View Full Version : Palmer
Jackie in Tampa
06-12-2009, 08:57 AM
Palmer has been released for a short time...
i have been carefully watching her, as she is boarder line releasable...NOT!
I lock her and her brother in Half Way House everynight and re release them every morning...IF I am going to be around!
Baby steps, for MY observation and concerns for quaility releasability.
The neighbors dog must have hurt her.
A small barking beagle {not dogs fault, my fault}
At 7am I relased them and went inside to get 8 the dog was barking and when neighbor Tom went to seewhy, he saw Palmer and came to me with bad news...SQ DOWN!
I went to find her and all i found was tip of tail...thinking sq got away and gone.
several mionutes later I heard dog, Cooper, barking ran and found Palmer balled up and bald, probably pawed until this point.
I am sick and ashamed. I really thought she had been doing good, she went home at right time nightly and had picked a part of Sq Central that no one stashed nuts in...her own plot. Martha did chase her alot...
She is slow and very sweet, never bit..not even once.
I origanally got her from Squerly Steve in St.Pete, along with her two brothers. They had fallen 6o feet to the street near his home.
They went to vet, Dr Gray...this was either Dec or Jan.
All had head injurys. All had DEX.
To what extent were the head injurys and how permanent, I never knew, until now.
After 11 days Humphry passed away.
Palmer has been medicated. I will let her rest before doing anything more. Have made some calls to vets to see what med I should be using...for pain.I have a couple different choices on hand...also admin anti biotics. However already gave safe metacam...
damn...she will never make it in the wild...
I am sick..
I will let her rest and re evaluate in a couple hours unless told otherwise...
so let me know what you think....:thankyou She is a big sq, not thin...she is super healthy and still takes esbilac to the tune of 5-7 ccs nightly...her nightcap!
I will probably seek a foreve home for her...:grouphug
so I am also sad myself...heartbroken and disgusted at the same time...
I suck!
She is in small cage near me and Lucky {another sq in the infirmary} and snugglred in fleece.
She did not want fluids, but will try again soon. I am going to give rice buddy and heating pad. Fred is home and will help me with sq chores and Palmer.
She just came out, she is refusing fresh corn. She seems to be moving all of everything. her breathing looks only a little bit rapid, not concerning.
Her eyes are focused and bright.
06-12-2009, 09:06 AM
:grouphug Jackie :grouphug
Stop beating yourself up! You are an awesome squammy & you always do the best you can for your babies. You are only human! Did she give you any indications that she was NOT releaseable? No. You know, as well as anyone, some things are just going to happen, no matter how hard we try. If it wasn't the dog, it could have been a hawk or another squirrel beating the crap out of her. It's a fact of their lives, unfortunately, that there are predators out there just waiting for a squirrel.
I hope & pray that Palmer will come through her injuries & heal beautifully. I have no doubt that you will do everything within your power to help her during her recovery. I also have no doubt that once she is recovered, she will find a happy, forever home.
I love you & Palmer & all of your babies! If there is anything that you need, even if it's just another set of hands for a day or two, you know I'll be there, just say the word. :grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
06-12-2009, 09:20 AM
If I were a squirrel, I would want you to be my Mama. You never would have tried releasing her if you didn't truly believe she was ready. You know what you are doing, please don't beat yourself up for this. I will be praying for Palmer.
Jackie in Tampa
06-12-2009, 09:29 AM
:grouphug Jackie :grouphug
Stop beating yourself up! You are an awesome squammy & you always do the best you can for your babies. You are only human! Did she give you any indications that she was NOT releaseable? No. You know, as well as anyone, some things are just going to happen, no matter how hard we try. If it wasn't the dog, it could have been a hawk or another squirrel beating the crap out of her. It's a fact of their lives, unfortunately, that there are predators out there just waiting for a squirrel.
I hope & pray that Palmer will come through her injuries & heal beautifully. I have no doubt that you will do everything within your power to help her during her recovery. I also have no doubt that once she is recovered, she will find a happy, forever home.
