View Full Version : Bonnie ie FREEEE and LOVING it!

07-29-2009, 12:18 PM
Hi all, just thought I'd update you on how Bonnie is doing. In a word, great.
Within the first half hour of her freedom she found an old drey in the tree next to our yard and began trying to add to it. Unfortunately she wasn't too successful. For every little twig she brought in, some of the old fell down... followed by her little leaf sprig. She would look down quizzically... then scamper up the tree to get another. So she knows what to do - :sanp3 just not how to do it. Today is day 3... I awoke to a 6x6 section of my backyard COVERED in leaves... I guess last night she was trying to create a nest in the tree right outside my window... but they didn't stick either. I've put her rafia nest that she made in her nest box (it's really intertwined and shredded up) up there and stuck a couple of leaf sprigs into it hoping that will help to get a foundation for her to build on.
She continues to come back to visit... the first day she kept her distance, but come evening I wasn't even out the back door yet when she jumped up my pant-leg as if to say "Mummy - I'm REALLY tired... can I go to bed now?" lol - I put her into her outdoor cage and kissed her goodnight. Since then she only comes to the cage when it's really raining (crappy weather here atm- rain every afternoon)- other than that she just stays within a hundred yards or so from home.
It appears we have 2 others in this immediate area... 'Scruffy" a black with a skinny brown tail (looks female) and 'Johnny-Squirrel" a big bold, friendly black male who would make a lovely husband to Bonnie - they make a handsome couple! She, however will have NO part of him at the moment - she chases him - tail up- whenever he comes close to her tree and her nut-caches!! It' so much fun to watch... I hate having to leave for work!
So, so far, so good - she needs practise with house building but she has shelter here when she wants it, and LOTS of food (for her and her 2 new friends). Oh yes... and now I have a pretty little Chippy who comes by occasionally for the left-overs!
I'll keep in touch... thanks for EVERYTHING from the bottom of my heart - I'm very sad not to have Bonnie to hold and cuddle with now, but I'm happier watching her jump and play in the trees doing what she was meant to do!
Attached here are pics from her first day of freedom:







:thumbsup :jump :bowdown :thankyou :D

Secret Squirrel
07-29-2009, 01:37 PM
Awww...this is wonderful !!! I am glad she comes for a quick vist, just to let you know she is OK and doing well..mom.

07-29-2009, 01:41 PM
Oh, so sweeeet!! Great news. I love that she chases the Big Boy. Heh. Bonnie has the best of both worlds. :thankyou for giving her that!!!

07-29-2009, 07:48 PM
What a cutie pie! Well done, Kiki. :thumbsup

07-29-2009, 09:27 PM
What a wonderful story! It sounds like she is doing quite well, figuring out what she's supposed to do out there. A little frustrating til she gets the hang of it --- her brain is saying "Yes! I know how to do this" but I guess it takes a bit of practice to get the twigs, etc. to stay together. It amazes me how they even do it!

You deserve a pat on the back -- she's doing great! :alright.gif :alright.gif

:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

07-30-2009, 09:08 AM
That is a great story and I hope it stays great. Maybe you should put a nesting box in the trees for her. I'm glad she is coming back and I hope she visits you everyday. min