View Full Version : new flyer who isn't eating

09-29-2009, 09:36 AM
I have had Luna for almost two years (she was found abandoned outside a petstore, so have no 'history' on her before she came to us.) She is semi-tame (as long as you don't try to pat her...lol) This weekend, I picked up a boy from a woman that was sick and could not take care of him anymore. I am concerned. He lived on just nuts (and she gave what she fed him to me. It is the store bought mix, with SEA SALT!) She did also give him apples. His fur is oily looking and his eyes look 'sleepy'. He is pretty tame (more then Luna) but he did not touch any of the food I put in for him last night. My vet is away, won't be in until Saturday. I am concerned about his not eating. I did put a few of his nuts in so at least he could grab those, but they were left untouched in the dish. I offered raspberries, blackberries, apples, peas, carrots, green beans, a tiny bit of corn, kale, yogurt, even a little baby food (Hawaiin delight). I put calcium carbonate on everything (since I am concerned he has not had a good source of calcium in his diet). Any other ideas??? He can smell Luna and was rubbing all over the new hammock (it is a ferret hammock that they can climb inside. He slept in that last night). I worry about his energy with not eating. Oh, I also offered a little peanut butter last night (when I saw he had not gone down to his food to eat). He ate a tiny bit of it. I do plan to have him seen, but in the meantime, any suggestions???? His owner said he loved fruit, esp. apples. He doesn't seem overly scared, so I don't think that would keep him from eating. I just want to make sure he will be ok. I attached pics I took last night. You can see in the second one how his eyes look sleepy. We named him Rocket (she said she called him 'Poo Butt'.)

Update: I just offered him some apple in his 'bed' (the hammock in the pic) and he is eating that. It is a start. I wonder if he even went down the bottom of the cage now. I will put a bird cup that hooks on the cage up top tonight to see if that works. It is his cage he is in (but I did have him in a travel cage for two days, so I could clean his cage and disinfect it.) So hopefully it is just all the 'newness'. But any ideas for food to get him to eat would be appreciated. Thanks!

09-29-2009, 09:55 AM
Never even seen a flying sq, so not sure what advice to give. The picky eatters in my crew seem to like anything dipped in peanut oil that you find at the top of natural peanut butter. They have no idea that I am deathly allergic to peanut oil; so I have to be extra careful, but I would risk death for them daily if I had too.:D

09-29-2009, 04:17 PM
Thanks! He is now eating but he did nibble on some peanut butter last night!

Lady Squirrelly
09-29-2009, 04:29 PM
Poor baby.

He is in strange place with strange people and strange smells.

Give him a little time and love.

I am glad you are trying to start him on a better diet.

09-29-2009, 05:13 PM
Thank you. When we got Luna two years ago, she was found abandoned outside a local pet store (they knew I had gliders, so called me, as they didn't know what to do with her), she only had a dixie cup filled with black sunflower seeds, a water bottle, kitty litter in the bottom (of a VERY STINKY CAGE) and hammock in the middle of the cage. Poor baby, she was curled up trying to disappear into the hammock! She has come a long way and I know how important a good diet is. I HOPE to one day get them together (I have always wanted to get Luna a friend). (I posted new pics in the flyer section if anyone is interested).