I love you & Palmer & all of your babies! If there is anything that you need, even if it's just another set of hands for a day or two, you know I'll be there, just say the word. :grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
I love you Shanon, thank you, I'll let you know as I know.
you too pkins mom
06-12-2009, 09:36 AM
:grouphug Palmer:grouphug
You and Palmer are in my prayers.. bless her sweet heart. Please don't beat yourself up over this... Lego said it best. :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
island rehabber
06-12-2009, 09:44 AM
Jackie...:grouphug:grouphug:grouphug you know we can't control what happens to them. I am praying and sending healing energies to Palmer AND to are the best squirrel mamma and don't you dare blame yourself. :nono :grouphug
Pointy Tale
06-12-2009, 10:03 AM
Jackie—I can’t tell you how my heart is aching for Palmer right now. You sweet woman to go through this, it is so unfair. Oh my Lord, what did they do to her? Rhetorical question.
Oh my Lord, that poor sweet girl, I am so very sorry.
This is Not your Fault, don’t even go there. What is wrong with people having the free—roaming animals, what is wrong with them? You are the best squirrel mamma out there. This is so unfortunate.
Jackie, what I can say. I feel so bad for you right now. I don’t know how to help, if she needs a forever home, I would be willing to, I live in a non—friendly squirrel state, but would be willing to look into it. I just feel so bad for you, I feel awful for Palmer. My tears are crying with you for her. My heart aches with you for her.
Dear Lord of goodness and love, hear our prayers for Palmer who is in need. Amid mental and physical suffering may she find solace in your healing presence. Show your mercy as you close wounds, cure her illness, make her broken body whole. We ask this through the Lord Jesus who healed those who believed. Amen.
06-12-2009, 10:14 AM
Just spoke with Jackie -- the metacam has taken effect and Palmer is calm and quiet, but alert. A few minutes ago she came out of her blankies to look around and take a drink of water (good girl, Palmer! :Love_Icon ), then returned to her fleecies. She knows she is safe and will be taken care of. :grouphug
Jackie had already consulted with Loopy, and now has emailed photos and info to her vet's office (they are in surgery Fri mornings but will look and advise further when they are out).
I know Jackie appreciates everyone's support. This could happen to any squirrel, but it's so much worse, somehow, with a recent release. But the release was still the right thing and the right time. Palmer was ready for the trees and loved being free to come and go!
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
Pointy Tale
06-12-2009, 10:23 AM
Buddy's Mom, thank you for the update. You have a wonderful way with words to ease peoples souls more than you know. Of course, it is no ones fault except for the XXXX dog. Of course, Palmer had every right to be free, that is what true love is all about, loving them enough to let them chose to be free. It is true love.
It is truly heartbreaking about Palmer. I know that if anyone can make Palmer better it is Jackie, she is wonderful. I will continue to pray for Palmer's recovery and Pray for Jackie to stay strong, which I have no doubt she is.
06-12-2009, 10:27 AM
:thankyou BsMom for the update. I know that you are a calming influence on Jackie, so thanks for being there for her. If she needs me, I can be out of here in no time. :grouphug
Jackie in Tampa
06-12-2009, 10:30 AM
Thanks friends...:thankyou
Pointy Tale
06-12-2009, 10:48 AM
Jackie, you are Palmer remain in my thoughts and prayers. I am sending you all of my positive energy, I hope it will be enough to draw on for you and Palmer. She is a beautiful little girl and you are a wonderful person with everything you do.
06-12-2009, 10:59 AM
Poor little one.. :shakehead
and Jackie, we all know how great person and squirrel mommy you are! :Love_Icon
And i am sure little Palmer will recover soooooo quick!!
Sending you both :grouphug from the middle of ME!! :tilt
Nancy in New York
06-12-2009, 11:29 AM
Jackie, wrong place and wrong time. We can't control any of that. Neither can we do the would have, should have...I currently have two little ones a grey and a red that I love more than life...I would trust them in your capable hands any day, any time... and I don't say that lightly...:Love_Icon :Love_Icon 87843
You are one of the best, please don't second guess yourself....
06-12-2009, 11:50 AM
AWWW Jackie I am so sorry, Prayers for you and Palmer. If anyone can get her through this it's you:) Dont beat yourself up, These things happen :soapbox as mad as you are right now at yourself, dont be. You are a wonderful squirrel mom, and ALWAYS have whats BEST for your baby's in your heart, and anyone who know you knows that's the gods honest truth. Please take care of that baby and let us know if you need anything:grouphug
06-12-2009, 12:04 PM
Oh Jackie, I am so sorry. Everyone here knows that you would walk on hot coals before you would put a squirrel in danger - this was not something that you had any control over. I hope Palmer continues to improve - and I know that she is comforted just to be with you. You know that I would be thrilled to give her a forever home here with Miss Kitty and Cooter, our resident NR greys. They have their own room, and are working hard to take over the whole house!
