View Full Version : New 7-weekers won't eat or take fluids!
09-29-2006, 09:27 AM
What do I do? They won't take ANYTHING. I think they may be in shock, how do I help that?? They have been without food or water for about 40 hours now and they refuse everything. Pedialyte, Lactated Ringers, watered down formula, solids, water...tried it all and it just dribbles back out of their mouths!
The weirdest part is that they are in exellent shape otherwise. Only one of the three is noticibly losing weight...just a few fleas, no other parasites, no apparent injuries, bright eyes, healthy fear of humans...
What gives??? How do I get them to eat?!?!?!?!? Can you treat shock?
I'm trying to leave them alone in a very quiet room with a plate full of wild solids for them to eat and a bowl of water. They just want to sleep sleep sleep....and they particularly like thermal underwear. :)
But I'm very worried about this hunger strike...I'm going to lose them if they won't eat soon!
Secret Squirrel
09-29-2006, 09:39 AM
Hunger strike...hmmmmmm. Did they eat for the person you got them from??? If not then it maybe because they don't understand how to eat from a human wielding a syringe.:dono
Have you tried the squirrel burrito approach? Do you have any cozy lambs wool or plush fabric that the nipple can be slipped your hands are hidden. I am just thinking out loud at this moment.
Sub Q comes to mind too...that's all I can suggest if they don't start eating at lest they will have hydration.
Keep us posted......good luck and Gods speed.
09-29-2006, 09:51 AM
I told the guy to try Gatorade and a spoon yesterday. I got the call at 9 am and couldn't get them until 5 pm and he hadn't given them anything since he found them Wednesday...he said they took some of the Gatorade. (it was all he had, so was better than nothing at that point) But they won't take ANYTHING from me.
I'm hoping to be in touch with my wildlife vet tonight...I know I'll see her for sure tomorrow afternoon, so I might just have her bring her doc-box and help me with some injections to give 'em a boost and maybe sub-q fluids if they still haven't taken anything by then...Sub-q fluids scares me a little for them...I mean, I gave myself a ton of those kind of injections, but they are so much smaller than I am...
And now that I see these babies that have only been hungry for two days...I realize how VERY LONG Oakley and his siblings went without their momma coming back...I'm betting at least a week...
Man, I hope I can save these...they look SO GOOD. I will try the "fake momma" approach tonight if they still won't eat at noon...
09-29-2006, 11:39 AM
Anyone else with ideas?? Any experience in this area? Will they finally get so hungry they'll eat???
island rehabber
09-29-2006, 11:52 AM
CQ, I have not had experience with this so I looked it up in one of my rehab books. Lack of appetite and weight loss are associated most often with internal parasites: coccidia, giardia, leptospirosis, etc. If I were in your situation I would have the vet sub-q them to prevent dehydration and do a fecal exam immediately for the presence of parasites. They can look great and still have those nasty bugs in their systems.
09-29-2006, 11:57 AM
Thanks, IR...I appreciate your input. I will make sure we do a parasite check asap...I hadn't even thought of that. I'm just so worried since they won't eat/drink.
Wondering why I get all the hard cases?? You said you only lost one baby last do you do that?? IF these three survive, I'll have been able to rehab six of eleven squirrels I've had this year... Am I just getting all the really bad ones, am I doing something wrong or are you just lucky??
09-29-2006, 12:14 PM
My girl Maya didnt eat anything for more than 24 hours due to the shock from the cat bite.She still is afraid of everything else other than me.But she finally ate after some time.If he is 7 weeks will it be a problem if you give him a bit of milk in a saucer.Then he can drink it peacefully.But you will have to take it out in 30 minutes.Also you can try putting a milk drop on his lips.Then slowly use the syringe.Maya didnt suck the syringe.She licks it like an adult.
09-29-2006, 12:20 PM
Thanks, GhosTS, for your input. I have the same thought about it being a problem since they are older and were momma raised for so long. I'm sure they're terrified of me... I just keep hoping that they'll get hungry enough to eat/drink ANYTHING before they get so bad I can't save them... Thankfully I'll be seeing my mentor and wildlife vet at a potluck tomorrow...thinking I'm going to have three little squirrels in tow!
island rehabber
09-29-2006, 12:26 PM
Thanks, IR...I appreciate your input. I will make sure we do a parasite check asap...I hadn't even thought of that. I'm just so worried since they won't eat/drink.
