View Full Version : Where do I go to get a rehabbers liscense?--IL
09-12-2009, 01:32 PM
Tne internet is just confusing me. Does anyone have the IL site where I can find where I have to go to obtain my rehabbers liscense?
I would very much like to get one because I love animals.
Does it cost anything?
09-12-2009, 09:01 PM
Do you have a department of wildlife in your state? Like here it is The department of Fish and Wildlife. Call them and they will give you all the info you need. Hope this helps:)
09-15-2009, 09:17 PM
I'm from Illinois and trying to find the same thing out. If I find the answer I will send you a personal message. Could you do the same if you find out? Thank you, Renee
09-15-2009, 10:05 PM
Tne internet is just confusing me. Does anyone have the IL site where I can find where I have to go to obtain my rehabbers liscense?
I would very much like to get one because I love animals.
Does it cost anything?
I don't know about IL, but in most states a rehabbers license is not something you just go out and get. In Fl either you have to pass a test showing you know at least the basics for different species (including the laws) or you have to have 1000 documented hours of volunteering with a licensed rehabber. I accumulated over 4000 hours before I finally applied for mine because I wanted the hands-on experience. It's one thing to be given a relatively healthy orphaned baby to raise and quite another to be handed a car hit adult, dog or cat chewed baby or adult, a maggot-infested, extremely emaciated baby, somebody's "pet" that suffers from nutritional deficiencies, and so forth. And these animals can be any species--raccoons, foxes, opossums, raptors, song birds, reptiles . . . (at least, in FL you can't refuse to accept an animal. You can refer a person to another rehabber, but if one is on your doorstep you can't turn it away). If you're committed, I applaud you! As far as what it costs--very little to get the license, but thousands each year for food, supplies, medicines, vet bills, equipment, cages . . ., and the cost is even greater when it comes to your "free time" (you'll have none), your relationships, the amount of sleep you get, how well you do your "real job," and even your health.
09-16-2009, 01:01 AM
It's almost 12:00 my time (alarm is set for 4:30), and as I was giving the last feeding to 15 squirrels it occurred to me that I had forgotten the biggest expense of rehabbing: the emotional toll. Not only do you have the privilege of saving lives, you also must endure the pain of losing lives after sometimes only hours but often days, even weeks or months, of caring for these beings, loving them, investing your best hopes for their survival, even trying to will them to get better, and despite your best efforts, you lose one. It dies in your hands, and you hold it and cry over it as it takes its last breath. Then you have to find a place in your yard (at least I do) to lay this precious being to rest. You stand alone with shovel in hand, turning over that first shovel full of earth and wonder what you might have done wrong, what you could have done better, why after all those hours or days or weeks this baby had to die. Even worse, sometimes you have to make the decision to end the life of an animal you've come to love. You have to love it enough to end its immediate suffering or the suffering it would endure the rest of its life if it did continue to live. It wears on you.
09-17-2009, 09:05 PM
I was hoping for some commiseration here :D Sorry--it was late, and I was feeling a bit run down.
09-21-2009, 07:10 PM
Oh course I didn't expect to just go pick one up!!! My goodness, why would you 'assume' I thought that! Anyone that can answer the question, "HOW DOES ONE GO ABOUT GETTING A REHABBERS LICENSE IN ILLINOIS" wins the most helpful person award! and I've been to all the links and emailed a number of people. Illinois has a beautiful site for the Department of Natural Resources. It would take me a few seconds how to figure out how to go about getting a license to shoot animals. Still searching. I will find the answer!
pamela lee
09-21-2009, 08:58 PM
Have you tried contacting this person.
How do I become a wildlife rehabilitator in Illinois?
To become a licensed wildlife rehabilitator in Illinois you must have a permit from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Contact Laura Kammin at for more information.
09-22-2009, 12:27 AM
Oh course I didn't expect to just go pick one up!!! My goodness, why would you 'assume' I thought that! Anyone that can answer the question, "HOW DOES ONE GO ABOUT GETTING A REHABBERS LICENSE IN ILLINOIS" wins the most helpful person award! and I've been to all the links and emailed a number of people. Illinois has a beautiful site for the Department of Natural Resources. It would take me a few seconds how to figure out how to go about getting a license to shoot animals. Still searching. I will find the answer!
Please don't get defensive. If you want to become a rehabilitator, I'm behind you 100%. We don't have enough of them for certain. The initial post, however ("Does anyone have the IL site where I can find where I have to go to obtain my rehabbers liscense?") by a person who has had experience with one squirrel (and I'm not criticizing her love and good intentions) suggested at least to me that getting a rehabbers license/permit was akin to going to get a fishing license. A more comforting question would have been "How does one become a rehabilitator?" or "I'm thinking I want to be a rehabilitator, so what should I do, how should I go about it, what's involved?"
09-22-2009, 06:31 PM
I got a response from one of my emails....that she was forewarding my note on to someone else.....
