View Full Version : Another Problem

09-12-2009, 07:51 AM
Well my Baby, Dani as I have decided to call her,
has no tbeen going solid for a while.
I sent poop in for testing and weakeneed the formula and all that jazz but the non Solid Poop has cause another problem.

She has been getting like caps on where she poos from and that is why I have to clean her so much.
I have to make sure and check everytime she uses the bathroom thst her bottom is cleaned and the cap gotten rid of.
BUt I can't do that all night and when I went to clean her at 7am she was very fussy and in pain.
when I cleaned it off she apparently really had to go and it had been keeping her from going.

Besides that her little area down there is very red. Is there anything I can give her to reduce the pain from the redness.
As hard as I try to keep that area clean constantly it is impossible.

Also last night she was constantly making lil sucking noises on the towels and making her little Chirpy "hey food time noises" even right after I fed her.
She pretty much did that all night. She has been chirping this morning which isn't a clicking noise but more like she is whining. It may be from the pain in her poop area.

What do you guys think and how can I relieve the pain in that area?

09-12-2009, 08:25 AM
Well my Baby, Dani as I have decided to call her,
has no tbeen going solid for a while.
I sent poop in for testing and weakeneed the formula and all that jazz but the non Solid Poop has cause another problem.

She has been getting like caps on where she poos from and that is why I have to clean her so much.
I have to make sure and check everytime she uses the bathroom thst her bottom is cleaned and the cap gotten rid of.
BUt I can't do that all night and when I went to clean her at 7am she was very fussy and in pain.
when I cleaned it off she apparently really had to go and it had been keeping her from going.

Besides that her little area down there is very red. Is there anything I can give her to reduce the pain from the redness.
As hard as I try to keep that area clean constantly it is impossible.

Also last night she was constantly making lil sucking noises on the towels and making her little Chirpy "hey food time noises" even right after I fed her.
She pretty much did that all night. She has been chirping this morning which isn't a clicking noise but more like she is whining. It may be from the pain in her poop area.

What do you guys think and how can I relieve the pain in that area?

Try keeping that area moistened with petroleum jelly, and when you do clean her wet the area thoroughly to soften the dried stool and be very gentle (which I'm sure you already are) when you wipe her. If her stool is still soft after all this time, there's bound to be something else going on.

09-12-2009, 10:25 AM
Hi Guardian,
Bluejay is right about keeping the rectum moistened with petroleum jelly. Use a very thin film ( so that Dani won't lick it off and add to her loose stool probem) and apply it regularly. I would apply it gently with a cotton Q-tip. When you are cleaning her bum, are you using soap? That can be drying to the skin & irritating to the thin tissue in that area. Drying really well with a cotton ball or super fine ( well washed & worn) towel can help. I also just pat the area dry, trying not to rub too much as that is also irritating. Are you still stimulating her to pee/poo? If so, cotton balls are sometimes more gentle than kleenex or tissues. Also, some tissues are treated with aloe etc. that can be irritating and contribute to rash. How old is Dani? What formula has she been getting?
I have also used tiny, ( I mean miniscule) amounts of diaper rash cream on babies with irritated skin from diarrhea. Be very careful to rub it in ( gently)really well, you don't want them ingesting diaper rash cream/A&D ointment, etc., and I would never use any type of lotion etc.
Sorry if this all sees obvious, hope it works out. Understanding what may be causing the loose stool is crucial.

09-12-2009, 12:25 PM
Dani is uh...hmmm. 5 weeks? going on six this upcoming week I think
her feeding

I use only water to clean her and am very gentle
I know soaps and sents can aggravate the squirrels...they aggravate me!

I think she may be sucking on everyuthing because her tops shoudl be coming in son adn though I try to give her fruit she sucks on it for a bit and then refuses them.

How do you give a baby solid foods when she can't stand up and you are afraid she will choke on it?:thinking

09-12-2009, 06:35 PM
I give mine BIG chunks of apple, like twice the size of their head, cut in a triangle and they like to chew on that. You can also give rodent block or monkey biscuits for her to chew on. I also give mine slurpy food as I call it :D, I chop grapes up into at least 8 pieces each, bananas cut into equally small pieces, and avocados cut the same and put that in a very shallow dish, mine always love slurping it down.

Hopefully the cream will help with the diarrhea and once the diarrhea clears, it should take care of the capping issue.

09-12-2009, 07:30 PM
Hi Guardian,
Bluejay is right about keeping the rectum moistened with petroleum jelly. Use a very thin film ( so that Dani won't lick it off and add to her loose stool probem) and apply it regularly. I would apply it gently with a cotton Q-tip. When you are cleaning her bum, are you using soap? That can be drying to the skin & irritating to the thin tissue in that area. Drying really well with a cotton ball or super fine ( well washed & worn) towel can help. I also just pat the area dry, trying not to rub too much as that is also irritating. Are you still stimulating her to pee/poo? If so, cotton balls are sometimes more gentle than kleenex or tissues. Also, some tissues are treated with aloe etc. that can be irritating and contribute to rash. How old is Dani? What formula has she been getting?
I have also used tiny, ( I mean miniscule) amounts of diaper rash cream on babies with irritated skin from diarrhea. Be very careful to rub it in ( gently)really well, you don't want them ingesting diaper rash cream/A&D ointment, etc., and I would never use any type of lotion etc.
Sorry if this all sees obvious, hope it works out. Understanding what may be causing the loose stool is crucial.

Hi!! and :Welcome to the board!