View Full Version : pee pee question

09-10-2009, 09:09 AM
My four muskateers are now 4 weeks old their eyes are not open yet and they eat like pigs. They are getting harder to stimulate after their feeding. At what point do they start going on their own? I usually can get them to pee but they are such wiggle worms....They are getting soooo cute I can't stand it:)

09-11-2009, 12:52 AM
try attempting to get them to pee before feeding and then again after feeding. I've had my baby for about a month now, so he's about 6 weeks old. He also is quite fidgety but I find if you take a Q-tip, run it under warm water and then gently (using feathery light strokes) stimulate him.

Since mine is about 6 weeks old now and I still need to stimulate him, I would continue with stimulation. I heard that they usually go on their own a little after they open their eyes. I would wait until I saw quite a fair bit of poop (evidence that they are going on their own) before I stopped stimulating just to be on the safe side.

09-11-2009, 07:59 AM
I'm a little slow sometimes but by George I think I've got it:multi After I feed them I just cuddle for awhile till they calm down and go nite nite then the pee pee just flows without one wiggle.