View Full Version : Wild buddy with very swollen cheek

06-26-2009, 09:28 PM
One of my wilds has been showing up with what I thought were chubby cheeks, but tonite I see that I was mistaken, and it is just one of his cheeks that is very swollen--- on the right side. It is about three times the size of the left one. There is nothing visible on the surface, and he seems to be able to bite and chew, because he was getting nuts out of the feeder and gnawing at them to get the sell open. He does not look underweight, either. Any ideas on what might be ailing him?

06-26-2009, 10:52 PM
One of my wilds has been showing up with what I thought were chubby cheeks, but tonite I see that I was mistaken, and it is just one of his cheeks that is very swollen--- on the right side. It is about three times the size of the left one. There is nothing visible on the surface, and he seems to be able to bite and chew, because he was getting nuts out of the feeder and gnawing at them to get the sell open. He does not look underweight, either. Any ideas on what might be ailing him?

It could be numerous things. He could have an abcess or odontoma in a tooth, he could have an injury from a bite (another squirrel) or fall that's infected, he could have been bitten by a spider or something else that has caused an inflammation, he could have a malocclusion that's growing into his jaw--just too hard to diagnose without more info and a pic. I know--no help. Sorry.

06-26-2009, 11:33 PM
Could also be an abcess. Can you get a picture, or trap the squirrel so it can be examined?

Pointy Tale
06-27-2009, 05:38 PM
JLM27—I had a squirrel a while back with something similar, boy was I shocked, but I remembered something in another thread about how well and how fast they heal. I had given him Henry’s Healthy Blocks, which I made myself and I also gave him partially opened walnuts/pecans, I partially opened them, so he would eat them—he did, of course there was water available to him and I monitored him every day and within about a week or so, he was greatly improved. I attribute that to the good nutrition from the blocks and being able to eat and drink in a safe place. A scar remained in the area, but he seemed to have healed just fine. As you know, I am not a professional, so perhaps it would be better to take a picture for the experts to provide advice and real solutions. All the best to you and your little friend.