View Full Version : Lethargic Wild Squirrel with weird bump.
06-25-2009, 11:59 PM
This is not Curla, it's a much smaller squirrel that has taken over the nest for a few days. This squirrel was acting so strange... just lethargic, and weird, all day. So I finally remembered to take a pic of her, and when I did I saw this.... Also, though I don't have pics of it shown here, when she stands up it seems to be much more obviously off to the right side, not centered. I thought maybe it was her bottom poo poo area, but I saw that too, and they weren't one and the same. Hope I'm not being stupid and missing the obvious again. She barely even lifted her head when my husband and I went outside and stood literally two feet from her.What is it? Is she ok? Doesn't look like testicles (yes I know I have a habit of mistaking boy squirrels for girls) but this doesn't look the same. It kind of looks like the pics of the abcess from another person's post. It's not in the right place really either.
P.s. these were both taken at night so they are pretty poor quality. I even set off my flash a few times and she didn't even blink. Poor thing.
06-26-2009, 12:19 AM
Hmmm... that is odd. Is it in the vaginal area? Was it hot out yesterday? I imagine if she were giving birth the thing would have been out by now.
I wonder if it could be a growth of some kind. It deffinitely doesn't look natural.
I know you must be so worried over this.:grouphug If she is still there in the morning you may have to trap her and take her to a rehabber. Does she ever leave the nest?
06-26-2009, 12:24 AM
It was VERY hot yesterday. Very. 95 for most of the day. Today it was about ten to fifteen degrees cooler. She hasn't been eating that I've noticed. And my husband saw her leave the nest once, though I haven't. She's much too small and young to be giving birth.... at least I think so. She's much smaller than Curla, and curla is small compared to other squirrels. I'm not exactly sure how to go about trapping her, or even if I should. I'll wait for the rehabbers to take a look, before I go putting her through unnecessary stress. I wish I could get water to her, but she's outside my third story window.
06-26-2009, 12:35 AM
Well, it's possible that she was lethargic because of the heat. Now the water issue is tough. I imagine a screw, some wire and a small bowl and you could attach something on her tree... can you do that?
If she did leave the nest once, she is probably eating. I know I often miss Winkle's pups eating out of the jar feeder, but seeing how the seeds were disturbed, I know they were in there.:tilt
I wonder if she's just a juvenile then. It would be odd for a juvenile to have a growth. I guess it could be an abcess, but it doesn't really look large enough to really worry about. Still, I'd like to hear someone else's more knowledgable (I can't spell today) advice/observations.
06-26-2009, 12:38 AM
Good idea about the wire thing. Will have to work that out. Going to catch some sleep now, because I've been battling a VERY nasty cold, fever, and lung infection thing. Ugh. I'll report if she's still there in the morning. Thanks Feeze.
06-26-2009, 12:43 AM
I'll be here in the morning.:grouphug Take care of yourself. Stressing over an ill squirrel is the last thing you need right now.:grouphug
Jackie in Tampa
06-26-2009, 06:20 AM
:grouphug thanks for caring!
i would love to see more pics...hard to really say!
maybe one of our rehabbers can help, good luck!
island rehabber
06-26-2009, 06:38 AM
I'm wondering if that could be a bot fly warble.....hard to say without seeing whether there is an opening in the top. If it is, there isn't a whole lot you can do about it. What worries me, though, is the behavior of this squirrel. She is too tame and lethargic to be a healthy wild.....something's going on with her. I would definitely try to offer fresh, cold water in case she's sick and badly dehydrated....she doesn't look very chubby for a foxer, that's for sure.
Jackie in Tampa
06-26-2009, 08:00 AM
If is it bot fly, it will not create any illness in sq, just a parasite that will leave on it's own. But very possible..
Maybe an abcess???, although I don't think it is that either really. Both bot and abcess create a fever at site and hair loss would be greater with fever in wound, bigger bald patch! redness is not evident from pic.
Too low to be infected/swollen mammary nipple, hmmm????:thinking
can we ask for more pics???:tilt sorry.
:bowdown :bowdown
However I am not rehabber and like IR, wondering about lethargy:thinking
We ahve no foxers and I have no experience with them.
06-26-2009, 08:38 AM
Looks to me like it is more on her upper leg/hip than underneath? The fur in the area seems to look more like "topside fur" not "underbelly fur." The missing area around would be consistent with wound, abcess, bit fly. Lethargy is consistent with that AND with extreme heat during the day (and the pic is at night when she would be in a nest anyway). Perhaps just continue to make water and food easily available ..... and watch her to see if she seems to be OK on her own or becomes too weak to make out or to hide from predators.
:thinking Are there any rehabbers or friendly vets in your area that could/would treat her if she becomes unable to recover on her own? I'm not aware of any other members or rehabbers in your state. Did you check the links in the Rehab Info and Locations threads? There are links to where you can search by state for contact info. BEFORE trapping her, you need to have a plan in place for what you would do with her -- either be ready to care for her yourself or have someone to take her to.
