View Full Version : Couple of questions...

07-05-2009, 12:16 AM
Ok first one...in order for my grey squirrel to have a healthy diet do i HAVE to feed him squirrel blocks? if so can you buy them at local pet stores? next what is a good balanced diet for him? What are good treats? Thanks & sorry for being nooby :P.

07-05-2009, 12:37 AM
I just posted on your last thread..
here is the link...back to the last thread...:thumbsup


FTN ~ Rachel

07-05-2009, 06:01 AM
Ok first one...in order for my grey squirrel to have a healthy diet do i HAVE to feed him squirrel blocks? if so can you buy them at local pet stores? next what is a good balanced diet for him? What are good treats? Thanks & sorry for being nooby :P.

Many people find that their squirrels will not readily eat squirrrel blocks of any kind. They (the squirrels) should always have access to them, however, as they will nibble on them occasionally. Some may disagree, but if you look at the sticky "Calium to Phosphorus Ratios," and try to stick to the veggies (primarily) and fruits and nuts with the highest calcium to phosphorus, that's a good thing but not enough. Although they do get protein from nuts, squirrels are omnivores and need animal protein also. They can get this from meal worms and crickets. I also provide a small dish of dry formula for my adult squirrels and they lick that on occasion. I also sprinkle their food with a supplement called "Vionate" and every few days calcium carbonate. It's my understanding that many zoos sprinkle about all diets with the Vionate and calcium. It's not impossible to provide them with a healthy diet without blocks, but blocks were designed to be nutritionally complete for rats, and we're assuming squirrels too, so if you can get your squirrel to eat them, it's a much easier and less expensive way to go.

07-05-2009, 01:19 PM
Ok thanks! I printed off a bunch of stuff from other topics and am gonna raid my pantry and hit the pet store later XD.:thankyou