View Full Version : Freezing Pedialyte?
Rodney Ro-Dent
09-18-2009, 01:50 PM
When Rodney first found me, I had to buy a whole thing of Pedialyte for one squirrel. Of course, the better part of it ended up wasted.
I saw some suggestions on another thread for freezing the formula, can Pedialyte be frozen in small increments so that there is less waste, or does freezing "ruin" it?
Jackie in Tampa
09-18-2009, 02:05 PM
Yes it can be frozen!
09-18-2009, 02:10 PM
I always pour mine into 6 containers when I first open it and freeze 5 of them and keep one in the fridge for the guys that need it right then. I will keep it up to 1 week in the fridge and freeze it until its expiration date (usually a couple years, but I use it up way sooner than that). Just make sure that you do NOT dunk the syringe in the pedialyte or do anything else that could let germs and bacteria in. I pour mine straight into the containers and freeze it.
Rodney Ro-Dent
09-18-2009, 03:06 PM
Thank you so much. That stuff is kind of expensive so it's good to know we can make it last a little longer.
Keep your fingers crossed for one of the four I just got. He isn't doing well, and it doesn't look good. I am pedialyting him about every hour and he is just puky looking.
09-18-2009, 04:17 PM
I went to a drug store and purchased about 30 medicine bottles (the kind prescriptions come in) and filled (almost) and froze them (they're liquid proof). They hold about a shot's worth, which for a pinkie is enough to give it the 24-hour rehydration period.
Jackie in Tampa
09-18-2009, 04:45 PM
Thank you so much. That stuff is kind of expensive so it's good to know we can make it last a little longer.
Keep your fingers crossed for one of the four I just got. He isn't doing well, and it doesn't look good. I am pedialyting him about every hour and he is just puky looking.
good luck sweetie
If you make a rice buddy and hold him on it while you feed him, he will stay malkes a difference...and trust me, drop by drop is LIFE and worth all the time you patient, keep him warm, and don't stop loving on him...they need your heartbeat to thrive...:grouphug
sending good vibes to all!
Rodney Ro-Dent
09-18-2009, 05:16 PM
Girl, I actually put a paper towel in my bra and sat here at work with a friggin squirrel in my bra.
He's really tiny, he's barely furred. I've gotten quite a bit of pedialyte in him over the last several hours but his skin is still tenting a bit and he seems to have almost no suck reflex. But I'm trying very hard.
09-18-2009, 05:21 PM
Keep trying with the little guy. I had one that came in grey and cold, wasn't moving much and wouldn't suck down any amount willingly and she is now opening her eyes and doing great. Warmth is the most important thing, if you feed her cold she won't digest.
Penelope's Mom
09-18-2009, 05:42 PM
I thought I was the only one who put my squirrel in my bra! Good to know I'm not alone...I spent days at work with Penelope in my bra. One day a guy was in my office asking me a question and she stretched. Her foot popped out of the neckline of my shirt and the guy jumped straight in the air and ran out of the room! It was so funny!!! What a chicken.
Unfortunately we were found out and I was told to leave the "dirty wild animal" at home from now on...stupid people...grumble grumble....:madd
Sorry to highjack the thread there...good luck with your little baby!
Rodney Ro-Dent
09-18-2009, 06:05 PM
I'm so worried about this little guy. He is so little and weak, I took him out of the carrier since the other three were so much bigger than he and he was getting trompled on and shoved around. I have him in another little box with his own blanket and rice buddy, he seems much more comfortable.
I'm just afraid it may take me so long to hydrate him he may starve?
09-18-2009, 06:16 PM
I freeze pedialyte in ice cube trays and then pop them out and put into freezer ziplocs. When a new baby comes in I just take one out and warm it up.
09-18-2009, 06:17 PM
I'm so worried about this little guy. He is so little and weak, I took him out of the carrier since the other three were so much bigger than he and he was getting trompled on and shoved around. I have him in another little box with his own blanket and rice buddy, he seems much more comfortable.
I'm just afraid it may take me so long to hydrate him he may starve?
