View Full Version : Need help on how to acclimate my squirrels!
Whiney and Jelly Bean are about 13 weeks old now, and are still living inside!
I took them out for 20 minutes yesterday, in the shade, and got so concerned about Whiney that I picked her up and carried her to the house in my hands! She started panting and wouldn't eat or drink anything outside. When I got her in, she laid on the arm of the couch and flattened out for a while. I'm sure she was overheated! Their cage is in partial shade, and covered, but it's just too hot. I took them out because the humidity wasn't supposed to be as bad yesterday-thinking they would be fine. Well, thankfully they are fine, but I'm still not sure how to get them used to this heat!
I've recently been trying to take them out for a bit each day, but most of the time they escape before I can get them to the cage! I have to spend the majority of the time trying to catch them, while in sheer terror that somethings going to get them or they're going to run off! By the time all of that's over...I have to bring them in because it's REALLY hot for them.
How does everyone get them from point A to point B? I don't have a "small" cage that I can just carry out there...any ideas would be appreciated. I've tried the rubbermaid container-WOW! My hands and arms were shredded at that attempt!
Whiney went up a tree the other day about 80 feet tall...and I paniced! She seemed very happy and content, but her mommy on the ground was calling for her fiance to get the bucket truck and climbing gear to go get her! LOL! After I had set my chair up to spend the day there, she came running down as she heard me opening a Reese cup! (shhhhh---secret-occasionally I give them a little piece-they love them!)
They're not used to being outside regularly, and wouldn't know where to go at this point if they ran off. I've never actually left them in their cage on their own. I sit beside them the entire time... I've tried a leash, but they absolutely HATE it! I've decided not to go that route anymore, as they actually act embarrassed with it on! Not to mention, the harness affects some of their ability to jump correctly, and I'm afraid they'll get hurt.
So, should I properly and safely acclimate them, and how should I get them from inside to out SAFELY? We've worked way too hard together for them to just run off and disappear, be eaten, or die of a heat stroke!
Oh, and they ARE still on their formula (Esbilac) 2-3 times daily, and still want it. They've been "weaning" themselves for a while, but still drink it. I am also concerned about MBD-should I be concerned while they're in the process of weaning? They're on HHB (which they now absolutely LOVE!) and the healthy diet plan, although they get a little coffee and Reese cup here and there.
Any help would be great! I'm a newbie at this, as it's my first time trying to raise and release.
07-15-2009, 02:31 PM
Whiney and Jelly Bean are about 13 weeks old now, and are still living inside!
I took them out for 20 minutes yesterday, in the shade, and got so concerned about Whiney that I picked her up and carried her to the house in my hands! She started panting and wouldn't eat or drink anything outside. When I got her in, she laid on the arm of the couch and flattened out for a while. I'm sure she was overheated! Their cage is in partial shade, and covered, but it's just too hot. I took them out because the humidity wasn't supposed to be as bad yesterday-thinking they would be fine. Well, thankfully they are fine, but I'm still not sure how to get them used to this heat!
I've recently been trying to take them out for a bit each day, but most of the time they escape before I can get them to the cage! I have to spend the majority of the time trying to catch them, while in sheer terror that somethings going to get them or they're going to run off! By the time all of that's over...I have to bring them in because it's REALLY hot for them.
How does everyone get them from point A to point B? I don't have a "small" cage that I can just carry out there...any ideas would be appreciated. I've tried the rubbermaid container-WOW! My hands and arms were shredded at that attempt!
Whiney went up a tree the other day about 80 feet tall...and I paniced! She seemed very happy and content, but her mommy on the ground was calling for her fiance to get the bucket truck and climbing gear to go get her! LOL! After I had set my chair up to spend the day there, she came running down as she heard me opening a Reese cup! (shhhhh---secret-occasionally I give them a little piece-they love them!)
They're not used to being outside regularly, and wouldn't know where to go at this point if they ran off. I've never actually left them in their cage on their own. I sit beside them the entire time... I've tried a leash, but they absolutely HATE it! I've decided not to go that route anymore, as they actually act embarrassed with it on! Not to mention, the harness affects some of their ability to jump correctly, and I'm afraid they'll get hurt.
So, should I properly and safely acclimate them, and how should I get them from inside to out SAFELY? We've worked way too hard together for them to just run off and disappear, be eaten, or die of a heat stroke!
Oh, and they ARE still on their formula (Esbilac) 2-3 times daily, and still want it. They've been "weaning" themselves for a while, but still drink it. I am also concerned about MBD-should I be concerned while they're in the process of weaning? They're on HHB (which they now absolutely LOVE!) and the healthy diet plan, although they get a little coffee and Reese cup here and there.
Any help would be great! I'm a newbie at this, as it's my first time trying to raise and release.
I think many of us are in this predicament because of the weather. If you can, take the out at cooler times of the day--morning and afternoon--and gradually let them stay out for longer periods of time (of course, you still need to keep a close eye on them and make sure they have access to shade at all times. Even wilds get hot during the day and seek relief in the shade of their nests or sprawled out on branches to catch any breeze and allow the heat to dissipate from their bodies. It's a ghost town around my house from about 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. As far as MBD, I think you're safe there. They've been getting what they needed (calcium and D3) from the formula and have probably developed well, and now they're getting what they need from their diet. Finally, I release mine around 16-plus weeks, so you have plenty of time to work them up to being outdoors for the day. Good luck, good job, and thanks for taking such good care of these babies!
