View Full Version : Petrie is sick!

09-15-2009, 10:21 AM
In the last 48 hours my little gray squirrel (approx. 7-8 weeks old) has gotten very lethargic, has diarrhea, and doesn't want to eat the esbilac formula. This morning his eyes are closed, he is clicking off and on when he breaths, and he just wants to curl into a ball and sleep. He also is not moving when he urinates/defecates, so he is soaking himself in his own waste. I am looking into possibly sending him to a rehabber, but what can I do in the meantime?? Please help!! I live in a state where squirrels are not allowed as pets, so I can't bring him to the vet. I feel awful; I know that I've done something wrong. His nose has also been a little gunky, which I've been gently clearing away with a tissue.

island rehabber
09-15-2009, 10:24 AM
This sounds like aspiration pneumonia. Keep him VERY WARM and don't try to feed him anything else. Please PM me now and tell me what part of PA you are in, maybe there is a rehabber near you. He MUST MUST get antibiotics immediately.

island rehabber
09-15-2009, 10:27 AM
I believe you are already in contact with rippie-n-lilgirlsmom? Or you have her contact info? CALL HER! :thumbsup:thumbsup

Jackie in Tampa
09-15-2009, 10:34 AM
IR is right! sounds like aspiration pneumonia!
Please contact Rippie.
These little ones go down hill fast. It is in his best interest to not delay in finding him help. I hope Rippie is close enough and that she can help!
hang in there Petrie...:grouphug
Good Luck to ALL!:grouphug

09-15-2009, 10:52 AM
Will be in contact with Rippie shortly. I put Petrie back into the little shoe box he was in when I first got him. He curled right up and seems happier; his eyes opened and he nudged my hand with his nose. I have to go in to work now, and hate leaving knowing that he's so sick!! Silly, what we feel for these little guys. Thank you all for your support. It means a lot to Petrie and I.

09-15-2009, 10:53 AM
Rippie is 2 hours away, but is getting ready to call you.
I pray you can work something out to get Petrie some help. :grouphug

09-15-2009, 12:01 PM
What part of PA are you in. I am in Northeast Ohio, about 45 minutes from Erie PA.

09-15-2009, 12:17 PM
I talked to Rippie (who is the NICEST person!) --- if Petrie does well through the night (fingers crossed!) I may be able to send him with my boyfriend's father to work tomorrow. Just so happens his work is about an hour away from Rippie, so it would be meeting half way. Just have to convince a gun toting, animal hunting guy that he should go out of his way to bring a baby squirrel to work with him.... hmmmm.

In the meantime, Petrie seems to be holding in there. The clicking has stopped (for now, at least) and he is all snuggled in. I put him next to the window so he can see the sun. I figured if it's his time, he should at least be able to see the outdoors.

Is there anything else I should do? He hasn't really eaten anything in about 12-16 hours. I have him some pedyalite this morning and it seemed to perk him up a little, but I'm afraid to give him anymore in case he does have pneumonia. He looks like he is getting very dehydrated.


EDIT: S&B -- thank you for the offer to help, but I'm in Southeast PA... about as far across the state as I can get from you, I'm afraid!

09-15-2009, 12:20 PM
Am I correct that you work with animals? Do you have access to Baytril?

09-15-2009, 12:53 PM
I hate to sounds like a nag, but his pnemonia sounds advanced to me if he is discharging from his nose. Is there any way you can drive him to her today. They can turn downhill very quickly, and he needs to get treated very quickly.

09-15-2009, 01:10 PM
Unfortunately, there is no way I can drive there today. I am a barn manager and riding instructor -- I can't cancel my lessons. Added to that, the boss is away and has requested that I stay on the premises 24/7 until she returns. I love Petrie, but don't want to put my job in jeopardy.

I do work with animals and may be able to get some baytril. Possibly this is something my equine vet would have..? I'll make a few phone calls.

EDIT: I do have access to SMZ's (Sulfamethoxazole Trimethoprim) which treat infections/bacterial problems in horses. Is this in anyway similar to baytril?

09-15-2009, 01:23 PM
I do believe that SMZ will work. Give Rippie a call & she should be able to help with dosing.

EDIT: Have the smz handy so you can tell her strength, etc.
Baytril is available by scrip for dogs/cats....any vet should be able to get you some.

Nancy in New York
09-15-2009, 05:01 PM
Hope that all is goiing well with this one...I fear the worst for this baby if not gotten the proper care...
They can go downhill so very fast...are we still working on trying to get this one to a rehabber that can give it the medical attention he needs....:dono :dono

09-15-2009, 09:09 PM
So, here's the latest:

IR called her & it was discovered that the SMZ was horse dose & too difficult to dilute for squirrels.

Since then, Rippie spoke with her & BHG was able to get Baytril from one of her vets! :wahoo

:thankyou BHG for taking this seriously & doing what you could to get meds for him. You will see improvement very quickly!

:thankyou Rippie & IR for making calls & jumping in where I don't dare to tread!

I don't know what will happen next, but am hoping that BHG & Rippie can hook up soon. Little Petrie needs some siblings to grow with!!

Keep us posted, bayhorsegirl! :thumbsup

island rehabber
09-15-2009, 11:06 PM
thank GOD she's getting some Baytril! If the squirrel is already in pneumonia symptoms I don't mess around with SMZ..it's not strong enough. And anyway, can you imagine me trying to figure out the dosage for a tiny squirrel from SMZ that was sixteen times the strength of what is recommended for squirrels? Me, of all people....not going there, no sirree Bob.....:nono

Jackie in Tampa
09-16-2009, 06:42 AM
:thumbsup gotta love baytril!
Sending speedy recovery prayers! :Love_Icon

09-16-2009, 12:23 PM
So, has this little guy gotten some professional help yet??:dono

Thoughts coming your way!! :grouphug