07-25-2009, 08:35 PM
Hi someone named twisted siren on this site, told me to come on here.... I need BAYTRIL ASAP 22.7 injectible if possible. I have a rescue rat who is already getting treatment for mycoplasma induced pneumonia, well she came in with three other rats who have now ALL started showing symptoms, my vet is not on duty til monday! I NEED IT ASAP, this is a fast killer, and I have other rats at stake here. I already have them on doxy, started this morning, but that needs to be used in conjuction with baytril to be completely helpful... I live in MASSACHUSETTS will pick up anywhere here, rhode island, or new hampshire! The emergency vets want to charge me $125 per rat for a visit there! NO WAY!!! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!

07-25-2009, 09:34 PM
oh also... one of the rats she came in with died tonight... she actually had come in with four others four days ago... The others seemed PERFECTLY normal when I got them in, except for her, she was definately deathly ill... but now with treatment she is doing OK.... Baytril is the only other drug you can use to help this disease! No other drug will help! I need this ASAP my other rats are all at stake, and most definately the other three rescues!! you can visit my website at http://www.bareskinrattery.weebly.comto see pics on the one that was close to death, and also find more about her.... go to the sick rat update page...., and see what this disease does to a rat in such a quick time!! This is a deadly, and quick killer!! Please someone has to be able to help!!! These ratties need help, and you guys are my only choice... this person said you guys may be able to help me, but now it is looking grim!! These guys were fine, four days ago, then all of a sudden today the four started breathing heavy, making raspy sounds, then the other one that died obviously could not handle the stress and passed! The others are ok.. obviously they do not look like the other girl, so I think I can save them, if I was able to save the other girl, who four days ago was basically dead!!

07-25-2009, 09:41 PM
omg.. i'm so sorry, I hope someone can help you soon!!!:grouphug

we love rats here too.:Love_Icon

07-25-2009, 09:43 PM
Hi, I dont want you to think your being ignored. I have Baytril but I'm not close and cant think of anyway to get it to you fast. Tomorrow being Sunday is just complicating things. I'm not sure who's located where but I will try to find someone closer to you. I'm so sorry you already lost one.

07-25-2009, 09:52 PM
Thank you guys VERY much!! I appreciate it! anything you can do let me know! I will keep checking.... I don't want to end up loosing anymore! Rats are my life! I have also had grey squirrels also, Two I rescued from babies... and was able to release them when they were ready, and one I found hit by a car, or had fallen from a tree, not sure but was full grown, had brain damage after that... named her zippo, cause she would zip around then black out, also have raised a few possums too succesfully, two of which were life long companions! Animals are my passion, not matter how small! And squirrels, skunks, and rats are some of my favorite! What animal could EVER beat the coat on a squirrel!! LOVE their coats... so thick and soft!!! Thanks, guys! I appreciate it sooo much!!

07-25-2009, 09:53 PM
Do you know of any rehabbers in the area?

Will try to find...:grouphug

07-25-2009, 10:03 PM
i'm sorry these don't look very promising....rehabbers in MA.


07-25-2009, 10:05 PM
no other then twistedsiren she is in rhodeisland, she only has clavamox right now... and that will not help...only baytril... its called mycoplasma, you can look it up, it is something most rats are born with, NEVER usually causes a problem... but i deal with mainly hairlesses, and they have such bad genes... and I rescue them also along with breed them... the rescues all usually have something wrong, its how they were genetically bred... my goal is trying to weed out alot of these problems, but the bad genes usually causes bad flare up of this mycoplasma... and causes severe problems, most bacterial infections in eyes, ears and lungs... There are alot of these bad gene hairlesses out there, that need more then the owners can give, and thats why I rescue also... I usually am able to treat all of them and find them good homes, BUT never have I had a problem like this before! Usually it is not too contagious, BUT with that one having pneumonia also, she has infected the others that came in with her... and I had NO CLUE! They looked perfectly normal untill today! But thats the thing, this is VERY serious when it gets to this point, not much you can usually do... BUt the other little one has been fighting for her life, and is actually pulling through... as soon as I got them, I seperated her, but obviously was too late! These guys came in a thirty gallon TANK not cage, tank, and the bedding was soaked all the way through with urine, I puked trying to just take them out of it! it was that bad! the ammonia in that tank was deathly!!! i can't beleive anyone could EVER let animals stay like that... anyways, the flare up was probably a factor of everything combined, and mycoplasma flares up do to stress, bad environments etc...

