View Full Version : Ready to release ??? Need guidance....

07-05-2009, 02:49 PM
Hello - I hope this is the right spot to post for help and/or guidance in releasing our squirrel.

Our "Sunny" has decided that she wants to be a free outside squirrel.....which I am fine with. It has always been her decision and I will do whatever she needs or wants..... but she has decided that NOW is that time. My timetable WAS a little different than hers.
My husband and I take her out almost daily for several hours of supervised playtime, she plays in the dirt - hiding stuff, flings herself out of one perfectly good tree to continue on to the next tree (this makes me want to throw up). Interacting somewhat with the other squirrels in our back yard. Mostly it's just her learning to be a squirrel
Friday night was the usual until it started to get dark. She came down the tree to get on my arm looked at both of us - did this little purring chirp noise and back up the tree she went and stayed there - ALL NIGHT. Came down the next morning jumped onto my husband - came inside, ate a HUGE
breakfast and then napped for several hours. All like it was no big deal. I almost had a complete meltdown but I guess it was her way of letting me know it's time.
Here is where I need a lot of guidance and opinions.......

What do I do now????
She has come inside for the past two nights but we also "get" her off the tree and quickly get her inside. She has a "house" that is inside right now (so she can get used to it) that will be mounted outside but she has only been it a few night prior to this - will she know this is her home, is she going to use it?
Here should be the link to the introduction page with her initial story...


I have more questions too ???
* Do I still build a pre release cage for her at this point? I don't think she is going to like it - but you all tell me.
* Since she was an MBD case how do I make sure that she is getting enough calcium - still??? Is there an MBD Outside diet? They can still have reoccourances - right?
* She is scratching like crazy, her tail is not nearly as full and I have seen a few fleas, what can I use on her? I have tried the diatomaceous earth and it didn't seem to make a difference. What about permethrin power - it is says it is safe for cats & kittens.
* What about colostrum products or immune boosting products to help her once she is own her own?
* Also do you have a place for us "squirrel enablers" to go to help heal our hearts after the little fuzzy butts leave?

**** I would like to see if there is a rehabber in my home area that would like some volunteer "help". I figured that is the least that I could do to say THANKS to Sunny for helping to save me.

07-05-2009, 03:05 PM
Hello - I hope this is the right spot to post for help and/or guidance in releasing our squirrel.

Our "Sunny" has decided that she wants to be a free outside squirrel.....which I am fine with. It has always been her decision and I will do whatever she needs or wants..... but she has decided that NOW is that time. My timetable WAS a little different than hers.
My husband and I take her out almost daily for several hours of supervised playtime, she plays in the dirt - hiding stuff, flings herself out of one perfectly good tree to continue on to the next tree (this makes me want to throw up). Interacting somewhat with the other squirrels in our back yard. Mostly it's just her learning to be a squirrel
Friday night was the usual until it started to get dark. She came down the tree to get on my arm looked at both of us - did this little purring chirp noise and back up the tree she went and stayed there - ALL NIGHT. Came down the next morning jumped onto my husband - came inside, ate a HUGE
breakfast and then napped for several hours. All like it was no big deal. I almost had a complete meltdown but I guess it was her way of letting me know it's time.
Here is where I need a lot of guidance and opinions.......

What do I do now????
She has come inside for the past two nights but we also "get" her off the tree and quickly get her inside. She has a "house" that is inside right now (so she can get used to it) that will be mounted outside but she has only been it a few night prior to this - will she know this is her home, is she going to use it?
Here should be the link to the introduction page with her initial story...


I don't know if I can answer all your questions, but as far as releasing her it sounds like you're going about things fine as long as she sticks around your local. As a rehabber, I like to "wild them up" some before they venture out in the world, hoepfully making them leary of people. I'm hoping she doesn't feel comfortable enough to jump on other people should she decide to move elsewhere. You could try a pre-release cage, but it sounds like you've already "released" her. She just keeps coming back! :D Getting her used to her "house" and then mounting it on the tree is a good idea--maybe she'll use it, maybe she won't--but it gives her a place to go if needed. I released my first squirrel by putting a cat door in a window. He'd come and go as he pleased, and then first time he didn't come back for three days, I freaked, but then one day he showed up again just to say hello and cop a nut :-). He would still come and go for a while but eventually spent all of his time outdoors.

I have more questions too ???
* Do I still build a pre release cage for her at this point? I don't think she is going to like it - but you all tell me.

Again, at this point, I really don't think it's necessary unless you want to start the process all over again (not letting her go out unless inside of it).

* Since she was an MBD case how do I make sure that she is getting enough calcium - still??? Is there an MBD Outside diet? They can still have reoccourances - right?

Yes, MBD squirrels can relapse (at least if they are kept in captivity/as pets), but I don't know of any squirrel who has access to whatever and all they eat in the wild who developed MBD.*

She is scratching like crazy, her tail is not nearly as full and I have seen a few fleas, what can I use on her? I have tried the diatomaceous earth and it didn't seem to make a difference. What about permethrin power - it is says it is safe for cats & kittens.