You shouldn't give Pedialyte for more than 24 hours. If this baby can't be rehydrated in that time frame it should have had fluids (Lactated Ringers Solution) subqued (injected under skin). Also, do you have a heating pad? The heat needs to be consistent. If not, run to CVS and get one.
Rodney Ro-Dent
09-18-2009, 06:48 PM
I just got these babies today at 1130 so we have a little time to go til the 24 hour mark thank God.
The two are doing very well, they just ate like hogs.
The third one is the one I am the most concerned about and is the youngest. He is barely fully furred and eyes open, but when he curls up I can cup my hand around him and you won't even see him. He's still very weak but he seems to be improving. He is on a rice buddy right now, I had to take him out of the carrier because he was getting manhandled by the other bigger babies, but I check him every 20 minutes, reheat the buddy and give pedialyte. Tonight when I get home he is getting his own carrier and heating pad, the others are big enough they really don't need it. RIght now I am at work so we are kind of making do.
The fourth one is starting to worry me. I noticed when I first got them settled in the carrier that he kept laying on his back with his legs flung out and appeared to be gasping for breath. He is doing much better since I have been pedialyting all day, and he just wolfed down about 4 mls of formula, THANK GOD. He's curling up now and sleeping and seems much more comfortable.
But he is still doing that gasping thing, which is kind of scary. His face also looks different from the others, where they slope down from the forehead to the nostrils, this guys forehead kind of drops off and there is a noticeable "nose" so I'm wondering if there isn't something wrong with him?
Jackie in Tampa
09-18-2009, 07:16 PM
can you post pics?
If you have problems later and no one is on, call me, I am awake alot through out the night. I will Pm my number.
We are here with you!:grouphug
Why do you think baby is gasping? Does his nose appear to have been bloody, is he sneezy, you must go very slow when you feed this one, he will give you his rhythm and you must follow that, do not constantly ppush syringe with him, he must be feed according to his gasping, go very slow.
They all must have constant heat, even if you had 40 all bunched up...heat is a for 12 dollars {I know, more money} you can pick one up at Walgreens on the way home...! If you are going to help babies, you will always need them..I have several again! and they are all going!
With baby sqs..nothing can be put off 'til later...they are too fragile!
:thumbsup You can do this...TSB will help!:grouphug
Rodney Ro-Dent
09-18-2009, 07:40 PM
Jackie you are an angel, I just put your number in my phone.
I've been trying to feed him very very carefully, just small bumps.. whatever happened happened before I got him
he is not gasping anymore, he is sleeping quietly and the other officer in here with me is holding him while I have the littlest one.
I have another heating pad at home, but he was in with the other two on the real heating pad, the littlest one was the one by himself but he is steadily improving thank god.
this one sounds like he is congested and I think I need antibiotics. I noticed he was breathing weird when I first got them but I thought maybe he was stressed but now he sounds stopped up. He also has been sleeping weird on his back with his legs all flung out.
Is there anyone in Jax or surrounding area that can get me some antibiotics for this guy?
Rodney Ro-Dent
09-18-2009, 07:51 PM
Ok my friend has him and he keeps curling up in her hand and wanting to be head down. We just checked him again and there is fluid coming out of his nostrils. Obviously he wants to be head down because it is helping it to drain so we are just letting him be however he is most comfortable for right now.
Jackie in Tampa
09-18-2009, 08:31 PM
hold him upside down with nose toward floor...yes always when you think a sq has aspirated, but usually this needs to be done right after they aspirate..i have PMed you a number and she is waiting for your call!:grouphug
Rodney Ro-Dent
09-18-2009, 08:35 PM
was just trying to get him to eat a little bit
chekcing pm now
Rodney Ro-Dent
09-18-2009, 09:17 PM
have called the on call vet for hidden hills animal hospital where I took ROdney the other day, the vet that sent me to Jax Wildlife Rehab Coalition
maybe he will take pity on us and call me in something
Jackie in Tampa
09-19-2009, 06:42 AM
looking for an update!!!
How are the babies this morning?