Hoping to find out someday here!
Rehabbing is a lot of work, so I'm not really looking for my next set of squirrels, but it seems once the animals know I help out, they tell all their friends, and they tell their friends, etc. : ) That's how I ended up with 6 cats! I want to be prepared for all the knocking on my door. It would also be great if I would have direct access to a vet.
09-23-2009, 06:25 AM
I got a response from one of my emails....that she was forewarding my note on to someone else.....
Hoping to find out someday here!
Rehabbing is a lot of work, so I'm not really looking for my next set of squirrels, but it seems once the animals know I help out, they tell all their friends, and they tell their friends, etc. : ) That's how I ended up with 6 cats! I want to be prepared for all the knocking on my door. It would also be great if I would have direct access to a vet.
Once you get your permit (if you find out how and choose to), you will not just have it for the occassional animal you find, it will be published in a book for all the other licensed rehabilitators to see and if there is a baby near you, they will refer the person to you. So, if you get it, you have to be ready to help :D . If you tell them you just want it to care for animals you find, I doubt they will give you a permit.
island rehabber
09-23-2009, 07:21 AM
MOS: I'm a pretty good internet searcher, but unfortunately I failed several times to come up with a link for those of you in Illinois who want info on the wildlife rehab license :dono
PBJ2: had I not been out last night at a rehearsal I would have most definitely commiserated with you about everything you said and more. If we were not all half crazy and hooked on those successes we do enjoy, we could never put up with the down side of rehabbing. In a way, it takes a bit of coldness...a clinical approach, deep down....the understanding that nature giveth and nature taketh away and we can't change that or micro-manage it. It ain't Disney, that's for sure.
09-23-2009, 07:54 PM
Well, thank you for trying to find the link island rehabber and squirrels & bunnies,too for preparing me for what might come if I do pursue a license! I'd just like to get the info, at least, and go from there. We'll see. My 16 year old is a job and a half alone (single mom).....then there's work, and I'm a teacher to boot! :thinking
11-27-2010, 04:28 AM
That's some strange spammin'....
11-27-2010, 10:00 AM
Hi Guys. Licensed IL rehabber here. In Illinois there are no classes. There is no test. I'm work 1 day a week out of the DNR offices and they showed me the ropes. OK. Illinois Wildlife rehabbing falls under DNR. The website is clunky - but here his the pricelist. I think you still need to call IL DNR in Springfield and they will mail you the questionaire.
The permit is reissued yearly. DNR is very short staffed and so are the Conservation police (as are the Wildlife removal folks - animal rights are non existant here - I'm a Humane Investigator here too) so they are in great need of rehabbers.
Most important is a good relationship with a vet that will write a letter to DNR on your behalf. Then you need to have a Rehabber contact to call to help you along. When I started 2 lovely ladies were my lifeline on my first year - showing me the ropes (via phone). I have a few contacts families that are under me - they just do squirrels - but are great when I'm overloaded.
Yes, and remember if you are liscensed you will be on this list and you will get all calls.
Illinois is so short handed with urban sprawl and the lack of communication - rehabbers are so needed. I find all the time folks out here (the police) just killing wildlife when its in the way. I know my local animal control and my local vets were pleased as punch when they found out I was ready to take orphans. Email me with any questions. I love to help - and yes - remember lack of sleep and expense are big considerations. I am lucky that as the word has gotten out bit by bit local shelters are sharing their Esbilac (its amazing) .
Hope I could help. Illinois needs help for squirrels and coonies and many of the folks on the list are so helpful.
11-27-2010, 01:39 PM
Hi Guys. Licensed IL rehabber here. In Illinois there are no classes. There is no test. I'm work 1 day a week out of the DNR offices and they showed me the ropes. OK. Illinois Wildlife rehabbing falls under DNR. The website is clunky - but here his the pricelist. I think you still need to call IL DNR in Springfield and they will mail you the questionaire.
The permit is reissued yearly. DNR is very short staffed and so are the Conservation police (as are the Wildlife removal folks - animal rights are non existant here - I'm a Humane Investigator here too) so they are in great need of rehabbers.
Most important is a good relationship with a vet that will write a letter to DNR on your behalf. Then you need to have a Rehabber contact to call to help you along. When I started 2 lovely ladies were my lifeline on my first year - showing me the ropes (via phone). I have a few contacts families that are under me - they just do squirrels - but are great when I'm overloaded.
Yes, and remember if you are liscensed you will be on this list and you will get all calls.
Illinois is so short handed with urban sprawl and the lack of communication - rehabbers are so needed. I find all the time folks out here (the police) just killing wildlife when its in the way. I know my local animal control and my local vets were pleased as punch when they found out I was ready to take orphans. Email me with any questions. I love to help - and yes - remember lack of sleep and expense are big considerations. I am lucky that as the word has gotten out bit by bit local shelters are sharing their Esbilac (its amazing) .
