View Full Version : Amber sunbathing in the cage

09-15-2009, 02:59 PM
This is Sky's wife. I took some pic of Amber today and she was SUPER cute in pics.
Take a look!

#1 She loves sunbathing like that. CUTE =)
#2 Amber taking a nap in the pouch I made for her. SUPER CUTE, isn't she???

09-15-2009, 03:01 PM
Awww, too cute! We call that first pose the 'pancake'...It's great isn't it? :Love_Icon

If you are planning to release her, don't let her get too friendly with your cat. She needs to recognize that most cats are a threat & to be avoided. (Sorry, don't mean to dampen your enjoyment! It is very sweet, but not in her best interest if she's going to be wild one day.)

Keep up the pics! We love watching the babies grow!! :Love_Icon

09-15-2009, 03:11 PM
I was trying cats get used the baby smell. They can't stay in the same room with Amber cuz she is scared and upset. One is getting better, but still the other one isn't.
But you've got the point. Thanks.
And we're not planning on release here. She's stuck with us forever!! (I hope... I wouldn't say never cuz we never know what Amber would want when she's all grown up.)

Nancy in New York
09-15-2009, 03:50 PM
Well she is one little doll for sure...
I see that you have her outside...I also don't want to sound like a nag, but please don't put her in direct sun. On a cool day, you can put her part in and part out of the sun...just make sure that she has shade to get into, and I don't mean a squirrel box since they can overheat.
Keep up the great work with her...she sure is precious....thanks for posting and keep sending those pictures....:grouphug

09-15-2009, 04:01 PM
She's not outside. She's in that cage we built(I'm sure my husband posted a pic of it, but I attach it again to show you). It has casters so we pull it right by screen door to let her get enough sun. And we know that she needs shade, so it's not all the way out under the sun.

Nancy in New York
09-15-2009, 04:57 PM
WOW...what a beautiful cage. Fantastic job!!!!!:thumbsup

luvs squirrels
09-15-2009, 10:09 PM
Great cage and she is adorable.

09-15-2009, 10:47 PM
ooohhh very nice cage!! nice room too!!!

I was also worried about the sun because just a few months ago one of the young squirrels on this board got sun stroke - in just a few minutes - and died - the adopted mother was so grief-stricken it was heartbreaking. And so it's just one more thing to worry about.:grouphug

Amber is beautiful!!! and i love the name too.

She's a little princess:Love_Icon

pamela lee
09-15-2009, 10:57 PM
I was trying cats get used the baby smell. They can't stay in the same room with Amber cuz she is scared and upset. One is getting better, but still the other one isn't.
But you've got the point. Thanks.
And we're not planning on release here. She's stuck with us forever!! (I hope... I wouldn't say never cuz we never know what Amber would want when she's all grown up.)
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't try to make her and the cats get used to eachother. Squirrels are a prey species and they by instinct are afraid of cats and other predators, that's why she's scared and upset. Cats (even indoor pets) carry a deadly bacteria in their saliva that is lethal to a squirrel, they MUST be kept apart.

09-16-2009, 12:26 AM
The one being upset and scared is a CAT, not Amber. Cats are scared of the smell and act funny since we brought Amber in home. As I said, one act normal, but the other doesn't want to come downstairs where the cage's at.
And we know about bacteria cat carries. Don't worry.

09-16-2009, 01:01 AM

I didn't know she could get sun stroke that quick. I'll watch her carefully.

How about being warm? I give her a warm rice bag at night(I saw I could use a sock of rice and microwave it) but she reject it. well, happened once, normally she sleeps on it. maybe I heated it up too much that night or she was hot??(I microwave a rice bag about 1min.)
just wondering she could get stroke being too warm ..

Nancy in New York
09-16-2009, 01:42 AM
No, if she is in with a rice buddy or heating pad and she has a place to escape the warmth, she will be fine. Heat stroke would be from the outdoor heat where there is no escape if her cage was put in the sun...You are fine keeping her inside near the window, just make sure that it is never too warm in the cage from the outdoor temperatures...:thumbsup

09-16-2009, 09:23 AM
If you are keeping your sweetie beyond weaning, make sure you have the diet rules down good, otherwise she could get MBD, which is deadly. SHe looks like a precious furry little bundle. Adorable!

09-19-2009, 07:23 PM
If you are keeping your sweetie beyond weaning, make sure you have the diet rules down good, otherwise she could get MBD, which is deadly. SHe looks like a precious furry little bundle. Adorable!

Thanks!!! SHE IS ..... SOOOOOOO Cute!! =))

ya, I really worry about that. I'm been giving her little piece of fresh vegetable everyday between formula, but I know it wouldn't be enough. I'm going to make squirrel blocks next week.

My baby's very active, looks healthy, play all day(never quiet), enjoy her treat(vegetables). I play with her more than an hour everyday in the room I don't use, which she can do whatever she wants.
By the way, she's now 160g. on 8th, she was only 115g!! She's getting heavier which makes me happy!!!