Rodney Ro-Dent
09-19-2009, 07:11 AM
Everybody is still with us. It was a very long night here, I was up all night checking on them. The sick one seems to be doing better, and was actually quite hungry. So everybody got a quick snack and rotated on the heating pad, hopefully they have warmed up a bit more and once I get done with the horses et al I'm going to try again. Am getting over to the vets shortly for meds.
The littlest tiny one is still very weak though and I am very worried about him.
Rodney Ro-Dent
09-19-2009, 11:57 AM
So far so good, everybody still with us, have meds just need to make sure of the dosage.
09-19-2009, 12:26 PM
Rodney! I mean no offense here, but if I remember correctly you've raised one squirrel, and now you're talking dosing very small babies with meds. If you saw a vet, he or she should have administered the medications. It's often not a simple process. It's like subqing. Many think it's a simple thing to do, but you have to be able to calculate the maintenance and replenishment amounts per weight, inject the right amounts in the right places and the right way, and so forth. Not doing so, and especially not administering the right dosage of meds in the right manner can have disastrous outcomes. I applaud you for wanting to take care of these babies, but don;t overstep your realm of knowledge and experience, PLEASE!
Rodney Ro-Dent
09-19-2009, 01:07 PM
I do have quite a bit of veterinary experience with various critters, just new to squirrels. I can do subqs and run IVs.
My friend is the head vet tech at a local animal hospital, and her boss was nice enough to allow her to do all the calculations and dosing etc since I am fostering these guys for the wildlife rehab.
Believe me I would not be sticking needles into baby squirrels if I did not feel comfortable with it, nor would my friend or the vet have given me the meds or the equipment with which to do it.
But I know over the internet one never knows who they are dealing with, so I totally understand where you are coming from.
As an aside, I am rethinking my involvement with this rehab group. They don't know me from Adams housecat, handed me 4 squirrels of various ages and sent me on my way, after telling me at 1130 that they had not yet been fed today(!). One was extremely dehydrated, they were all cold, except for the biggest one who is much older than the other two, who are also much older than the littlest dehydrated one. And as of now no one has even bothered to call to see how I"m doing or if I need any help with them etc.
Thank God I am a responsible person, and am the type of person who will do anything within my capabilities to do for an animal in need. Financially I am not a bottomless pit (who is) but I will do what I can within my means. If something happens to any of these guys it won't be because I didn't try.
09-19-2009, 01:25 PM
[QUOTE=Rodney Ro-Dent]
As an aside, I am rethinking my involvement with this rehab group. They don't know me from Adams housecat, handed me 4 squirrels of various ages and sent me on my way, after telling me at 1130 that they had not yet been fed today(!). One was extremely dehydrated, they were all cold, except for the biggest one who is much older than the other two, who are also much older than the littlest dehydrated one. And as of now no one has even bothered to call to see how I"m doing or if I need any help with them etc.
Thank God I am a responsible person, and am the type of person who will do anything within my capabilities to do for an animal in need. QUOTE]
This is a major concern. Again, no offense is intended at all, but this place should have NEVER handed over four (or even one) baby to anyone whom they hadn't confirmed his or her experience and/or trained. This is totally irresponsible.
Thanks for understanding my concern. We too often get people who find babies and suddenly think they're rehabbers, veterinarians, even gods, and the babies die! You've allieviated my worries quite a bit. Thank you.
Rodney Ro-Dent
09-19-2009, 01:40 PM
Yeah, I am less than impressed with this group, although I do want to help.
I was there like 10 minutes, filled out a form, they packed the babies in the carrier gave me a jar of pedialyte and sent me on my way.
I've been very active with our local animal control for years fostering and doing their cruelty investigations and so on, plus have had horses my whole life and lots of dogs and other critters. Also have fostered bunches of weird stuff, the hardest ones so far before the squirrels were a lamb and a pelican.
I totally get where you are coming from, I am on a couple of horse boards that have varying degrees of horsemanship on it and sometimes you give that head banging on desk icon a work out for sure. And you always know with some folks the threads they start will never end well, and they never do.