Hope I could help. Illinois needs help for squirrels and coonies and many of the folks on the list are so helpful.
:thumbsup :alright.gif
Honestly I think taking a class and testing are easier than what we do here.
You have to get your chops first.
11-27-2010, 01:49 PM
I agree. I so wish we had classes and tests. It would save so much wasted effort and confusion. I was very lucky to meet some other DNR rehabbers, have DNR Wildlife Biologist friends, and a USFS Wildlife Biologist cousin that held my hand and are still there at all times.
11-27-2010, 01:58 PM
I agree. I so wish we had classes and tests. It would save so much wasted effort and confusion. I was very lucky to meet some other DNR rehabbers, have DNR Wildlife Biologist friends, and a USFS Wildlife Biologist cousin that held my hand and are still there at all times.
It's what you know AND who you know.... all the area rehabber I talk to here are on burnout mode
we are emailing each other silly! :rotfl
11-27-2010, 03:20 PM
Hi Guys. Licensed IL rehabber here. In Illinois there are no classes. There is no test. I'm work 1 day a week out of the DNR offices and they showed me the ropes. OK. Illinois Wildlife rehabbing falls under DNR. The website is clunky - but here his the pricelist. I think you still need to call IL DNR in Springfield and they will mail you the questionaire.
The permit is reissued yearly. DNR is very short staffed and so are the Conservation police (as are the Wildlife removal folks - animal rights are non existant here - I'm a Humane Investigator here too) so they are in great need of rehabbers.
Most important is a good relationship with a vet that will write a letter to DNR on your behalf. Then you need to have a Rehabber contact to call to help you along. When I started 2 lovely ladies were my lifeline on my first year - showing me the ropes (via phone). I have a few contacts families that are under me - they just do squirrels - but are great when I'm overloaded.
Yes, and remember if you are liscensed you will be on this list and you will get all calls.
Illinois is so short handed with urban sprawl and the lack of communication - rehabbers are so needed. I find all the time folks out here (the police) just killing wildlife when its in the way. I know my local animal control and my local vets were pleased as punch when they found out I was ready to take orphans. Email me with any questions. I love to help - and yes - remember lack of sleep and expense are big considerations. I am lucky that as the word has gotten out bit by bit local shelters are sharing their Esbilac (its amazing) .
Hope I could help. Illinois needs help for squirrels and coonies and many of the folks on the list are so helpful.
Esbilac almost killed my babies! Fox Valley is a life saver - please make the switch!:thumbsup
04-29-2012, 02:29 PM
i am having the same problems getting info on getting a rehabber license. i already have a vet who has agreed to see my squirrel despite the legalities but for their own peace of mind and my own I am desperate for information. i got lost on the website trying to find the info and what info i did find i haven't been able to relocate. i want to take classes for my own informative purposes. I contacted 2nd hand asking them for help on getting this and have gotten no response. any help is greatly appreciated.
04-29-2012, 06:17 PM
i am having the same problems getting info on getting a rehabber license. i already have a vet who has agreed to see my squirrel despite the legalities but for their own peace of mind and my own I am desperate for information. i got lost on the website trying to find the info and what info i did find i haven't been able to relocate. i want to take classes for my own informative purposes. I contacted 2nd hand asking them for help on getting this and have gotten no response. any help is greatly appreciated.
Hey Nancy here. I'm a rehabber AND in my realife I work with the Conservation Police, Dept of Natural Resources and I'm an IDoA investigator.
There is NOTHING ON THE INTERNET for rehabbers. Please call Brian Clark in Springfield Dept of Natural Resources - main number CLARK, BRIAN Law Enforcement ONE NATURAL RESOURCES WAY
FL 001 SPRINGFIELD IL 62702− 1271
There are no tests, no classes no nothing in Illinois. You need a letter from your vet that you will be following all protocol. Its good to have a rehabber to mentor you but not needed at all.
In Illinois all wildlife belongs to the people of Illinois and NO ONE is allowed to keep a squirrel longer than 120 days so be careful who you talk to. Rehabbers are only allowed to keep for 120 days unless you are an educational institution. Very strict.
Email me if you have questions.
PS you've not contacted me - I just had someone email me that there was a post. I don't monitor the TSB - I'm just am a huge fan of TSB :D and visit when I can
And YES in Illinois you just fill out the form from Brian and just get a license. TRUST ME. 4 of my helpers last year all got licenses this year to help me out.
04-29-2012, 06:38 PM
my email must have been lost in the netherweb but either way thank you so very much for this response. i will be calling Brian on Monday, i already have a vet who said he would have no problems seeing me and my squirrel especially when we are legal so i'm sure i can get a letter from a vet.
04-29-2012, 07:07 PM
Hey incase you guys are curious this is what the permit looks like and you have to submit every year and they renew every year. They don't inspect.
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