View Full Version : Consideration for financial handicap

07-28-2009, 07:59 AM
I haven't been on here for a while, so I know some people have no idea who I am, but I see a lot of "taking to a vet" on here. I know that alot of places are having tough times. I am not saying avoid the vet but why can't we help each other with advice. Just tips would really help us newer people out. I understand it gets tricky especially when the public can join and not work with proper training. The vet that used to help a lot is gone and now the vet won't help out but sure sends referals to me! I have to tread on light territory out here, a sanctuary had over used the vets and had big debts.

I would love tips on how to approach other vets, especially so they can trust me a little more. There are not a lot of wildlife knowledge vets here but I could go to Gainesville, someone gave me a number but that is a drive and I have medical issues that could hinder me until I get more voluteers here to help me out.

Jackie in Tampa
07-28-2009, 09:01 AM
i would keep trying different vets...you are sure to find one that wants to help wilds too!:D
times are tough!:grouphug

Jackie in Tampa
07-28-2009, 09:08 AM
I do think it may be too late for dex. Maybe a rehabber can help more.
I saw Loopy on today, I think you have met her, maybe she can help:grouphug
good luck

Pointy Tale
07-28-2009, 09:10 AM
Caglemedic—Hi! I am Not a rehabber, just an admirer of these beautiful beings!

I understand your frustration with Vets from personal experience. The vets here have No knowledge of wildlife, unfortunately.

I also do not have a local rehabber that would be willing to help, only to euthanize, which I personally do not believe in, at least not at this point in my life.

All that said, through TSB members and rehabbers, threads and post replies I have gained knowledge to help me—as well as learned about two TSB rehabbers, both of whom I am sure would help me in a medical emergency.

I believe if you have a specific question someone on this board will be able to help you or anyone or refer you to someone who could.

I gather you are a rehabber and in that case, a vet is very important for medications purposes. I wish you luck and admire your willingness to help our little friends.

All the best,

07-28-2009, 09:41 AM
I find a day, arm myself with cards and my rehab papers and go vet visiting. Young newly "released" vets are the most helpful, they still have a spirit of adventure and will work with almost anything:D I kind of "teach" me about squirrels, or what I take in. Arm your self with wildlife books. You can always "help" the vet by opening a certain few pages and let them read what is advised and so on. I love to brake new vet territory:jump :jump A lot of the vets offer a discount for us,especially when they know we get no financial help from anywhere for rehabbing.:grouphug Good Luck :thumbsup

Secret Squirrel
07-28-2009, 09:46 AM
Hi Caglemedic,

Florida is a squirrel friendly state so that is a real plus for you and the squirrels. I am sorry you are going through a vet-less season for your rehabing. I am also sorry the wildlife center was a bust too...I fully understand how a center can rack up major debt.

It's sad that the vet can send you sick kids but not offer any kind of support. THAT BLOWS!!!! :shakehead
I would have to rectify that situation with them in person...is this something you can do? As in, speak with them and kinda chew them out at the same time. I know you don't want to burn any bridges here, but they should be able to assist in some fashion.

TSB has more Florida rehabers/pet owners than the other states. Have you checked with the other FL squirrel board members. Can they offer you help? Even if it means you truning over the sickest one to a rehaber who does have the vet connection...I am just thinking out loud here...just so you know.
Or rehabing under another rehaber with vet connections....still thinking out loud. I'll quit now :D

One last though....have you PM'ed any FL rehabers and stated your situation ? Sometimes it's best to PM and exchange phone numbers...that way you can talk one on one.
Best wishes, I know it's hard right now....I am hoping you get the help you need.

07-28-2009, 11:26 AM
Jackie Thank you for your concern, I have talked it over with Michelle, supervisor and Darla. The little girl is getting better, have some faith in me. Loopy understands whats going on.

My main point is I feel that people have to understand that you can't always get into a vet, I know there is a chain here in florida, where if you can't get help, someone else can. I am slowly building my bridges with the vets, I appreciatte all the advice. i am not trying to make excuses up and probably stirred the pot too much. I just hope there can be understanding of situations.

07-28-2009, 11:40 AM
You win Jackie, I am calling you.

07-28-2009, 11:47 AM
You win Jackie, I am calling you.

No, if you call Jackie, YOU win - and most of all, the SQUIRREL wins!!!! You couldn't make a better choice - I would trust her with my squirrels anyday.


07-28-2009, 07:25 PM

Jackie in Tampa
07-29-2009, 02:37 AM
It was good speaking with you again, and I think you are on the right track with her injury.
Heather , keep up the good work, my fingers are crossed for you and your little girl.
Please keep us updated on how she is doing. We would love pics too.
Others that don't post as often may be able to help too, with tips and thoughts on her future. Lots of calcium and good healthy food, plenty of hydration and heat.:grouphug

08-03-2009, 02:11 PM
SHE IS PEEING ON HER OWN!!! I can barely express any urine but still no movement/sensation in her legs. her eyes are starting to open!

Pointy Tale
08-03-2009, 07:01 PM
Great News about her going to the bathroom on her own!!! That is wonderful. I'm sorry about the back legs. And her eyes are opening-awesome.