You should see the littlest weak one, I have been feeding him a teensy bit every hour since that's about all he will take. I have a collared shirt on and he decided to climb up on my shoulder under the collar and go to sleep so I let him stay there. He is so little you can only see his tail hanging out onto my chest. he is really the one I am the most worried about, the one I got the baytril for was just in the carrier running around and playing and he is eating well so I think (hope) he will come around.
i have to admit if they don't ever call me back from that wildlife place I will probably just raise these guys and then do the soft release thing and leave it at that. I don't think I will take them back over there, I doubt they will be missed.
Nancy in New York
09-19-2009, 01:42 PM
I do have quite a bit of veterinary experience with various critters, just new to squirrels. I can do subqs and run IVs.
My friend is the head vet tech at a local animal hospital, and her boss was nice enough to allow her to do all the calculations and dosing etc since I am fostering these guys for the wildlife rehab.
Believe me I would not be sticking needles into baby squirrels if I did not feel comfortable with it, nor would my friend or the vet have given me the meds or the equipment with which to do it.
But I know over the internet one never knows who they are dealing with, so I totally understand where you are coming from.
As an aside, I am rethinking my involvement with this rehab group. They don't know me from Adams housecat, handed me 4 squirrels of various ages and sent me on my way, after telling me at 1130 that they had not yet been fed today(!). One was extremely dehydrated, they were all cold, except for the biggest one who is much older than the other two, who are also much older than the littlest dehydrated one. And as of now no one has even bothered to call to see how I"m doing or if I need any help with them etc.
Thank God I am a responsible person, and am the type of person who will do anything within my capabilities to do for an animal in need. Financially I am not a bottomless pit (who is) but I will do what I can within my means. If something happens to any of these guys it won't be because I didn't try.
I think that reading a little more about you, I would hate for you to leave that group. I know that you are new to this, but at least with you, they would have a better chance than with somebody else that won't try to find the answers and you do appear to have the squirrels best interest at heart...I don't know if that group cares who gets the babies. I know that 4 may be a bit much to handle, and then to give you 2 sickly ones on top of that, is overwhelming. I would hate for you to turn your back on that group because you may be the only thing standing in between life and death for these babies...thanks for caring and if you need any help, we are here...I just don't know if this is the spot to continue to post...perhaps back up to the help needed..non life threatening...more people will look there as opposed to the freezing pedialyte....:)
Rodney Ro-Dent
09-19-2009, 01:50 PM
Thank you Nancy. I do want to help but, well I don't know, that group has made me say hmmmmmm. We'll see, once these guys go on to their lives, if they call me or contact me again
I don't think it's necessarily that they don't care who gets the babies, but the overall impression I got was that as a whole they are very overwhelmed there at the center I went to. Maybe that is only temporary but it wasn't that great a first impression.
I've had several vets in the last few days call me about squirrels that people have brought in, but I just can't take anymore while I have these. If all I had to do was foster, maybe, but.......
So I guess word has spread and I don't think there will be any shortage of squirrels or other critters that's for sure.
somehow this thread got sidetracked when we started talking about this little weak baby (which was why I asked about the pedialyte) and the congested one :) but that's ok
I think I have pretty much done what I can do for both of them, and just have to keep on keepin on and hope they continue to improve
I have to say that last night was a very scary night, I was so worried about the congested baby and it was obvious he was trying to breathe, and there was really nothing I could do but comfort him and keep him warm and love him. He never stopped eating though.
this little tiny baby almost looks like a brooch on my shirt, it is too cute
Nancy in New York
09-19-2009, 02:17 PM
They do have a way of getting into your heart don't they? Good luck with all of them...I think a lot of people are overloaded in Florida...very heavy with squirrel sad...Did you post a picture yet of you new gang?
Rodney Ro-Dent
09-19-2009, 02:33 PM
I have a whole new perspective on squirrels after Rodney. I have always been an animal person, and loved and enjoyed all animals (but not snakes so much)
He was one of the coolest critters I have ever known. He taught me so much, and we had so much fun together, and I enjoyed him so much in the short time he was with me it is unreal. And the void he has left is just massive. For such a little critter to leave such a big hole in my life and in my heart really surprised me.