Secret Squirrel
07-15-2009, 02:59 PM
Tara, your post sound exactly like my first release....lawn chair, calling for them to come down, scared to death, panting....all me of course...the squirrels were fine. LOL!!!!!
You will be surprized how fast squirrels can acclimate to changing climates. When I release, I take the kids out one at a time, wrapped in a blanket...kinda like a sack with the squirrel in the center, as I hold them to my chest supporting them with both hands. Put them in the pre-release cage one at a time and that's it.
They stay there for up to 2 weeks to get used to the surrounding wildlife, sounds and weather. I don't bring them in and out on a daily basis...I think that just makes them upset. I know it's hot but they will be fine in the shade.
I usually wait til they are 15-16 weeks old...depending on the squirrels developement.
A word of caution to you....if you let them run around outside with you supervising, the chances of them climbing a tree and not coming down are great. They are just like kids....always pushing the parents buttons :flash3
So you may want to wait a few weeks and them put them out for more stressing you or the squirrels out...yeah right !!!!
Easier said than done....:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
Good luck and best wishes.
Thanks for your responses! I've been having a time with these two girls!!!! They're so funny and hilarious to watch though! I'm really going to miss them when they're released! I'm hoping maybe they'll stick around for food...
I'll wait until they're at least 16 wks to release-I hope we don't kill each other before then! :)
They ALWAYS want out of their cage, and it's SOOOOO hard to get them back in after playtime! They've started "growling" at me when I go to put them up now and I look like my whole body has been through a shredder at this point! I try bribing them in with food...but they normally just grab it and try to run right back out! Don't get me wrong-they're not being mean-they just want to stay out and play-and they can't help they have sharp claws! :) I can't trim them because I'm going to release...
Whiney isn't quite as difficult- she'll let me hold her and kiss her nose basically anytime I want. Jelly Bean is another story...she's SO strong and prefers not to be "hand" held. She loves to jump and run all over you, but isn't crazy about the hands unless we're playing around and hand wrestling. She does allow rubbing her back and sidesbut it's on her own terms.
Another quick question-feeding syringes....We go through them like MAD! I have to buy at least 12 every 4 to 5 days. Is this normal? I've tried keeping the tip over to one side or the other, but they gnaw until the milk pours out. I don't use a nipple of any sort. Are there any other options?
07-15-2009, 07:14 PM
Another quick question-feeding syringes....We go through them like MAD! I have to buy at least 12 every 4 to 5 days. Is this normal? I've tried keeping the tip over to one side or the other, but they gnaw until the milk pours out. I don't use a nipple of any sort. Are there any other options?
It's not as much fun, and it can get messy, but at that age they should be able to lap the formula up out of a small dish. Use something heavy (but shallow) so it's not so easy to overturn.
It's not as much fun, and it can get messy, but at that age they should be able to lap the formula up out of a small dish. Use something heavy (but shallow) so it's not so easy to overturn.
Thanks PBluejay2...I have tried the shallow dish, but I can't figure out how to keep it warm, and I have one that won't really drink out of it.
I just came back from the pet store with my $6.35 worth of 12 syringes. I would have come out cheaper buying these by the case! LOL! It's really annoying, because every single time I go in to the pet store (for the past umm....11 least once or twice a week)they want to know if I have a new puppy. Now...this is a VERY small pet store. One Wal-mart. One movie theater. Anyway...same owner and two'd think they would get it by now! SQUIRRELS. I HAVE SQUIRRELS! Before I leave there, I've explained why you can't use bottles, since they recommend that EVERY SINGLE time I go in griping about the syringes...they try to switch me over to the kitten formula, and try to get me to feed them corn and sunflower seeds! All while I'm saying, "No thank you, I'm fine" when they offer Help. Not to mention...did you know that I have three heads!?!?!?! I get the same look every time I go in there! And I promise, I'm not crazy-yet! And I don't act like a know it all....but I must correct them when it comes to the squirrels and feeding! I'm about to print off sections of this site and post it or something! Well, I probably need authorization for I'll wait for now. :) :osnap
I also ran to Wal-Mart and am totally annoyed with the selection for squirrels! They don't have any kale or I had to get parsley and brocolli-and green beans. I do still have some romaine lettuce left and turnips. Out of the chayote-they ended up eating a little of it. I guess that's a good enough selection for now. I keep looking for bok choy and chickory...things on the list of high calcium veggies...I carry the list with me. They wouldn't eat the turnip greens very well, but I offered until they started wilting.
I go into overload when trying to figure out if a cherry is a cherry or a sweet cherry or a bing cherry....etc. Is okra in the pkg the same as fresh okra...can't find anything organic other than herbs unless it's packaged like a salad...ARGGGHHH!!!! Okay, sorry...had to vent. I have to be very careful with Whiney, as she seems to have a very sensitive tummy. I spend more time trying to find veggies for the squirrels than I do getting the entire grocery list!
Taking a breath now...
Thanks to everyone for your help! I need every little bit that I can get at this point!
**Tara's disclaimer: I am out of my anxiety medication and will be better in about a week. :) :jump Until then...I'm so annoyed and aggravated I'm driving myself nuts!!! Please remain positive and SMILE!
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