View Full Version : When it rains, it pours.
09-28-2006, 10:44 PM
Rule # 1. Never tell your co-workers you are handfeeding 2 6 weeks old squirrels because the very next day they will bring you 3, ya.....3 more baby squirrels.
The last 2 were easy, they were older, eyes open wadda wadda wadda....
But these 3 lil girls are maybeeeeeeeeee 2-3 weeks old?
They appear to be extremeley dehydrated and almost skelital. I can see ribs and it is very sad looking. I have them on a heating pad right now and they just now each ate 2 CC's. (1/2 isbilac and 1/2 water) very warm.
They ate like they've been handfed in the past, knew exactly what to do.
I will take pictures in the morning, have them developed one hour photo and post them so you can get an idea of what I've gotten myself into.
Dave says we're going out and buying a "quad-crib" for squirrels. :shakehead
09-28-2006, 10:47 PM
Ooops.......My question is......Is there a basic chart that indicates the correct amount of formula at each stage for people that don't have a scale that measures in grams??
Secret Squirrel
09-28-2006, 11:05 PM
Are they dehydrated? How did the pinch test go??
My rule is pedilyte for the first 12 hours and only if they are per warmed. I don't remember your squirrel rehabbing skills.....but never give formula to a dehydrated squirrel.
sorry for being's late...and my social skills are sleeping right now!!:)
island rehabber
09-28-2006, 11:16 PM
Ditto everything Secret Squirrel says....don't start them on formula before re-hydrating them with Pedialyte! If they are dehydrated/emaciated it will tax their systems too much to digest the formula. Make sure everything is very warm....their bed, their Pedialyte, everything. You may need to give them liquid every 2-3 hrs for the first couple of days. and one at night so they don't go too long without fluids.
09-29-2006, 08:14 AM
I have no rehabbing "squirrel" experience. That's why I come here.
Babies are warm and I went and got pedialyte at 3am. They ate 2 cc's each at 3:30am and another 2 cc's each at 7am.
From the pic chart they appear to be between 2-3 weeks old. (Closer to 2).
Is 22 cc's of pedialyte enough every 3 hours for this age?
09-29-2006, 08:16 AM
no cuts, no fleas, no broken bones
09-29-2006, 08:41 AM
Yes, for now they REALLY need the rehydrating. 2-3 cc every 2-3 hours should be fine, but be careful to watch their bellies, as that might be too much at a time depending on how much weight they've lost. You want the tummy to be round, but not too full..there should be a little looseness to the skin still...
Make sure they can get off the heating pad if they get too warm...snuggle them in old t-shirts, thermal underwear, sheets, etc so they can burrow in and get snuggly with each other.
If you can save them, it's an experience you'll never forget! :thumbsup
09-29-2006, 08:44 AM
Also, babies this young need to be stimulated to pee and poop. Take a warm damp cotton ball or tissue and gently stroke the genitals up and down until you see them pee and/or poop. Be very gentle and can take up to 2 minutes to get them to go.
09-29-2006, 10:19 AM
These 3 lil girls are still dehydrated after 5 feedings in 12 hours at 2cc's each time. The last 4 feedings have been straight pedialyte.
Their bodies are so small compared to their heads and their skin looks like a Sharpaie <----sound it out....the wrinkly dog.
No poopies but one pee'd. I have to figure out how to get the other 2 to pee.
I'm thinking their bodies are absorbing everything as nessessity and that's why they aren't peeing????????
09-29-2006, 10:19 AM
Babies are warm and I went and got pedialyte at 3am.:bowdown Yaaay! You are dedicated!
09-29-2006, 10:21 AM
Would it be ok to feed them every hour instead of every 2-3 hours?
I know they might not eat as much but they really look like Etheopian children to me right now.
:(........ <---tears
09-29-2006, 10:28 AM
You can feed straight rehydrating fluids for 24 hours, so keep doing what you are doing. You don't want to feed them any more frequently than 2 hours because that wouldn't give them time to digest what they've eaten. I know how you feel...the urgency to help...but you are doing everything you can right now. Until they are rehydrated, they can't digest their keep it up...all through the night if you can...try not to let them go more than three hours without fluids round the clock...and when your 24 hours of fluids is up, and you start introducing formula, you can still give the pedialyte in between feedings to continue the rehydration.
