View Full Version : Eyes Opened - When Can They Really Begin to See?

08-31-2009, 02:34 PM
Hi all.

This is my 4th season rehabbing baby squirrels and I guess my mind just goes to mush between each one because I find I have to refresh about everything each time. Thank the Good Lord for this Board! :-)

I currently have two babies staying in the Hicks Home for Wayward Pets: a 5 week old female and a 3 week old male (approximately). The female just opened her eyes--one last Friday night (three days ago) and the other eye opened the next day. I know that when they first open their eyes, their vision isn't great. So at what point should they be able to see?

I'm a little concerned b/c she doesn't seem to be able to see. When I hold her to feed her she doesn't see the syringe in front of her, but still seeks around frantically like she did when her eyes were closed. I've tried bring my finger slowly toward her eye to see if she blinks but I end up hitting her little eyelash and she blinks then but I'd guess it's because she feels that, not necessarily b/c she sees my finger.

Thoughts, anybody?
Thanks ~

island rehabber
08-31-2009, 04:41 PM
I remember reading somewhere that it can take 4-5 days for them to actually see anything clearly after their eyes open.

09-04-2009, 07:00 PM
how do you tell if its a girl or a boy???

09-04-2009, 07:06 PM
My girl has a round knob close to her butt hole. When she has to pee it seems to extend a little, but when she's done it looks like a little round knob. Boys have little penises up higher, close to where the belly button would be. Mine also have 'balls' underneath, but I understand for some this takes a little while to develop.