View Full Version : Well, this is going to sound strange.

09-12-2009, 10:42 AM
My male squirrel seems to have a certain male part of his anatomy that appears to be larger then It should. Even a rookie like me knows that something is not correct here. Other then this, I believe that they are doing great.

I found something saying that the female may be mistaking this part of the anatomy for the syringe nipple that I am feeding them with and creating this problem. I dont know if that was a joke or not when I read it.

Do I need to seperate these guys? Will the problem fix itself if I do this?


:dono :dono :dono

09-12-2009, 10:59 AM
How old are your 'kids'? If they are still nursing, yes, the female may nurse on the male. To help alleviate this, you can try a few things:

1) Put some vaseline or anti-biotic ointment on the male. This will deter the nursing & prevent a scab from forming over the male's opening which can prevent urination, which can be fatal.

2) How often/much are you feeding? Under-feeding is often a cause. You should be feeding 5-7% of their body weight 4-5 times per day depending upon age.

3) Put the boy in a 'body sock'. Take a small (child or infant sized) sock, cut off the toe & slip it over the boy's body. Some people have had success with this method.

Good luck! :thumbsup

09-12-2009, 11:02 AM
Genital nursing is a real issue. cage mates might nurse on one another or a squirrel might even nurse on itself. Keeping their bellies full is key, but if it doesn't stop, you can get Bitter Apple or Yuk and rub it around the area.

09-12-2009, 11:14 AM
Thanks guys.
The squirrels are about 8 weeks old, at least thats my best guess.
I believe that I am feeding them well and frequently enough. I will get some meds and work it out with your suggestions.

Thanks again.

10-11-2009, 10:34 PM
I just posted this same issue tonight re: my baby flying squirrels. I had already separated them & was giving him warm water washes & applying neosporin. I put another feeding back in the schedule. After the last feeding tonight I had them both in my hand-little bellys FULL & she went after him again! I was told about the sock or maybe a piece of orange for them to suck on. Both of these ideas scare me. My babies are with me 24-7, but I can't have my eyes on them every second-I need to sleep-eat-work. I'm so afraid he may get tangled in a sock & an orange slice would have skin? Grapes aren't good with skin for little ones. I have yuck gel at work & will try it in the am. Will let you know.