View Full Version : night feedings

09-21-2009, 11:17 AM
Our boys will be about 8 weeks old next Saturday we are thinking of stopping the late night feeding frenzy at 11:00pm. I know Squirrels go to be at dusk and I am wondering if this is to soon? I am thinking Nutter was about 8-9 weeks when we first got him and he went to be around 7:00 so he didn't get late night feedings.

09-21-2009, 11:31 AM
at 8 weeks i'm feeding 3xday, but i bowl feed also.
next week you could go to 2xday
then the week after that once a day (bowl feed) until release

09-21-2009, 12:11 PM
Do you think it's to early to start some fresh veggies? They are not venturing out of their sleepy sack yet. I wonder how much longer it will be before they start exploring their cage?

TYPO: They will be 6-7 WEEKS next Saturday

09-21-2009, 01:01 PM
you should start them with rodent block first, they can start eating it as soon as their eyes open, i actually put tiny broken pieces in their bed even before their eyes open but at least nearing 5 weeks
so if they are 5 weeks(eyes just opened) they should be fed 5xday a little while to go before you give up the bedtime feeding, sorry
at 6-7 weeks they should be fed 4xday

Do you think it's to early to start some fresh veggies? They are not venturing out of their sleepy sack yet. I wonder how much longer it will be before they start exploring their cage?

TYPO: They will be 6-7 WEEKS next Saturday