View Full Version : Release
I posted this in another forum, but just wanted to ask another question or two. I put Bounce out in his cage today- first time for any length of time. Momma squirrel was up in the walnut tree and spotted him. She came down to a lower branch and stayed there for the longest time watching him. Bounce seemed oblivious to her. I just wonder if when I release him, how will she react to him? Also, going back and reading my questions and everyones answers it seems that I may be handeling him too much for release. Is that undoable? Should I leave him in his cage from now on and not let him have run of the living room? I want to release him (probably in 4 wks or so) and don't want him to be at a disadvantage because I just wanted snuggles and kisses.
09-21-2006, 05:25 PM
I can tell you I still handled my squirrles, up until release theres only so much handleing you can do of a rammy squirrel though. From what I read here you are to stop handleing them. I released in my own yard, they always know me. They would never go & jump on anyone else.
The point is to get them wild, although from what I have observed living full time outside for about 2 weeks does a pretty good job of it anyway, that is being free on their own.
One squirrel of mine won't come to me even with the offering of food & one will.
So I guess I should go give Bounce his last tummy rub and kisses from me? Sniffle sniffle. I just want to make sure I am doing the right thing by him. Thankyou!
09-21-2006, 05:35 PM
I wouldnt handle them after 8 weeks how old is he? He still looks young, he will let you know when he gets a little older, he no longer wants to be cuddled or babied believe me!
I think he should be around 10 weeks or so now and he is getting to the point where he doesn't want to snuggle- he mostly wants to play and play fight with my husband- he wants to run everywhere and has been able to have full run of the living room but if I am going to release him in the near future, should I keep him only in his cage? I know that when he fell out of the tree his eyes were already open, and I've been told that they open their eyes around 5 weeks old. We've had him almost three weeks now, so he is at least 8 weeks, but he is eating only solids, grooms himself, has a nice bushy tail- good grief I wish they could talk!LOL (okay, maybe not- his cage WAS in the bedroom when I would get dressed!!!!!)
09-21-2006, 08:55 PM
You can release him at 16 weeks.I think 12 weeks are too early.Also if you have a good backyard, you can do a soft release.Then he will still come to you for food even when he is released.
Well, hubby and I both had a scare (okay ME) we took Bounce outside in the back yard to let him play- he jumped down and ran up the walnut tree!!! He kept going and going. I told my husband that he was too little to stay out there. After about 1/2 hour he finally came down when I called him. My husband says "you're trying to get him ready for release and you start crying cuz he ran up the tree!!" My friend told him it's a MOM thing- don't try to understand!!:peace
09-22-2006, 08:10 AM
I only let mine outside if they are in a cage. It would be too easy for a cat to come along & that would be the end!
Luckily our yard has a big fence and hubby went and got the "paintball gun" just in case. He finally came down- I was more afraid of the big male squirrel than the cats. He is outside in his cage right now. I put more blankets with him as it is a little cool, but I've been told he needs this in order to build up his winter coat.
09-22-2006, 10:55 AM
It's ok to leave blankets in there for them to snuggle in. Mine get fine winter coats just before release and I always provide "blankies" for 'em. :thumbsup Not only is it good for cuddling to stay warm, but it also gives them a sense of security in the unfamiliary territory of outside...'specially if the cage is at ground-level. Squirrels are more comfortable when elevated. Do you have a hammock in the cage so they can get up off the ground level? (if the cage is big enough) I put the blankies in the hammock and they love that! :thumbsup
I would try to handle him as little as you can from now on. I still hold mine for feeding occasionally, but I don't talk to them or stroke them or do anything but make them comfy for eats.
Good luck!!
We do have branches in the cage so he can sit on them. I have lots of blankies for him. 'so hard to see our little boy grow up, sniffle sniffle. Gonna be hard not to handle him from now on. I think he's a little peeved at me for putting him outside in the cool weather when it's sooooo toasty inside!!
island rehabber
09-22-2006, 12:03 PM
We do have branches in the cage so he can sit on them. I have lots of blankies for him. 'so hard to see our little boy grow up, sniffle sniffle. Gonna be hard not to handle him from now on. I think he's a little peeved at me for putting him outside in the cool weather when it's sooooo toasty inside!!
clk, how old is he again? Sorry I forgot...
