View Full Version : new to this, need help!!!

08-19-2009, 03:40 PM
I have been caring for a baby squirrel for the past week and 1 day. when I first got him he was pink all over but has now grown quite a bit of hair. I have been feeding him esbilac but it is the pre-mixed formula that comes in the can. I keep getting alot of mixed information about what to feed it. Some websites say just feed esbilac, some say feed it esbilac mixed with cream and some say that esbilac will kill the baby and to feed it scalded milk with vitamin E instead. I tried scalded milk for 1 feeding and ended up with a constipated baby. So I stopped, rehydrated him and he is back on esbilac. I also read on one site to feed it organic yogurt with live cultures to help with digestion. So essentially I have no idea what to feed him right now, but I am currently sticking with feeding him esbilac. Should I add cream to the mix? does he need extra calcium and vitamin D? I don't want him to develop rickets. If so, what type of calcium suppliment should I give him?

I also have searched EVERYWHERE for those pet AG nipples with no luck :(. are they essential? He is feeding alright with the syringe but sometimes he drinks too fast.

Also, I stimulate him to go potty but I am afraid of rubbing the area raw. I currently use Q-tips dipped in warm water with a little bit of cream for lubrication. then afterwards I rub a little bit of vitamin E.

And just in case, what should I do if he is constipated again or if he has diahhrea?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

08-19-2009, 04:42 PM
Esbilac works very well. Some people add a little plain yogurt (maybe a teaspoon) to the formula in place of part of the water, to aid digestion but this is optional. Mainly this is for babies whose poops are too loose. Extra cream isn't necessary unless the baby isn't gaining weight.

So if your baby has diarrhea, you can add a little yogurt (in place of an equal amount of water). If he has constipation, you can add a little apple juice (again, in place of the same amount of water.

Drinking too fast is very dangerous. You need to slow down and control the amount that comes out of the syringe. The type of nipple doesn't matter, and they aren't strictly necessary, but can help with control. You can buy them online at Chris' Squirrels and More.

If formula comes out the nose, then you're feeding too fast. Hold the baby upside down and try to clear his nose. If you think he may have inhaled formula into his lungs, watch very carefully for signs of aspiration pneumonia (a clicking noise when he breathes, loss of appetite, lethargy).

Also: Make sure you mix your formula with plain tap water (not pedialyte, or anything else).

Some babies need a lot of stimulation. Sometimes a wet washcloth, or a wet finger (you can lubricate the finger), works better than a q-tip.

Finally, the "scalded milk" website is run by a person with crazy ideas about rehabbing squirrels. She lost her rehabbers license because of this. Sadly, her website is still there, and still killing babies.

Hope this helps.

08-19-2009, 05:48 PM
I read somewhere about adding cream, but then I read somewhere else that cosws milk has enymes which upsets their stomachs. Should I add cream?
Also, I can't find esbilac powder anywhere, all I can get is the canned ones, is that ok for him or should I get the other ones?

As for the vitamins, should I also purchase calcium and vitamin D and mix it in or does the Esbilac have sufficient quantities?

I just purchased the nipples online and hopefully they will come in soon!

08-19-2009, 06:01 PM
I can't speak for anyone else, and I know that there is a LOT of controversy surrounding this, but for my babies, I mix the Esbilack with heavy whipping cream and on ly recently starting adding yogurt to the mix as well. I have fat, happy, shiny babies with no probs with diarrhea as a result. For all of my previous babies, I always used the Esbilac with the heavy whipping cream. I now add the yogurt, which they LOVE. They are thriving and as I said before, fat and happy. Absolutely, DO NOT use scalded milk. Esbilac, for me, is the best and my babies have done well. WELCOME to the BOARD!!!!! Please post pics!!! We LOVE seeing the babies on here!!!:jump

08-19-2009, 06:42 PM
Does the cream need to be scalded first?
Thank you everyone for your responses!!!! I will upload pictures soon!!!

08-19-2009, 06:46 PM
I read somewhere about adding cream, but then I read somewhere else that cosws milk has enymes which upsets their stomachs. Should I add cream?
Also, I can't find esbilac powder anywhere, all I can get is the canned ones, is that ok for him or should I get the other ones?

As for the vitamins, should I also purchase calcium and vitamin D and mix it in or does the Esbilac have sufficient quantities?

I just purchased the nipples online and hopefully they will come in soon!

Cow's milk takes some time for the baby to adjust, since it is different from momma's milk. But that will be the case for any formula. Usually they adjust quickly. Goats Milk Esbilac is slightly more digestible, and some rehabbers use it. You can add a little cream, but be aware that the extra fat can cause digestive problems too. Some rehabbers add cream, some don't.

Canned Esbilac is fine, but if you use canned, beware of adding "extras" like yogurt and cream, since that will dilute the nutrient content. If you want to add extras, it's better to use powdered since you can substitute the extra for an equal part of the water, to avoid diluting the nutrients.

You don't need to add any extra supplements to the formula.

There is no need to "scald" the formula. But do make sure you sterilize all your equipment between feedings.