View Full Version : Squeaking Over Night/feeding

08-30-2009, 08:55 AM
So I have my babygirl and I just switched her over to 25% 75% but I switched her back foir today as she hasn't goen to the bathroom all night which is unusual.
I was feeding her a bit to mych so I am going to weigh her and feed her 5% today.

This morning she squieeked at 5:30 and so I got up and reheated her waterbottle buddy and fed her 3 ccs. She went back to bed after urinating.

Agian she squeeked at 8:30 but I left her for a bit as I was going to get up in a few minutes to feed her anyway but when I didn't check on her immediatly she woke up every body in the house with a sqeak and I got up and fed her 3ccs after she urinated.

I am thinking she was unhappy about the bedtime arrangment where I only gave her 3ccs instead of 5 so she got hungry at night.

Was she just hungry or maybe constipated as she hasn't deficated all night?
I just want to make sure she is okay. She went right back to bed after I fed her without complaint.

Our Baby:

08-30-2009, 09:04 AM
Do you stimulate her to pee and poop?

She is an adorable little squeaker by the way :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon

08-30-2009, 09:16 AM
Usually I dont have to cause she goes on her own but yes after every feeding I tickle her.

08-30-2009, 12:06 PM
She whines again at about 11am and demanded food...I need to feed her regularly but she keeps making ear shattering squeaks.
I dont know what to do.

08-30-2009, 12:36 PM
Fox squirrels are very fussy little babies. They squeal a lot. It could mean they are hungry, they are in pain, or they want attention. She is all alone right? I have had many many foxer babies alone and they are very sqeaky. I try to go and hold them a few minutes when they squeal and usually just getting them out and holding them calms them.

If your baby wasn't squeaking before and is now, I would think you need to feed more or feed more often. As I said before, I think this baby weighs 80-100 grams and should get 4-5 ccs 4-5 times a day. I have a little foxer that just opened his eyes and he sucks down 9-12 ccs 3 times a day! They are much bigger than greys.

Did you get a weight on the little tyke?

08-30-2009, 12:41 PM
well I found out I was feeding her too much and so I brought it down to 5 ccs 5 times a day 4 times during the day once at night
she is 100-100.2 grams
I have had her for four days so it is not like she wasn't squeaking for weeks and is now.
She whined occassionally but nothing like last night and today.