View Full Version : Im new/No poop for a day.

08-31-2009, 10:35 PM
Hi Im new here and have a quick question that Im kinda stumped about and my boss doesnt know anything about squirrels.

Ive had my squirrels for about a week (they are about 4weeks). I received them after a client of ours brought them in. He cut down a tree and seen they were in a nest. He waited about 2 days for mom but she never came back. I am a vet tech and normally we call our rehabber but per her voicemail she is unreachable for the next few days! So Ive decided to take them on until she gets back. They are on Esbiliac w/ yogurt and have been doing great. When I got them I did a re-hydration with p-lyte and that went well. Started off the milk diluted and slowly worked my way up with out any diarrhea problems. They both eat like CHAMPS! Im doing about 4cc each 3-4 hrs apart.

Well today my boy hasnt pooped! He doesnt seem bloated.. and still eats like mad. Ive tried warm water belly rubs.. q-tips.. cotton balls.. slow rotation.. fast rotation.. you name it Ive tried it! There hasnt been any poop in the box they are in.

So my questions are:
1. Do I wait it out for a another day with the no poop situation?
2. Could he be constipated?
3. Ive read about the apple juice dilution. Should I try this right away or wait? Is there any other suggestions?

Thanks in advance!

Jackie in Tampa
08-31-2009, 10:56 PM
It is not unusual to not have poops for a day or so.

08-31-2009, 11:14 PM
Hi Im new here and have a quick question that Im kinda stumped about and my boss doesnt know anything about squirrels.

Ive had my squirrels for about a week (they are about 4weeks). I received them after a client of ours brought them in. He cut down a tree and seen they were in a nest. He waited about 2 days for mom but she never came back. I am a vet tech and normally we call our rehabber but per her voicemail she is unreachable for the next few days! So Ive decided to take them on until she gets back. They are on Esbiliac w/ yogurt and have been doing great. When I got them I did a re-hydration with p-lyte and that went well. Started off the milk diluted and slowly worked my way up with out any diarrhea problems. They both eat like CHAMPS! Im doing about 4cc each 3-4 hrs apart.

Well today my boy hasnt pooped! He doesnt seem bloated.. and still eats like mad. Ive tried warm water belly rubs.. q-tips.. cotton balls.. slow rotation.. fast rotation.. you name it Ive tried it! There hasnt been any poop in the box they are in.

So my questions are:
1. Do I wait it out for a another day with the no poop situation?
2. Could he be constipated?
3. Ive read about the apple juice dilution. Should I try this right away or wait? Is there any other suggestions?

Thanks in advance!
Hi Amanda..:Welcome To the squirrel Board..

Looks like nature isnt ready to work it out yet..:D
See if by tomorrow am...if he's not going yet..
Some one will give you some idea's then..:thumbsup

Thank You for taking on as foster mom..:thumbsup

Now when you are able to get a hold of your rehabber are you turning them over to her ?

Have a great night..

09-01-2009, 06:29 AM
Still no poop this AM :(

As far as turning them over Im sure its illegal for me to have them in the state of Texas because Im not a licensed rehabber. I am though a registered vet tech... not sure if that makes a difference or not.

Would I liked to keep them and see them grow and thrive? Absolutely but I dont want to break the law lol.