Well, I can't really quess. Just when I think I know how old he might be..... well. We've had him for three weeks. His eyes were open wide when we got him. His tale is very bushy now and those feet!!!! He is eating solids and can open his own sunflower seeds. So what do you think? Maybe 10-12 weeks?? I just can't guess:dono
island rehabber
09-22-2006, 12:39 PM
Well, I can't really quess. Just when I think I know how old he might be..... well. We've had him for three weeks. His eyes were open wide when we got him. His tale is very bushy now and those feet!!!! He is eating solids and can open his own sunflower seeds. So what do you think? Maybe 10-12 weeks?? I just can't guess:dono
Could even be only 8-9, if he was an early eye-opener. Don't rush him....he can stay most of the day outside but then be brought back in at night for several more weeks. Test him with hazelnuts and walnuts: when he can crack them easily with no help from you and the nutcracker, he's able to take care of himself out there. Roadie is also 8-9 weeks and he THINKS he's a big boy, but truth be told he can't manage the hard-shelled nuts yet. Don't totally release him until he is at least 16 weeks old....personally I like to wait 18-20 wks. When they are crazy-psycho-maneaters, then I know they're ready to be wild! :rotfl
09-22-2006, 01:10 PM
Do you release in the winter or winter over, IR? The reason I ask is because unless our babies are born on or before the 13-27 of June, I couldn't possibly release them in time for winter here... I would love to keep them 18-20 weeks, but how without wintering a bunch over?
Enquiring minds wanna know! LOL! :D
I know that Bounces littermates are venturing out of the nest with Momma. And I know from experience last night that Bounce can the tree... It's just so hard to judge how old he is. I'll try the walnuts like you said. When he can crack them himself I will feel alot better. Thanks!
09-22-2006, 01:44 PM
Good predictor IR. It just so happened I gave mine wallnuts in th shell this morning just to see what they did. They didnt even start to crack it and they are 11 weeks or so.
island rehabber
09-22-2006, 02:12 PM
The rule of thumb for weather is if there are still some green leaaves left on the trees, supple enough to weave a nest out of, then it's OK to release. And of course, no snow yet. I have released as late as November 18 in the Hudson Valley area; it was probably about 42 that day but the squirrels had been outside 24/7 for 3 wks prior to that so they didn't care. The maple trees still had green leaves mixed in with red and yellow. As far as wintering over, the best method is if you have a large outside enclosure in which you can put nest boxes, hay for nest lining, and buckets of nuts in the shell, dried corn and rodent block. They should have access in and out of the enclosure, come and go as they please. Even the ones who choose to nest elsewhere will still know there is a shelter they can use and food available. This is what I will probably do with my five this fall -- bring them to my rehabber mentor's house up north to winter over. On the other hand, wintering over in your living room in a cage is REALLY hard on the squirrels and on you. Mostly, they hate every minute of it and will chew those bars until YOU can't stand it anymore, let alone them.
09-22-2006, 02:22 PM
Can you put unrelated males in the same enclosure over winter without them fighting? Of course there would be at least enough nest boxes, probably a couple extra...and the largest enclosure we have is 9x9x9. Most of the leaves are off the trees here by Halloween (let alone green at all) or the week after...heck, I can't remember a Halloween as a child that I didn't have to bundle up, couldn't see my breath, or it wasn't sleeting. :D Iowa, gotta love it! LOL!
Somebody's Mother
09-22-2006, 02:23 PM
sounds like bounce is the same age as karen. i have been trying to get in touch with a local rehabber but to no avail. i am concerned releasing karen as a single. it would be much easier if he were with friends. safety in numbers.
when i got home from work this morning the squirrels were out front chatting away. i quickly put karen in his big cage and set him on the front porch with a heating pad under his cage. it is nippy here right now. i left him out for about an hour but all he did was crawl under his blanky and go to sleep.
When I came home I noticed that Bounces' littermates were all out playing. So I got Bounce out and thought maybe he would want to see what was going on. His littermates were calling for him (I think) and he chattered back but would only climb about 6 feet up the tree. I finally coaxed him down. Was this a good thing to do or not? He is back outside in his cage taking his afternoon nap (like I should be!)
I should clarify that- I should be taking the nap, not be in the cage! :crazy although that might be easier some times!
Somebody's Mother
09-22-2006, 03:54 PM
yeah i need a cage. i thought i was going to be able to release karen without too much emotion but last night i found myself sitting in the sunroom just petting his head. he will only hold still for 5 minutes before he wants to run for it.
I know exactly how you feel! I know I am going to have such a hard time releasing him. I just hope that he will stick around for awhile. I just want to snuggle him all the time, but I know that if I am going to release him I can't keep doing that. UGH!!!!!!:o
09-22-2006, 08:47 PM
I can tell you after I released mine, weeks in fact my little girl would come around & we would bring her in the house towards dinner time in the eve. She would get in her favorite bed and sleep there like she hadnt slept in weeks. One time she slept for 16 hrs straight. She slept like a log.
