View Full Version : Ages on these guys??

Rodney Ro-Dent
09-23-2009, 05:37 PM
I got these guys about a week ago from a local wildlife rehab.
I have no clue on their ages. Some of you have talked to me about one of them, the congested one, and he is doing great, but I'm suspicious he may be a Down's baby or have some other issues.

here is the largest of the group, his name is Rhett Ro-Dent


here are RicoSuave Ro-Dent and Renny Ro-Dent:


Rico is the bigger one, he is also the one that was congested. Also is the one that i think may have a cleft palate and/or may be a downs baby.
I also have noticed that his ears are kind of smushed up, one has a crease in it, they don't look nice and perky like the other babies ears.

So what do you all think?

09-23-2009, 05:43 PM
I'm just taking a guess, based on my babies, they are probably around the 7-8 week range. They sure are good-looking little sweeties!

Rodney Ro-Dent
09-23-2009, 05:59 PM
Thanks! They look and act much better than they did this time a week ago for sure :)

the one in the 'big house' is actually much bigger, at least twice as much so than the ones in the cat carrier

Jackie in Tampa
09-27-2009, 09:27 PM
:eek: there is a baby nurser bottle... In 37645 million zillion posts we say use a syringe...please throw it away!
Maybe you are just using it to store formula in!;)
:poke do not to use cat litter of any kind...ingestion can be fatal, and sqs will eat anything. Untreated dirt is great!:thumbsup
The babies are beautiful though:Love_Icon
How is the baby with the short snout? It usually takes longer to feed them and sometimes they have tooth issues... Make sure that his teeth are not growing into his soft tissue, poor baby. Do you think he will be releasable? Is it too soon to tell? What does the vet think? Bless his heart:Love_Icon
Thank you for taking them in and sharing them.:thankyou
and we need NEW pics!:D

Rodney Ro-Dent
09-28-2009, 02:58 PM
No I only feed them from the little syringes. I use the bottle because it's easier to transport the formula to the chair I sit in to feed them, easier to draw it up into the syringe from, and also so the big thing of formula doesn't sit out so much.
The one would only eat from the bottle at first but I got him over onto the syringe.

I was trying to "potty train" them, and i got them a ferret litter box with ferret litter in it, he's getting it surprisingly enough.

The short snouted one is doing really well, he is actually the bigger of the two and takes the formula from the syringe like a champ. He eats like a hog.
I haven't had time to take them to vet again since the first time when I got the meds. The squirrel vet is a different vet and about an hour away from me. Have a lot going on through the next week or so but will take him in after that to see what the vet thinks about him now that he seems as though he is ok from the congestion thing. what do you think Jackie? Does he look like he has some issues to you? Did you see his ears are all crinkled up?

The smaller of the two just takes the syringe in his mouth and looks at me sort of dazed so I don't know what's up with that, but he is eating the rodent chow, healthy blocks and veggies. Every once in a while he might take one or two mls of formula but he really doesn't seem all that impressed with it. I think he may have some "kitten fur" his fur has sort of an odd texture to it, kind of like a chinchilla.

09-29-2009, 10:08 AM
They are adorable! This pdf link was a godsend when I first got my girls, before I found TSB. On page 3 there is a pretty good picture guide on "aging" squirrels.


Page 4 does written descriptions, and page 5 has pics to help sex squirrels too :D

It was great for a newbie like me. ;)