I just have to take solace in knowing that he would have had no life at all if we hadn't got him from my rottie, and that the life he did have was full of food, fun and love.
And i never realized how gorgeous their tails are, since we never really get close enough to wild squirrels to really see it. I got the most beautiful picture of him the day before he died. He was on the back of my couch looking out the window and his tail was HUGE. I took a picture of him from behind that is stunning. I plan to blow it up and frame it when I can look at it without crying.
(i just made it my avatar and my profile pic)
I do plan to get pics of the new ones, I just got them thursday morning and have been so busy taking care of them along with the horses and dogs, and working that I haven't had a chance. But once everyone seems to be out of the woods I"ll get some pics.
pamela lee
09-19-2009, 04:45 PM
Do any of these babies have their eyes open yet? I was asking cause I read earlier where you said some of them don't need the heat any more. Babies must be on a heating pad untill their eyes open, in fact I keep a heating pad with mine untill a week after their eyes are open. Baby squirrels have a normal body temp a little higher then ours so mine are NEVER off the heating pad unless it is to eat and then I have them wrapped in fleece. With sick babies letting them curl up and sleep on us can even cause them to chill so please be careful when letting the bitties out of their nursery.
Rodney Ro-Dent
09-19-2009, 05:24 PM
Yes everybody has their eyes open. One of the squirrels is quite a bit older than the others, he is pretty much ready to go to the outside cage. He's in Rodney's house cage now, I will probably put him in the outside cage on Tuesday when I'm off work and home to keep an eye on him so he's ok
The other two are smaller, the congested one today weighed 3.5 oz, we didn't weigh the other one but he is a bit bigger. They are both on a heating pad and the congested one is doing much better today and resting much more comfortably.
The little teeny weak one has his eyes open but he is very small. He is just barely furred, and I can completely cover the top of my head with my thumb. He is very very weak and not real eager to eat, although I have been able to get little drops of formula in him every half hour or so. He is on his rice buddy in my lap right now, he was in my shirt most of the day. He also sleeps by himself on his own heating pad because the other two bigger babies were being quite rude to him since he is so weak.
This is the one I am the most concerned about, I am getting worried that he may not make it, but hoping that if I can just support him til he gets stronger he may come out of it. He is just so teeny and helpless, I can tell he has not given up the fight yet so as long as he is fighting I will fight with him.
09-19-2009, 05:29 PM
Yes everybody has their eyes open. One of the squirrels is quite a bit older than the others, he is pretty much ready to go to the outside cage. He's in Rodney's house cage now, I will probably put him in the outside cage on Tuesday when I'm off work and home to keep an eye on him so he's ok
I have very large release areas/cages myself, and I don't put them in the outdoor release cages until about 12-14 weeks old, then let them wild up for 3-4 weeks before releasing. They need to be fully coordinated before they go into anything large enough for them to fall and hurt themselves.
Rodney Ro-Dent
09-19-2009, 05:43 PM
That biggest one probably is around 12 weeks old. He's almost as big as Rodney was, but obviously not as well fed.
Rodney Ro-Dent
09-19-2009, 06:00 PM
RIP the little teeny squirrel. He put up a valiant fight but in spite of his and my untiring efforts to get him through it he just passed away in my hands a few minutes ago.
09-19-2009, 06:07 PM
RIP the little teeny squirrel. He put up a valiant fight but in spite of his and my untiring efforts to get him through it he just passed away in my hands a few minutes ago.
I'm terribly sorry, RRD. This is the hardest part. Goodbye, little one.
Rodney Ro-Dent
09-19-2009, 06:17 PM
Thanks PB. He wasn't in good shape when I got him but I really thought I could turn it around. He was so little. Sigh.
But the good news is the one that was congested is doing so very much better. His breathing sounds better, he is friskier, and there is less clicking in his chest, so I am very pleased about that.