07-25-2009, 10:07 PM
I"m going off line now but i've notified all that i know.

good luck and prayers for you and the rats.

I'm so sorry but you might need to take him/her to the emergency.

wishing you all the best.:grouphug

07-25-2009, 11:04 PM
I can offer nothing but prayers, but I thank you for devoting so much time and effort to these wonderful little animals.

Rats are one of my absolute favorite animals too.:Love_Icon

07-26-2009, 11:28 AM
Hey guys, another one may pass soon!!! Really having trouble breathing!! THIS IS DIER!!! ALSO, I talked to someone I know personally as a vet, and they think I actually may need gentocin ... but baytril will keep it at bay for now... but if I really want to get them to quickly become better, that gentocin is the best thing....BUT I know that is hard to come by, so baytril is really my only option right now!! But one is starting to open mouth breathe... doesn't look good at all!! ALL three are now not eating... and just very lathargic, and open gasping, with raspy sounds, only one though now is open mouth breathing...

07-26-2009, 11:53 AM
Here si what I just found on the net..... My rats are all on doxcylcine right now.... but need to have baytril as well to be effective.... BUT since it is severe now.... gentocin is another good option.... here is the thing I found... you can read more, so you know what I am talking about.... ou can print this out and bring it to the vets as well.
It is from a vet, not written by me, from a site that a friend of mine contributes to which is called THE RAT GUIDE.


You can also use amakacin in place of gentocin. The rat should also be kept in oxygen for a few days while medications start to work.

A treatment regimen for serious and advanced respiratory illness

The following treatment regimen for use in rats with advanced lung infection or more serious respiratory illness with Mycoplasma as the suspected agent , is recommended by Dr. Michael Hutchinson, DVM; Animal General, Cranberry Township, PA., and is based on his experience treating rats and current literature:

enrofloxacin (Baytril) 15 mg/kg BID, PO (oral) for 10-30 days
doxycycline 5 mg/kg BID PO (oral) for 10-30 days
nebulization for 15 minutes, 2 to 3 times a day, for 14 days, with the following mixture:
8 mL sterile saline
0.5mL gentocin injectable 100 mg/mL
0.5mL Albuterol 0.083% Inhalation *Note: excess mixture for nebulization can be refrigerated for up to 3 days.

dexamethasone 1 mg/lb BID, then weaned down as follows:
1 mg/lb BID injectable or PO (oral) for 3 days
1 mg/lb SID for 3 days
0.5 mg/lb SID for 3 days
0.5 mg/lb orally every other day, three doses

Other veterinary recommended reduction schedules for dexamethasone may also be used.

Additional antimicrobial choices
Besides the above recommended antimicrobial choices, and treatment regimens for pneumonia, the following drug choices may also be used.


Cefadroxil (for secondary infections - best used in combination with Gentocin)


Enrofloxacin (Baytril) and Doxycycline simultaneously.

An aminoglycoside: (such as amikacin or gentamicin) in combination with Cefadroxil.

*Note: Combination of drugs given simultaneously like enrofloxacin (Baytril) + doxycycline, azithromycin + doxycycline, clarithromycin + doxycycline, have been found to be very effective in rats.

07-26-2009, 12:55 PM
:Welcome and thank you for looking for emergency help. I sent a message to someone who might possibly be able to help -- don't know if she will respond in time or be able to give you what you need :dono but at least you know you are doing all you can to seek help.

If nothing else, these rats are now in good, caring hands and a safe and clean environment, which has already dramatically improved their plight. :bowdown I hope you can help them all to recover.

:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

07-26-2009, 01:11 PM
Thank you VERY much!! Ya these guys were treated so badly!! I just cannot understand how someone could ever let it get to the point these guys got this sick this quick!! It has been five days now since I got them...The thing thats stinks, is once it starts to occur, there is only so much you can do! I have been trying my best. I gave them a little chocolate to try and open their airway for now... (a natural brochiodialator). But nobody is open today EXCEPT the emergency clinic... even so my vet wants to charge me an office visit on each one also!! But they are not open till tomorrow anyway... I am going to stick with the baytril and doxy, since it has seemed to keep the otherone stable... instead of switching to gentocin, cause I have already started them on the doxy, the only thing is, since it is mycoplasma induced, only baytril will help to clear it up... So the doxy right now, is truly not doing much. Since I got these guys in have spent over $800, cause had to buy two more ferret cages since thye have to be seperated... And one is housing only the sickest alone now. Plus the vet for the one that was sick from the getco... there is not much point in rushing them to the vet, because all I need is baytril and they will not call it in, unless I bring EACH one there to be checked!! Ridiculous, one vet my original just wants to put my other girl down, he is no help, then switched to the vet I know in rhode islad, but they are money hungry! All i need is Baytril.... got the doxy. Ridiculous on how much these vets want to charge, when all you need is one antibiotic, cause nothing else will really help, and just to keep your fingers crossed!

07-26-2009, 01:23 PM
HEY if someone has some.... and can send it out ASAP the 22.7 injectible... but needs to be a good amount, I can start them on the other rats baytril that i have..... I just don't want to do that unless I know for a FACT I am getting some, because she only has enough to last her, for a certain amount of days.... so if someone can send some through the mail to me.. and I know for a fact I am getting it, I can start them on hers.....let me know ASAP!!! And I can send you a check or money order whatever you prefer, throught he mail for it!! please let me know!

07-26-2009, 01:23 PM
Best of luck to you and the sick ones. Perhaps if you just bringone into the vet tomorrow, s/he will work with you once you are there and give you enough meds to treat all that need it? You might not be able to work that out in advance by phone, but the prescription might be provided in the "expectation" that an extended course of treatment is necessary, since the rat is so ill.

:grouphug :grouphug

07-26-2009, 01:38 PM
I will try and call them tomorrow, and see what they say....but tomorrow MAYBE too late anyway... since none showed signs untill yesterday, and one already died, now the other is dying....I have NEVER my whole time breeding rats and rescuing them, have seen anything like this! I knew about mycoplasma, any rat owner does, and have had a few with flare ups that i rescued, BUT NEVER have I seen it so bad, where they are almost beyond help, and SOOOOO quickly of an onset!! I myself do not have these problems in my genes, they are actually all mycoplasma free.... (only a few knwon mycoplasma free breeders around), BUT NOW, my stock maybe at risk, because it is airborn... and they MAY have had contact when I first got them in... because mycoplasma is not really contagious, but once it gets to this state it is... and the other four had no signs when I first got them in, and they were within 20 feet of my breeders for about half a day.... So if it was a bad enough mycoplasma flare up these guys had without me knowing at the time, then possibility my breeders have contracted it....possibilty slim, but now everyone is on lockdown...lol!! CRAZY, just have never seen it like this!!

07-26-2009, 03:40 PM
Jamie, I don't know if this will help, but in my state we have a chain of stores (Fleet Farm) that carry farm supplies, including medications that are hard to get otherwise. They are also open on Sunday. I have never looked for Baytril there, but I have purchased pennicillin there. Maybe you have a similar chain in your state.

07-26-2009, 05:10 PM
Don't any of your Rat friends (that doesn't sound right, but you know what I mean) have any Baytril you can get? Maybe their vets are a little more understanding than yours about prescribing without seeing them.

Otherwise, all I know to try is to take one to the vet and try to get enough for 'extended treatment'. In a day or so, call the vet, tell him that the bottle got knocked over and you need to get it refilled ASAP. That should at least buy you some time.