They may not poop or pee for 24 hours after you start working with them...don't worry too much yet...keep stimulating them every time you feed/hydrate them. What color was the pee?? It should be VERY light yellow or clear when they are properly hydrated...
ETA: that when you introduce formula, do it gradually...water it way down to start with and get a little more esbilac in there each feeding thereafter until they are up to 1 part esbilac and 2 parts water...if their poops are still good at that point, you might try upping the formula to 1 part esbilac to 1 part water just to help them get extra nutrients for a day or so since they are so bad off.
If they are as thin as you describe, be prepared to lose them...starvation is the hardest thing to bring them out of. Do you have vet access???
09-29-2006, 11:00 AM
They wont pee much till they are properly rehydrated, and they wont have any poop because they didnt get any food for a long time.Keep giving them rehydration fluids.You can give them up to 24 hours.Keep us updated.And good luck.Its a very hard situation.
09-29-2006, 04:24 PM
Ok, I have pee and 1 small poop but this feeding all 3 only ate 1 1/2 cc of pedialyte.
Wasn't there a rehabber in Deltona or Orange City? (Volusia County) Fla on this forum?
I could drive there or they could drive here to Titusville just to look at these little girls and let me know if there is anything else I can do for them.
09-29-2006, 04:29 PM
It's ok if they don't want all of what you are feeding...just don't feed them too much at one time...
Hopefully someone will respond to your query about a Florida rehabber on here...I think there are several, but I can't keep track of who lives where!
Just make sure they are warm (99 degrees is their usual temp) but able to get off the heat source, the pedialyte and/or formula at about the same temp, maybe a tad bit higher, but not lower or more than 102 degrees-ish. Test it on your wrist like baby formula...not hot, but not cool is just right. :thumbsup
Good luck! I'm off to (hopefully) feed some needy squirrels of my own!!
09-29-2006, 08:28 PM
Ok, I'm so concerned about the amount these 3 are eating and I'm not sure what a rehabber would do differently from what I'm doing but tomorrow, if they aren't hydrated yet I am calling SOMEONE to take them to.
All 3 are peeing now and WOW is it a "very" strong odor. It's light yellow and I found another poop that was very small and almost black.
Still only eating 1 1/2 cc's every 2 hours on the dot.
I'm exhausted. I haven't worked this hard in 20 years since my human critters were babes.
09-29-2006, 08:49 PM
The strong odour and the color is due to the fact that they have too little liquids in the system.But if they started peeing it shows that they are getting hydrated.
09-29-2006, 08:54 PM
OK, thanks. Pee= good, strong odour pee=still dehydrated.
BTW, I remembered the forum members name who lives near me and I sent her a message. Hopefully she can email me tonight or first thing in the morning.
Maybe we can meet half way or I can drive there, either way.
I really need a hand here.
island rehabber
09-29-2006, 09:36 PM
Luv2spare, you're doing beautifully...don't panic :). You are getting their systems going because you do have pee and poop -- nomatter how little it's still good! (And it should be black because it's from their mom's milk; after they are on Esbilac it will be light tan-to-olive colored, or even orange sometimes). Keep doing what you're've gotten great advice from everyone so far. We're here to help you until you can get them to a rehabber....or even if you can't. :peace
09-29-2006, 10:47 PM
Last feeding at 11pm the smallest squirrel only took 3/4 of a cc and refused anymore.
The 2nd squirrel is up to almost 2 and the 3rd squirrel is up to 2.3 cc's.
All 3 pee'd but no poopies at all.
The 24 hr pedialyte feedings will end at 3am.
If I don't hear anything by noon tomorrow, I'll drive out to Back To Nature and see Carmen.
Thanks guys for all your words of encouragement. Although this is so much work, I still am blessed for the experience.
On a BETTER note~~~~ My baby boys are eating food all by their big boy selves!! I didn't have time to drop off the film today but I promise in the am I will get them uploaded. We got them a 3 story squirrel house and also a 7 foot tall climbling thingy that they LOVE!!!
If this is what being a grandparent is all about, count me in!!
Thanks again
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