I use Frontline spray and haven't had any bad side effects. Some think that's a bit strong and use Adams flea and Tick spray.*

What about colostrum products or immune boosting products to help her once she is own her own?

If she's currently healthy, you don't need to worry about these things, in my opinion.

* Also do you have a place for us "squirrel enablers" to go to help heal our hearts after the little fuzzy butts leave?

Yes, and you've found it! TSB!

**** I would like to see if there is a rehabber in my home area that would like some volunteer "help". I figured that is the least that I could do to say THANKS to Sunny for helping to save me.

That's how I got started--wanting to repay a squirrel for all the love and trust he gave me and for saving me. I'm sure someone can help you find a local rehabber. I'm in NW Florida but would LOVE some help!

Hope some of this helps!

07-05-2009, 03:14 PM
The above was great advice. I have seen squirrels released in many many ways. I have "wilded" them up first and just soft released when them semi-attached. The semi attached ones wilded up on their own:)
They would come and go then just "go":D But I would see them in the trees being squirrels. I would put a feeder up in a near tree and keep feeding her for quite a while as she learns the "ropes". Also a water source.
Best of luck to you. Believe me, there are many folks with hurting hearts as we release our squirrels. You are in kindred company:grouphug :grouphug

07-05-2009, 03:33 PM
Forgot to ask..............
Is there anyone here who speaks squirrel?
Yesterday when we went out she jumped to one of her trees & as I was standing there she started making this chirp/growl/squeek - flicking her tail like crazy. It seemed to make the other squirrels go away. What did she say?
She is not nearly as vocal as the wild ones in my backyard but when she says something she must mean it.
Also, what about squirrel behavior - I have looked for a good book explaining the postures and behaviors but can't really find what I am looking for. Unfortunately plenty is written on how to get rid of them........

07-06-2009, 04:56 PM
Thanks for your replies - PBluejay2 & Wheezer. I am afraid that I am going to drive you all nuts with all of my questions.
When you guys say "wild them up" what exactly do you mean?
I understand about letting them stay outside more and getting familiar with their enviroment - noises, smells, etc. Learning to search for food - in general just being a squirrel.
What other things would you suggest?
I have always kept her away from my other pets so she is very afraid of dogs and cats. She has met other members of my family BUT that was very limited, basically she will come to my husband or myself but seems very leary of our neighbors - so far. Children and loud noises sends her running.
**PBluejay2 I would LOVE to help out !!! I am a little too far from you but let me know how or what I could do!!
**Wheezer - what do you put in the feeders for your outside guys?? Everything I have read says to stay away from Pumpkin seeds, Sunflower seeds, Cashews. Is there is a brand of food you suggest?
We have several water sources that we (my husband) rinses out and fills up EVERYDAY........they are shallower containers just in case somebody falls in - they can get out.
Again - any input or ideas are appreciated.

07-06-2009, 05:45 PM
Thanks for your replies - PBluejay2 & Wheezer. I am afraid that I am going to drive you all nuts with all of my questions.
When you guys say "wild them up" what exactly do you mean?
I understand about letting them stay outside more and getting familiar with their enviroment - noises, smells, etc. Learning to search for food - in general just being a squirrel.
What other things would you suggest?
I have always kept her away from my other pets so she is very afraid of dogs and cats. She has met other members of my family BUT that was very limited, basically she will come to my husband or myself but seems very leary of our neighbors - so far. Children and loud noises sends her running.
**PBluejay2 I would LOVE to help out !!! I am a little too far from you but let me know how or what I could do!!
**Wheezer - what do you put in the feeders for your outside guys?? Everything I have read says to stay away from Pumpkin seeds, Sunflower seeds, Cashews. Is there is a brand of food you suggest?
We have several water sources that we (my husband) rinses out and fills up EVERYDAY........they are shallower containers just in case somebody falls in - they can get out.
Again - any input or ideas are appreciated.

It sounds like you're doing well by keeping her away from pets and other people. That's part of the process of "wilding up." The HARD part, however, is pulling away from her yourself. I put my juvies in a pre-release cage (actually it's more like a room (five of them from about 80 to 180 sq.ft. each x 9 feet tall)). Once they go outdoors into their part of the aviary, I have no contact with them other than to feed them. After three or four weeks, almost all (ALMOST all) won't let me get near them if I tried. Once they're leary of me (Hey! I'm the guy who wiped your little pooty, remember!), I know they'll be afraid of anyone. It's also a plus if you see them dragging material into their nest boxes, making things comfy for themselves (nest building), and you want to make sure they can open whole nuts (They don;t actually "crack" them as people say. They chisel as hole in the and then start chipping away).

As far as helping, since you're so far away, just spread the gospel--squirrels are magnificent creatures whom deserve out admiration and appreciation; if you ever find one, get it to a rehabber; and yes, they're cute, especially when little, but they DON'T make good pets! I seize every opportunity to convey these messages and more to every class I teach (they soon learn not to ask me about them), and I know I've made some converts, changed some thinking. You do the same, and we'll call it a "movement"!