:Love_Icon :grouphug
Ontario Rehabber
06-26-2009, 10:59 AM
You've received great advice, but I think in order to properly diagnose clearer day pics are required. Lethargy during heat is pretty normal.
Have you seen her act this way in cooler temps?
I tried to enhance the photograph and though it came out dark, I think it the section in question is this little girl's privates. Since I have several female fox squirrels, I have noticed that their privates are dark, not pink like grays. The position of her under leg is back further which would reveal more of her privates toward the sky. Lethargy from heat is normal and hopefully, that's all that was wrong with her yesterday.
06-26-2009, 01:34 PM
Hoping Tomo is right. :grouphug How is our girl today? How are you? I'll be out for a while but I'll check in as soon as I get back.
06-26-2009, 02:39 PM
Thanks for all the replies. I just woke up... been sooo sick with a fever, and the works. I'm keeping an eye out for her and will def. get some more pics that are clearer if she makes a reappearance. We are getting one of those AsSeen On TV distance grabber things so we can put a bit of water closer to her nest. Gotta make a run to the store. Was thinking she looked tiny and thin so we bought veggies to let her discover at the base of the tree. Cauliflower and green beans mostly. My husband says he hasn't seen her today.
I'll do my best to keep you updated. Even if it isn't anything to be worried about and it is her privates, I think there's still something to be concerned about. I've seen lots of squirrels come and go through this tree, and she acts very ill. I need a list of rehabbers just in case... can someone tackle that for me? Thanks all.
06-26-2009, 03:05 PM
So two other male squirrels, much bigger, just came and invaded the nest while she was in it. The two males then chased eachother around. She scampered off to the end of this flimsy branch and has been there ever since. ten minutes or so have gone by. She is closing her eyes and hasn't moved. I think she's tired and might be trying to sleep. Either way, she didn't join in the chase, and never seemed to interact with the other squirrels. Haven't caught sight of the bump yet.
06-26-2009, 03:12 PM
Hey guys, this squirrel is falling asleep on this teeny tiny branch, and she is getting very close to falling off of it. She keeps waking up just in time to get a grip and not fall of the branch. I've now seen her almost fall twice. Also, when the two other squirrels came she didn't run out of her nest, she sort of slowly ran. She seems so tired. It's not that hot today.
06-26-2009, 03:15 PM
I'm not sure where in Idaho you are, but does this help?
It it's not close, maybe you could call any way & ask for a reference to someone closer.
06-26-2009, 03:18 PM
Legomom, yes that helps. I don't want to call the rehabber yet, until I get word from others on this board that she's acting normal or not.
06-26-2009, 03:27 PM
If she is acting that lethargic and losing balance, that is not safe. The behavior you discribed does not sound normal. If nothing else, you could call a local rehabber and ask them for advice.
I'm with you on this one. Something just doesn't feel right.:thinking
06-26-2009, 03:33 PM
Legomom, yes that helps. I don't want to call the rehabber yet, until I get word from others on this board that she's acting normal or not.
You could use the old "I was at a friend's house & saw this squirrel....what do you think?" Can't hurt & they can't 'nail' you for anything. But, I understand the hesitation, too....It's hard for me to even tell a 'little white lie'.
06-26-2009, 03:41 PM
Thats so sad, I hope she makes it!!! I'll be praying for her.
06-26-2009, 03:42 PM
I'm thinking maybe she's ok, because she does the same thing that humans do... she's nodding off to sleep, and then getting tipsy on the tiny branch she's on, and then waking up JUST in time to "right" herself. Then she dozes off again. It's just a bit scary to watch. Esp since the branch she's on is like the size of my ring finger. No sign of bump yet.
06-26-2009, 04:06 PM
Well... okay. So maybe she's just a juvenile that doesn't know that she's too big for that branch?:dono I would think after the first initial "Oh shoot! I almost died" reaction a squirrel might find a thicker branch.
But then again, my cat is 7 and he hasn't figured out grass makes him throw up.:shakehead (He tries to eat it all the time.)
06-27-2009, 02:36 AM
Sorry guys, I watched her for a couple hours today and couldn't get a good photo of her no matter how hard I tried. She just doesn't like paparazzi I guess. I don't blame her. Anyways, I'm sick sick sick, so I'm hitting the hay. Will let you know if I have any more info or anything happens. Thanks for all the help!:thankyou
06-27-2009, 03:07 PM
Awe, that's okay. You take care of yourself.:grouphug
06-29-2009, 08:05 PM
So the squirrel hasn't come back. Curla made an appearance though. Hope little miss is ok.
06-30-2009, 12:06 AM
Perhaps the little girl just came to your tree to stay cool for a while. Maybe she's off makin' squirrelly trouble somewhere.:)
07-02-2009, 01:34 PM
From what I have seen from my squirrels, her vaginal area looks like she is in heat. Though that would last only a couple of days and would not make her sick. It looks the same though.
Being that she is that ill she should be caught and brought to a vet or rehabber. She is a sitting duck out there. Poor little gal. I hope she ends up ok. thanks for caring about her.
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