View Full Version : 5 week old weighing 60 grams?

09-07-2009, 09:53 PM
I just got home with a gram scale (a cheap one until I purchase a nicer one tomorrow)...it says Cody weighs 60 grams. I don't know if the scale is really off because it is cheap. I've read as long as he gains weight every day versus losing it he's ok. I cut back on the amount of formula to 3 to 4 mls. I'm wondering if I should bump up to 5 feedings of less formula instead of the 4 feedings a day.

He cut his top teeth the day before yesterday (he's gnawing on everything) and his eyes have been open since I got him (last Thursday)..he's fully furred which is why I calculated him to be right at 5 weeks although I know they can go through these developments at different ages. He's also still awkward moving around. I also think his eyes must have just opened when I found him because it didn't seem as if he could actually see anything those first couple of days. Yesterday he started being able to follow my movements and seemed to start actually looking at my husband and I. Maybe he's just developing quickly. I'll attach the picture I put in the welcome forum.

I ordered Henry's rodent blocks yesterday for him. He appears very healthy and happy...maybe a runt? :dono He acts like one...VERY strong willed.

Thank you!

09-07-2009, 09:58 PM
He does look a bit on the thin side & depending how long he was away from mom before you found him...that could explain the low weight. I would stick with 3 mls. (which is 5% of his weight) & bump him up to 5 feedings per day if he'll take it. You could even give him as much as 4.1 mls which is 7% of his weight....just watch for loose stools. That is a sign of over-feeding. (We have two 6-7 week olds that we just rescued this weekend & they only weigh 83 grams, 3 grams more than the 4-5 week old we have had since she was just a few days old.)

09-07-2009, 10:14 PM
Thank you, he's actually plumped up in those pictures in comparison to how he looked the day I got him. I'm sure he weighed even less then, he was very scrawny. I'm going to start doing 3-4 mls 5x/day and see how we do with that. Since I started him on the Esbilac we (knock on wood) haven't had any diarrhea issues. Hopefully we'll start packing on the pounds here soon.