In any event,her collpase has made me very worried about Luna. Luna is built much different though nice muscley girl not boney ike Scurry. Scurry is an illusion because she is so fluffy, she appears very chubby, but her backbone and all ribs are easily felt and could be seen if she had the sleek coat that Luna has. Luna is very sleek and quick on her feet and well fleshed.
Thank you for the input.:D

island rehabber
10-13-2009, 04:45 PM
I wouldn't worry at all if she's eating her blocks and veggies -- 10 1/2 weeks is a perfect time for her to wean herself. (I've had 7 1/2 weekers who stop wanting formula; now that's scary.) Do offer her formula every day anyway. Sometimes they go 2-3 days without it, and then they suck down 24cc's. :D

10-13-2009, 04:49 PM
Thank you IR. I felt I may have been being hypersensitive due to me heart squirrel, Scurry's, past. Luna eats everything like a champ. I can't imagine her having any problems with diet.:wahoo Squirrel blocks, primate blocks and any veggie given...... the poster child for a good eater!!!

Now if Scurry would only eat something good for her I would jump for joy!