View Full Version : Another Bathroom Question
09-01-2009, 02:44 PM
So I have our little girl on 5cc's a day at 8,12,4,8,12 and then she whines at night so I have to feed her again at like 4:30-5.
Is this still too much? Should I feed her like every 5 hours? 8,1,6,11 so that it is only four in the day and once at like 4 am?
because she is always starving by the time I feed her and she peeps if I dont feed her on time. I don't want to starve her or stuff her adn I am having difficulty.
She has had been pooping nonsolid even after I lesened how much I was feeding her and weakened the formula to 25%/75% Esbilac/water
Is there anything else I can do? She is very messy when she goes and I am not around. I check on her once an hour and feed her every four but still she manages to get poop all over herself and I have to wash her down.
I would just like her to go atleast semi-solid.
please help I am new to squirrel care.
island rehabber
09-01-2009, 02:52 PM
Why are you feeding her such diluted formula? That will give her diarrhea and also make her hungry all the time. Forgive me, but there are so many threads I can't recall exactly how old your little girl is and how much she weighs -- fill me in, and I'll try to give you the right feeding schedule for her so we can get her nice and hydrated and not hungry all the time. :)
09-01-2009, 02:54 PM
So I have our little girl on 5cc's a day at 8,12,4,8,12 and then she whines at night so I have to feed her again at like 4:30-5.
Is this still too much? Should I feed her like every 5 hours? 8,1,6,11 so that it is only four in the day and once at like 4 am?
because she is always starving by the time I feed her and she peeps if I dont feed her on time. I don't want to starve her or stuff her adn I am having difficulty.
She has had been pooping nonsolid even after I lesened how much I was feeding her and weakened the formula to 25%/75% Esbilac/water
Is there anything else I can do? She is very messy when she goes and I am not around. I check on her once an hour and feed her every four but still she manages to get poop all over herself and I have to wash her down.
I would just like her to go atleast semi-solid.
please help I am new to squirrel care.
Yes, GE, you're feeding her way too much. I think you said she was 100 grams. The 5% is correct, but four feedings a day is plenty (with no night feeding). Every five hours will work, but there's no reason for a night feeding at this age. Also, I wouldn't dilute the formula more than the 1:3 Esbilac to water. I know you don't want your baby to "starve," but she won't, and as long as you keep overfeeding her poos won't firm up and she can actually get dehydrated.
09-01-2009, 03:22 PM
I fed her 1 part to 3 because one of the rehabbers said that the new esbilac had been known to cause problems and that 1 part to three seemed to fix it.
I will feed her once every five hours then but what do I do about her sqeaking?
she becomes obnoxiously restless at night and refuses to go back to sleep when I dont feed her at night.
Should I just hold her for a bit and if she refuses to calm down just leave her? She like screeches around 4 am every morning
my baby is about four weeks fur everywhere and light fur on her bottom side. 100g
so should I try 4 feedings no nights 5ccs every 5 hours and 1:2 for a day and see if that makes it better?
also I fed her at 7,11,and 2.5ccs just now when shoudl I feed her next
should I give her liek 5ccs in 5 hours adn then let her sleep for 10 and feed her at 7 am?
09-01-2009, 03:40 PM
I will save the feeding advice to the experts..:thumbsup
When my boy squirrel was young he was a BIG two.yrs old..he still is a BIG talker..mouth opened wide..!
I don't recall what your plans are to do with her..release eventually..?
She is young enough to still cuddle and reassure.
The less contact the better..if your planning to release her.
Or you could put in with her some soft but small stuffed animal's with she may snuggle up beside them.(making sure nothng can come off eye's nose..on stuffed animal's..I find the safest stuffed animal's are hartz dog toy's)
Just some idea's for you.
09-01-2009, 03:47 PM
oh it wont let me edit my previous post.
I fed her 1:3 5ccs at 7,11, and 3 how should I feed her tonight so that I wont feed her too much but not leave her to long tonight without food.
Sohould I switch to 1:2 now? or wait till tomorrow
um I am not sure what we are doing with her yet as far as realeasing. But I know if we plan to I shoudln't talk to her too much or she'll get attached to my voice. So I am unsure of how i should quiet her at night.
09-01-2009, 04:15 PM
I fed her 1 part to 3 because one of the rehabbers said that the new esbilac had been known to cause problems and that 1 part to three seemed to fix it.
I will feed her once every five hours then but what do I do about her sqeaking?
she becomes obnoxiously restless at night and refuses to go back to sleep when I dont feed her at night.
Should I just hold her for a bit and if she refuses to calm down just leave her? She like screeches around 4 am every morning
my baby is about four weeks fur everywhere and light fur on her bottom side. 100g
so should I try 4 feedings no nights 5ccs every 5 hours and 1:2 for a day and see if that makes it better?
also I fed her at 7,11,and 2.5ccs just now when shoudl I feed her next
should I give her liek 5ccs in 5 hours adn then let her sleep for 10 and feed her at 7 am?
At 100 grams I would feed her 5ccs four times a day and that's it. Once her poo firms up, you can increase the amount a little. You should increase it anyway as she puts on weight. The intervals don't have to be exact--every four to five hours, but space them out to where the last feeding is right before you go to bed and the first feeding is right when you get up (after coffee :D ).
09-01-2009, 04:32 PM
Thanks so much you are a wonderful help. I want to make sure this baby grows up happy and healthy.
so should I just feed her 5ccs before I go to bed tonight?
thats like an 7 hour difference(from when I fed her at 3) as I go to sleep around 10
Just wondering because I had them spaced out at 4 hour intervals today but I need to give her 4 feedings instead of 5 now.
09-01-2009, 05:34 PM
Thanks so much you are a wonderful help. I want to make sure this baby grows up happy and healthy.
so should I just feed her 5ccs before I go to bed tonight?
thats like an 7 hour difference(from when I fed her at 3) as I go to sleep around 10
Just wondering because I had them spaced out at 4 hour intervals today but I need to give her 4 feedings instead of 5 now.
Yes, 5ccs right before you go to bed, 5ccs in the morning, and then space the other two out during the course of the day. Also, I just received a newsletter fro the NWRA that says the jury is still out on the Esbilac issue. You might should go to a 2 1/2 to 1 ratio on the Esbilac (two and a half parts water to one part powder). As far as her waking u[ and squeaking during the middle of the night, it may be because of the diluted formula you've been giving her not "sticking" (giving her enough nutrients, therefore making her hungry sooner than she should be). That, along with the soft stool, can prevent her from gaining weight like she should. I weigh my babies every morning before their first feeding and adjust the amount accordingly.
09-01-2009, 05:42 PM
okay I will do the 2.5 to 1 and I will feed her regularly and see how it goes.
I really appreciate your help with our Lil girl.
thank you so much
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