View Full Version : Need some help, For a Rabbit

07-14-2009, 01:28 AM
Okay so I hope I wont get in trouble for this. :hidechair

Well My Rabbit Samir That I adopted from the animal shelter about a month ago. Well I'm (as with my family) are starting to think that he is blind.

The only medical problem that he had before I adopted him was a Herniated bladder. Vet said he was fine and my vet even said he was fine. But I read that Rabbits aren't' born blind, but I've noticed from day one somethings a little off. I did the finger test to both his eyes didn't move a muscle, I had him running around the kitchen floor, he was happy till he ran into the dogs water dish scared him then he came to me and jumped in my lap and wouldn't move at all. He has to be touching something at all times when he isn't in his cage, and he walks.. Literally walks, with his head down and his ears out. I've had 3 rabbits before him and I still have one other one she's perfect doesn't do anything that he does. And he's just odd, his eyes though are cloudy I guess what i'm trying to get at is this..

Are their any more tests I could do for him myself? I don't get paid till Saturday. He doesn't seem to be in any pain at all. :thankyou

Edited for the spelling mistakes haha sorry

07-14-2009, 07:35 AM
Thank you for adopting this little one. I know of no other test that can be done and the cloudy eyes sorta pionts to blindness, along with the other things you have noted.
Squirrelsruleandbunniestoo might be able to help you out. Good luck with this little guy/girl.
And :Welcome to The Squirrel Board.

07-14-2009, 11:50 AM
See if he is blind nothing will change on how I feel about him. It was love when I first saw him, as with my mom Shes allergic to rabbits but she held him and she just loves him also. He's a mix between my first two rabbits Bugs and Missey, He looks like Missey Identical But his disposition is that of Bugs. I don't do this but when I first saw him my mom pointed him out I ran to his cage and took him out to hold him.

When you first hold him though he starts to breath heavy like you scared him. Then he just melts into your arms.

The shelter gave us two diff stories on him, one being that he was abanded They found him in a box outside their building, and the other as him being a stray.

He'll just live out the rest of his days with me, I love him to much to let him go. Only way is if he was showing pain that couldn't be treated then I'd put him down.

Thank you for your input though.

07-14-2009, 12:03 PM
See if he is blind nothing will change on how I feel about him. It was love when I first saw him, as with my mom Shes allergic to rabbits but she held him and she just loves him also. He's a mix between my first two rabbits Bugs and Missey, He looks like Missey Identical But his disposition is that of Bugs. I don't do this but when I first saw him my mom pointed him out I ran to his cage and took him out to hold him.

When you first hold him though he starts to breath heavy like you scared him. Then he just melts into your arms.

The shelter gave us two diff stories on him, one being that he was abanded They found him in a box outside their building, and the other as him being a stray.

He'll just live out the rest of his days with me, I love him to much to let him go. Only way is if he was showing pain that couldn't be treated then I'd put him down.

Thank you for your input though.

:grouphug :grouphug Aww..you are such a sweet heart...what a kind..heart you have....

I am glad the people that didnt want him anymore..put him a box..at least...and not just let him go..to die...
The economy is SO..bad right now..and the first to get kicked to the curb...seems to be the "pet's"...Makes my heart ache..these little furry hearts..must be going through...wondering where "their" human..went?
I am..happy..you have him with Unconditional, love...:grouphug
You are both fortunate to have each other..:grouphug

07-14-2009, 12:11 PM
Thank you.. That made me tear up.. haha Gotta be the hormones. hahaha

Yeah I'm lucky to have to have him, He's just the sweetest little thing ever. I was going to try to bond him with Cinn but that's when I started to noticed something was off because he would never look at her, he was trying to find her it seems. But then she lunged at him through the cage, She isn't a very nice rabbit. haha but I love her still, she seems to have bonded with me now. Before it was nobody and she would go after anyone who got so close to her.

But last night when I gave him food I gave him his favorite piece first as I always do and he couldn't find it in my hand I had to put it right up to his nose and then he bit it but not hard enough to keep it in his mouth. So it dropped to the floor and my goodness, took him awhile to find it! I kept trying to grab it for him but when he felt my hand he thought I had it or something and was just biting everything he finally got it though. My poor baby.

I'll try to post a picture of him. This was at the shelter when my mom was holding him.

Edit because that picture was way to big. Sorry!

07-15-2009, 01:33 AM
1. poor little sweetheart, i'm so sorry.

2. He'll have a great life with you, blind or not.

i'd contact the house rabbit society for more tips on dealing with blind rabbits but here's a start. (and etherbun is also very good - on line rabbit group).




(dana krempels is very well respected rabbit expert)

I do question though why both vets didn't pick up his blindness...

all the best...:grouphug

07-15-2009, 02:23 PM
Thank you for the links! I'll check em out.

Yeah I question why they didn't either. I'll ask my vet when I go in again with him.

Thank you again!