09-19-2009, 07:10 PM
R.I.P. little one :Love_Icon
Do you have a pic of the 12 week old squirrel? I thought Rodney was about 6 weeks old, I could be wrong, my apologies if I mixed you up with a different squirrel, I kind of out to lunch these days (
Rodney Ro-Dent
09-19-2009, 08:47 PM
I don't have any pictures of the new guys yet, I've been working and two of them were kind of in bad shape so I've been tied up caring for them and procuring meds etc.
We found Rodney, or I guess he found us, on August 18th. His one eye was open and the other opened two days later, which would make him around 7 or 8 weeks old according to most of what I have read.
He died on Sept 17, which would have made him around 11-12 weeks old. I know, the time went by way too fast for me too, I wish I had known it would be so short. Or maybe it's better that i didn't.
I'm working the next few days but plan to get pics of the remaining squirrels soon. The congested one is doing much better now, and eating very well.
here's a link to Rodney Pics:
09-19-2009, 09:09 PM
We found Rodney, or I guess he found us, on August 18th. His one eye was open and the other opened two days later, which would make him around 7 or 8 weeks old according to most of what I have read.
He died on Sept 17, which would have made him around 11-12 weeks old. I know, the time went by way too fast for me too, I wish I had known it would be so short. Or maybe it's better that i didn't.
If he was just opening his eyes, he would have been around 4-5 weeks old. Try to be patient and keep these babies in smaller cages and on formula until they look like--well--"real squirrels." They need to be well-developed, strong, coordinated, and darting around their smaller cages like crazy before putting them in a large release cage.
Rodney Ro-Dent
09-19-2009, 09:19 PM
I can do that, no problem. I'm not in a hurry with them at all. I just used the age thing on Chris' site to try to approximate with Rodney.
We had just started with Rodney the night before putting him in the bigger cage by the barn for a couple of hours while I was out there cleaning the barn so he could get some fresh air and sunlight. I had brought him that night because we didn't think he was ready to be out there for a) long periods, or b) unsupervised, or c) overnight. A lot of good it did me, he slipped and fell right in front of me.
Rodney was still getting formula (15 mls 2x a day) and got it that morning, although he had started to be less interested in it and more interested in the Henry's blocks and chow and such.
This bigger squirrel that I have now I think has been in a cat carrier his whole life so far. He was going nuts in there last night. He's in Rodneys bigger inside cage now and seems much happier and more relaxed.
These other two are still in the cat carrier, they are quiet and seem ok with it.
Rodney Ro-Dent
09-19-2009, 09:29 PM
Do any of these babies have their eyes open yet? I was asking cause I read earlier where you said some of them don't need the heat any more. Babies must be on a heating pad untill their eyes open, in fact I keep a heating pad with mine untill a week after their eyes are open. Baby squirrels have a normal body temp a little higher then ours so mine are NEVER off the heating pad unless it is to eat and then I have them wrapped in fleece. With sick babies letting them curl up and sleep on us can even cause them to chill so please be careful when letting the bitties out of their nursery.
That was when Rodney was getting bigger and I was wondering when they could self thermoregulate so I asked how long they needed an external heat source, since I had no idea and God forbid that he should have been cold in his hammock with his fleece blanket and toys (sad smile).
He was getting tired of the cat carrier and I was trying to figure out a way to hook up some heat in the bigger cage and was getting quite creative :)
but he wasn't getting spoiled or anything. LOL
He taught me so much.
Jackie in Tampa
09-21-2009, 07:10 AM
Hello...looking for update on the wittle babies!:wave123
Sorry you lost one.
RIP little one
Rodney Ro-Dent
09-21-2009, 12:30 PM
Hi Jackie!
Yes I lost the little teensy one, he was so little and behind the 8 ball when I got him. I really thought we had pulled him out of it, but unfortunately he didn't make it. :(
the one we spoke about with the congestion is doing GREAT! He and his crate mate were just in there fighting over a Henry's Healthy Block, that they LOVE. I brought enough for everyone so now they are in separate corners.
The biggest squirrel out of this group is staying home now in the inside cage and he seems much happier there.
I'm actually about to post another thread about the congested one, probably in this same forum. I'll be interested to see what folks say.
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