View Full Version : Heating Pad??? How long to use?

09-19-2009, 05:52 PM
Hi every one,
Luna is 7 1/2 weeks now and is starting to nibble very little on biscuits and such. Fully furred eyes open and starting to try to sit up and get around. I just moved her into a small cage to get her moving.
I haven't had a heating pad under half of this cage all day and she seems to be ok and feels warm when I unroll her little body from sleeping. Does she still need the heat at any time ?
If this has been covered sorry I didn't see it. Just want to be sure she will be ok tonight.
Thank you

09-19-2009, 05:58 PM
Hi every one,
Luna is 7 1/2 weeks now and is starting to nibble very little on biscuits and such. Fully furred eyes open and starting to try to sit up and get around. I just moved her into a small cage to get her moving.
I haven't had a heating pad under half of this cage all day and she seems to be ok and feels warm when I unroll her little body from sleeping. Does she still need the heat at any time ?
If this has been covered sorry I didn't see it. Just want to be sure she will be ok tonight.
Thank you
When I move mine from smaller cages (about four cubic feet) to larger ones (16 cu. feet) at about 6-7 weeks, they no longer have a heating pad. They can do without one once their fully furred and eyes open, but I let them have it a few weeks after because they seem to like it :D

09-19-2009, 07:44 PM
Thank you for responding. I really needed an answer and a lot of times don't get one. I appreciate it. I will let her sleep without tonight. She has done well today sleeping in the cage she was moved to. I usually have her in a plastic covered basket with fleece in in for lining and branches and things. She is curled on a shelf not really under any of the blankets now and seems ok.
I am in Ca and it is 90 today. The room she is in stays warm in the day, but not real cold at night here so she should be ok.