View Full Version : Young Wild Squirrel loose in my house- help

06-20-2009, 02:38 AM
I caught him, but he got away. I left all the doors open and went for a walk, hoping he would find his way outside, however, I was typing at my computer I felt something cold against my foot (a nose perhaps) and suddenly found him sitting in my lap looking at me. Unfortunately he surprised me, so I surprised him and he is now hiding under the computer desk. :sanp3 I can go to the shelter and get a live animal trap tomorrow, but does anyone have any ideas in the meantime? I have a large dog and two rabbits in the house. Rabbits in cages, dog usually loose in the house. Help.

I put a piece of apple and a saucer of water under the computer table in a place out of sight of dog, etc. More ideas?

06-20-2009, 05:29 AM
First, if you know the dog is not in there and the squirrel is, close the door! If there's a door to the outside from your computer room, open it, turn out the lights, and if you can still see all right, use a broom to gently "shoo" the squirrel toward the door. It should go toward the light. A window will work as well. If he was sittng in your lap, he was probably a young juvenile (hopefully not someone's pet that got loose).

06-20-2009, 05:35 AM
If you can get close to him/her you can try catching using a towel or a blanket ?

06-20-2009, 11:54 AM
If he climbed in your lap, then he's probably very young, perhaps too young to be turned loose outside. Try baiting a havaheart trap with unsalted sunflower seed. When you catch him, post a picture.

06-20-2009, 08:18 PM
If he was sitting on your lap, a wild squirrel, thats amazing. Is he a baby? min

Momma Squirrel
06-20-2009, 08:21 PM
All good ideas, you might make a trail out a door or window with food. Lets face it squirrels will go where the food is. Need to do it before it gets dark outside so he can find a home before night time.

Let us know how it goes, good luck :thumbsup

06-20-2009, 10:13 PM
Hope you caught the little one. It could be someone's pet, but it could also be one that the mother kicked out of the nest. Hopefully, it's healthy and can make it in the wild, but observing it before putting it back outside is a good idea just to be certain it's able to survive. :)

06-20-2009, 10:58 PM
Baby squirrels tend to seek out and climb on humans only out of desperation and hunger. It may be an orphan in need of help. Even if you have now managed to get it to leave your house, it may still be hanging around with nowhere to go and no one to feed it. :Love_Icon :Love_Icon (If an adult, even someone's release, it is not likely it would ave been so comfy with you, once he realized you weren't "his human.")

If it is possible to post a picture, that would help us figure out whether it is young enough to need help. It seems almost certain to be the case. Do you happen to have an extra cage to put him in?

:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

06-21-2009, 12:33 AM
Baby squirrels tend to seek out and climb on humans only out of desperation and hunger. It may be an orphan in need of help. Even if you have now managed to get it to leave your house, it may still be hanging around with nowhere to go and no one to feed it. :Love_Icon :Love_Icon (If an adult, even someone's release, it is not likely it would ave been so comfy with you, once he realized you weren't "his human.")

If it is possible to post a picture, that would help us figure out whether it is young enough to need help. It seems almost certain to be the case. Do you happen to have an extra cage to put him in?

:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

Good points

Momma Squirrel
06-21-2009, 10:19 AM
We need an update, have you been able to catch the squirrel?

06-21-2009, 02:26 PM
Would LOVE to have an update, have been waiting and waiting. I hope the squirrel didn't eat her. LOL min

06-21-2009, 02:34 PM
:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

Would LOVE to have an update, have been waiting and waiting. I hope the squirrel didn't eat her. LOL min