Wondering why I get all the hard cases?? You said you only lost one baby last do you do that?? IF these three survive, I'll have been able to rehab six of eleven squirrels I've had this year... Am I just getting all the really bad ones, am I doing something wrong or are you just lucky??
Oh I think I'm just really lucky, far. I keep waiting for the 'other shoe to drop' LOL. Also, I believe rehabbing in an urban environment is very different from the suburbs or country....babies are found more quickly because people are walking around everywhere, and there are fewer raptors and predators. For this reason the babies are healthier when they come into rehab, I think. We're fortunate not to really have much of a bot fly problem here, or fire ants. Don't worry, you're doing great with all those tough cases!! :)
09-29-2006, 12:31 PM
Well, that makes me feel a little better, ought to be so grateful for your healthy little squirrels! :) I'm sure you ARE! I never thought about the fact that people would find them easier in an urban environment...though we do have some large-ish cities in Iowa, they are nothing compared to major cities in this country...and actually, most of our babies are found in those larger cities here...but people tend to always want to keep 'em here, too...which usually leads to the severe starvation/malnutrition/dehydration of the squirrel... You'd think with the internet in practically every home these days that people would look it up!! Ugh!
09-29-2006, 02:25 PM
I went home at lunch and managed to get almost 5 cc in each little tummy of these three... :wahoo :wahoo :wahoo :wahoo
The male fought me the most...basically had to force it on all of 'em anyway...but I managed to fill each one's mouth and let them swallow that and then fill it again. Lost probably 1-1.5 cc during each they probably got closer to 4 cc each...but I'm just STOKED that I got something in them!!
None would take the LR, but all would eat the watered down formula...which is fine by me because I'm worried about nutrient deficiencies...
It's going to be a long road, but I'm hoping this is a positive thing...They have all lost weight since this morning...all are feeling thinner than they did just 6 hours ago... but each one's tummy has something good in it now...
Let's hope it comes out the other end well...
09-29-2006, 10:04 PM
:wahoo :wahoo :wahoo :wahoo .Thats great news.They must have been really hungry.Now that they know that you are a feeding machine (:D ) They wont fuss to eat anymore.Try giving a little piece of apple too.Maya loved apples.(But she was around 8 weeks when I got her)
10-02-2006, 09:16 AM
Just a quick update before I head out for meetings this morning...
All three are eating GREAT now...13 cc per feeding x4 a day...good poops...only problem is possible urinary infections due to the self-inflicted dehydration they they're on a little drugs for a few days to see if it clears up (literally) their pee problems... :thumbsup
Now I just need some names. :D
island rehabber
10-02-2006, 09:38 AM
Just a quick update before I head out for meetings this morning...
All three are eating GREAT now...13 cc per feeding x4 a day...good poops...only problem is possible urinary infections due to the self-inflicted dehydration they they're on a little drugs for a few days to see if it clears up (literally) their pee problems... :thumbsup
Now I just need some names. :D
GREAT NEWS!! :wahooYou go, CQ -- turned those babies right around. Great work! Now we need names AND pix. :D
10-02-2006, 11:40 AM
Thanks, IR. :D Yeah, I need to get some pics and decide on some names...but they are SO scared of everything (well, 'cept the nipple and I hate to subject them to the handling it would take to get a decent pic. I might give them a few more days... They haven't even ventured out of their pile of blankies to test out some solid foods I have left for them every day. They even pee and poop in the blankies rather than venture out and risk whatever it is they're afraid of... Poor little things. It must be horrible for them.
I just cringe every time I pass a tree being trimmed or taken down. One is coming down on campus as I type and it makes me sick to my stomach... we have SO MANY squirrels on this campus I can just about guarantee there were babies in that tree... I gave my number to the facilities people and told them to call me with any critters they find....but no calls I can't imagine they will call...surely they've knocked down at least one nest this year in all the trimming and downing they've been doing this summer...
Can't win 'em all, though...
10-02-2006, 12:04 PM
They sounds just like Maya.She didnt came out for more than a week.Just stayed under the bedding.I kept the solids under the bedding so that she can eat it without a problem and clean it out few hours later.Now she is coming out and jump around, but still is afraid of every sound.
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