The next morning when she did get up & after she ate we put her back out.
It seemed that she was happy to be back out she just needed that sleep where she didnt have to worry about anything bothering her. Gosh I miss my girl. She was released the 2nd week of June I havn't seen her for 2 weeks.
I get teary eyed knowing shes out there with a fly bot. And I dont even see her now. I hope you have the same luck of them sticking around for you.
Well, Bounce was outside for the majority of the day. When it was nice and warm and sunny Hubby and I let him out to play. He ran and jumped, it was sooooo cute. He ate some dried corn and sunflowers that we leave for the others. Then he ran up the black walnut tree. This tree is over a hundred years old and HUGE. He ran and ran and ran. He was up there near the top (has to be 150 feet or more) for about an hour or two. He finally came down when I called and put out my hand- he jumped right into my hand. We came inside because it was getting dark. We finally put him to bed a few minutes ago but hubby says he sees a little squirrel paw sticking out of the cage trying to move the towel (I keep him covered at night) So we will see how tomorrow goes- maybe he is trying to make it on his own earlier that I think he needs to be.
We had a HUGE scare this evening!!! We have moved Bounces cage outside. Today was absolutely gorgeous outside so we left his cage open for him to run and play and boy did he!! He was up in the tree while I was sitting on the patio watching him play when I heard a weird noise. I looked over to the the huge branch not 10 feet from bounce and the biggest male racoon and his girlfriend were coming down the tree!!! Usually they wait until dark. Thank goodness Bounce comes down the tree when I call him- but he was not at all happy be locked up in his cage after having free run all day. I don't know what we're going to do if those racoons decide to stay. Is it safe to let Bounce out and let him run up the tree now? Hubby says he doesn't think that they will bother him but I don't want to take any chances.
09-23-2006, 10:29 PM
I need help I have been toying with releasing Natasha she is getting really mean. Today I was rubbing her belly and she just attacked me. She does that ticking sound and somtimes she actually hisses at me. I can't have this in my home as we have many young children that come over. Her bites hert really bad and when I think of a little finger or hand having had her bite me it would be just awful. I have let her go but she comes back totally dismayed and this last time her tail half off. I don't know what to do, I do love her but I also realize she is a wild thing. I need help anyone please.
Secret Squirrel
09-24-2006, 05:22 PM
Well imdizzy.....get a pre release cage ready. She is going to need to be outside for the next two weeks. You can place it in an area that has some protection from the elements, but she needs to be getting ready for the winter weather. Your in a time crunch now and it's not the squirrels fault it wants to be wild. Most healthy squirrels in captivity will "hear the call of the wild" just as nature intended.
It's a shame you couldn't have released her 3 months ago when it was time. I know this may sound like I am fussing at you.....I just wished good intending folks like yourselves would have been told otherwise!!!! Your situation is very common and heartbreaking. In my heart I know you wanted only the best for her.
It's not too late to do a slow release...two weeks in a large cage with minimal contact...just food and water. You may have to put those in the cage when she is sleeping...that's if she is too aggressive. She needs tree branches and leave to learn how to make a nest. ( It can take a month for them to learn this )
A nesting box which can be a cardboard box since you don't have much time.
After two weeks open the door on a nice sunny day (actually a week of good weather is what I look rain or heavy winds) in the morning and keep an eye on her. If you work do it on a Saturday so you and your family can observer. She will come back to the cage for food and water until she can forage on her own. Check the cage at night and see if she comes back. I would close the door at night just so coons wouldn't get her. Re open the door every morning. After about a week you can leave the door open and let her come and go. Provide food and water all winter.
Since she is 7 months old...don't be surprised if she hits the ground running!!
09-24-2006, 05:47 PM
I agree with SS give her the life she deserves, it will take some extra doing now? Good luck!
09-25-2006, 10:16 PM
Thanks for the reply. I have actually had her out in our entry way for the past 2 weeks, and she has been let out in that area. She comes back to her cage at night so, so far all is well. I saw her outside a few times today and now she is tucked in her (one of 2) nest boxes sleeping. It's fine with me if she hits the ground running. It's as it should be, and I do and did want the best for her. I would have let her go several months ago but she was so small and had no idea of outside life. And as I have 2 huge outside dogs she would have been snack food for them. Especially my big 150 pound male. Anyway all seems well. Thanks again
09-26-2006, 01:53 AM
good for you and your little squirrel.:grouphug
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