Good luck


07-26-2009, 05:11 PM
Hey guys, I think its going to be too late now, they are all suffereing.... I just am at a loss of what to do! I have already spent so much on them...But I am not going to go bring them to the emergency vet for $125 each just to be put to sleep.... and thats only including getting me through the door. they are all open mouth breathing now, and are going to be gone soon.... this is kind of a hard question, but does anyone know how to humanely euthanize these guys? They will ALL be dead soon trust me, acting the same as the one yesterday.....and their feet are blueish now.... I know that antidepressants can be used, but I do not have any.... what else could work fast and not let them suffer too much? I also know I could tie a box with them in it to my exaust pipe and within a few minutes the carbon monoxide will kill them, but I don't want to go that route....anything else that could do it more humanely then that?

07-26-2009, 05:14 PM
ya, I needed something LAST night,t hat is how fast this works!! This is a very fast killer... I might have been able to save them if I could have gotten baytril last night, or today, but now it is too late... most die within 24 hours of first showing signs, its too late now, thats why I was rushing trying to get some.... the other girl listed above in my webpage she was a lucky one... but usually NONE are ever that lucky.... its a very bad, and painful killer! But this is what happens when people have bad genes in their lines they breed! It's terrible! OOHHHH, and also the one I said maybe able to be saved, well SHE MAY actually just be pregnant!! I don't know, but she is not acting like the others.... she is actuall still eating and seems ok, and her breathing is ALOT different!! She may actually have pups in her belly instead, and maybe about to have them.... NOT too sure... but just seems different, not sick like these guys, I had a feeling she could have been pregnant although the lady I got them from says no possible way, I think she maybe... her belly is pretty big... BUT could be wrong, so right now, I have TWO that are about to die, and this other one that I don't know what it is with her.... whether it be pregnant, or just a slow progression for her.... not sure!

07-26-2009, 05:41 PM
:grouphug I'm really sorry that no one was able to help and you have to watch them die. You must feel so helpless. My heart goes out to you. It seems like the emergencies always happen on the weekend.. :sad

07-26-2009, 06:04 PM
Awww I'm so sorry. Fed-Ex wont pick up until Monday and you wouldn't get it till Tues. Sounds like that will be too late.

07-26-2009, 08:10 PM
Hey guys, one did die already, another is on its way out.... and the other one still don't know.... I have decided now to euthanize ALL of the ones left tomorrow, even the original one that was sick....This is horrible! The only one I am keeping right now, is the one that may not have signs, and may just be giving birth soon... she has not shown many signs yet, we will see though.... she will be seperated from everyone and everything for the next few weeks if she does not show signs........ and unfortunately, if she is pregnant, and gets sick after, that means her babies will be sick too, and they will all have to be euthanzied, I do not know if she has been affected or not..... we will see. Will keep you posted... Sorry the link to my site does not work anymore, I had that page up so people could keep reading about the original girl, but now that I have decided to euthanize her, I have taken down that page! This is soooo terrible!

07-26-2009, 10:52 PM
gosh, I'm so sorry. I'm just reading this tonight. It's midnight. I do have baytril here, but it's pill form, it was prescribed for a cat. I suspect this also is too late though for you. what a horrible deal. :grouphug

07-26-2009, 11:17 PM
I am so sorry - for you and for the poor rats. As far as euthanization, I have been told that placing them in the freezer is the most painless way it can be done without taking them to a vet. I don't know if this is correct, as I, thankfully, have never had to put it to the test.

I do so hope that none of your others have been infected.


07-26-2009, 11:44 PM
Jamie, I just want to say how very sorry that you're having to go through this. As with most members of the board I was not able to help you, I could only follow this thread and hope against hope that help reached you in time.

All I can say now is please know that we all deeply care and are so saddened.


07-27-2009, 10:30 AM
:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

07-27-2009, 12:19 PM
:grouphug :grouphug I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I hope the last little rat is doing ok. :grouphug :grouphug

For the future, there are homeopathics that will help an animal die less stressfully if they are already dying. These homeopathics will not cause death but simply ease the transition into death. If the animal is not dying, the homeopathic will have no effect.

You can usually find these homeopathics at a health food store. They store for a long time and are good to have around if you are likely to run into emergencies on the weekends when your vet isn't open, etc.

PM me if you'd like the names of them.