View Full Version : Baby doesn't seem to be eating as much as he should be

08-30-2009, 11:01 AM
I have a baby squirrel and he doesn't seem to be eating as much as he should be. He is a little over 5 inches long (excluding tail), he has quite a bit of fur but not completely covered and his front teeth already errupted a week ago. He has not opened his eyes yet. Which makes his age estimation very hard.
the 5 inches long and his lower front teeth suggest him to be 4 weeks old, but i'm not sure since his eyes have not opened yet and they don't seem like they will for probably another week or so.

I am feeding him about 4-5 cc every 3.5 hours. He goes poop and pee. But he doesn't seem to want to eat that much this morning. He went poop and went pee and ate about 2cc and then would refuse to suckle. He has a big belly (it's not bloated though).

So i'm just wondering about how much should I feed him, how often, and if i do go to feed him but his belly is still full after he goes potty, should I wait?

also, how long should i stimulate him to go poo? usually he will give a bit off poo when he pees but in order for him to take a big poop it takes FOREVER because he won't hold still!

08-30-2009, 12:42 PM
Usually squirrels open their eyes at 5-6 weeks old, so he very well could be 4 weeks old, sounds right. I am assuming he is a grey squirrel, so he is probably 70-80 grams (just a guess, do you have a scale to weigh him?), which means he should get 3.5-4 ccs per feeding. If he is furred, he only needs to eat 4-5 times a day too. So, to me it seems you are overfeeding. His belly should be full but not tight when he is done eating, like a day old balloon. Do you have any way to post a picture so we can get a feel for how big he is?