View Full Version : Where can you find the Wild Foods?

09-17-2009, 03:20 PM
If you don't have the wild food suggested around your home or if you're not sure if they've had chemicals used on them, is there somewhere you could buy them like online or something? My DH is a hunter, so in Jan. I could get the antlers possibly. He hunts for meat not Big Horns like most sick guys! :shakehead Seeing as how it's coming to the fall season around here in MS I won't have much of the wild foods listed and I see it says to give those daily.
Also the branches for them to have in their cages I have some apple, pear, and pecan trees near me would any of those be toxic?

09-17-2009, 04:21 PM
hi: i've no idea about wild foods for them but apple branches are safe as long as they've never been sprayed with anything. :)

09-17-2009, 04:21 PM
I only know that applewood is 100 % OK, not sure about the rest.

I often wonder and wonder if maple wood is OK. I heard that peach wood is toxic. if someone can confirm please?? thanks!

09-17-2009, 04:56 PM
I believe the common fruitwoods--apple, orange, pear, etc.--are fine. Maple, pine, hickory, and oak are fine. Poplar should be okay. Also magnolia branches and cones. All parts of the hibiscus are good--the branches, leaves, buds, and flowers. Bottlebrush flowers are good. Pine cones are a favorite (closed cones).

If you can list the trees/bushes in your yard, we can figure out which ones are okay.

09-17-2009, 05:36 PM
Well my yard is kinda bare! I have family in neighbors with magnolia trees, and we live around so many wooded areas, I love hiking and I could look around we have abundant pine trees maple trees too I would just have to make sure which one I'm looking at. My mother lives right in front of me and she has a big silver maple that had to be cut down b/c its right next to her house and started leaning when it got struck my lightning but my mom is a round up spraying fanatic and I don't trust stuff from her yard! There are a lot of nurseries around are they okay to go to for some trees and plants? Thank you guys for replying not many did in my introduction.:wave123

Jackie in Tampa
09-17-2009, 05:41 PM
I watch and see what the wilds are eating, and I look under the trees, if I see pcs of tree on ground, chances are they are safe and sq yummies!
:Welcome sorry if we didn't give a proper welcome...
:Welcome :Welcome :Welcome :Welcome :Welcome :Welcome :Welcome :Welcome :D

09-17-2009, 06:27 PM
That's okay! Thanks Jackie! I actually don't have my sfs yet i'm sending my deposit off to Helen's Little Critter's tomorrow. I've spoken off and on with Vanette about them and all so I feel as though I'm ready for one to own me, lol! I will be joining the "force" as HOF soon! :wott