Feel good about yourself, and know that you are the best thing that has happened to squirrels - any that cross your path surely consider themselves honored and lucky and a 'cut above' the other squirrels that have never known you.
06-12-2009, 12:15 PM
Poor Jackie, poor Palmer. What everyone else're the best squammy in the world. Thank God you were alert and found her so quickly! I know you keep an eye and ear open at all times for your precious sqs.
Those wounds don't look very deep. Almost like "road rash."
Praying for a very quick recovery.:grouphug
Lady Squirrelly
06-12-2009, 02:35 PM
I just came home and saw this. Anne had called me earlier but I was out and had no computer access.
Jackie, hind sight is 20/20. You made the best choice for Plamer at the time. You know you did. It is so not your fault. Everyone here knows how you feel and the lenghts you will go for for your babies.
My heart breaks for you and Palmer. I send you love and thoughts for you both. :grouphug
I will be checking in again this evening. Hoping to hear good news.
Love to you both.
Loopy Squirrel
06-12-2009, 02:48 PM
Jackie, all I can say is I've been where you are now. It sucks so bad when it happens to our own babies. No one truely knows for sure that an animal is releaseable until you try it. I have to say that after talking to you this morning I was expecting worse than what I just saw in your pictures of Palmer. It looks worse than it actually is. I am sure she is very sore but thank God it isn't torn down to the muscle. I think this little girl will be o.k. with a little TLC from MaMa Jackie. She just fell off her Harley and wasn't wearing her leathers.
06-12-2009, 02:51 PM
Think we could get her to wear some squirrel armor??
Give her a kiss for me, Jackie. :grouphug
06-12-2009, 02:56 PM
There is nothing for me to say..Everyone has already stated it so well:grouphug
You are one of the most reliable and talented squammy's on
this board..I would trust your decision on my squirrels behalf anytime..
Please try not to beat yourself up too much.:grouphug
06-12-2009, 03:38 PM
"She just fell off her Harley and wasn't wearing her leathers."
Loopy that was perfect. Hope she continues to improve.
Bless her little squirrel heart.:grouphug
06-12-2009, 03:42 PM
Hey, Jackie...just peeking in to see if there's any news from the vet's office. Hoping & praying that Palmer is calm & resting right now. :grouphug
Pointy Tale
06-12-2009, 05:38 PM
Hi Sweet Jackie,
I wanted to check on you and Palmer. Praying that everything is going as expected and that Palmer is doing well. I am praying that you are doing well. Sending you all my positive energy. Wishing only the very best.
06-12-2009, 05:40 PM
How is sweet little Palmer doing this evening?
06-12-2009, 09:08 PM
I spoke to Jackie about 6:30 -- Palmer was quiet, but doing pretty good. She had taken more drinks, done a bit of grooming (not the injured parts) and was munching on a pecan held by doting Dad. All good signs that she isn't feeling too bad. She looked around the room a litle bit .... "Hmmmm ...THIS looks familiar. I think I've been here before!" :D
Hoping Palmer has a good night. :Love_Icon
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
06-13-2009, 04:55 AM
AWWW good!!! Thanks for the update.
06-13-2009, 05:24 AM
That's a GREAT update..
Am glad to read some good news after poor little Punky news..
:Love_Icon from Middle East..
Nancy in New York
06-13-2009, 08:17 AM
:thumbsup :thumbsup
Am talking to Jackie now. All are doing well. We talked about topical salve for Palmer so her back stays lubed:D George came by to say hello to his sister and then went back out. Meticam and AB has helped all ready. Jackie is calmer this morning too:grouphug Lucky was being very playful this morning, so all appears to be better in Tampa.:bowdown :bowdown Jackie!:jump :jump
Lady Squirrelly
06-13-2009, 09:01 AM
Good news! :)
06-13-2009, 09:15 AM
:thumbsup :thumbsup
Thanks for the update, Anne!
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
Pointy Tale
06-13-2009, 09:43 AM
Very wonderful news. Jackie is the best, George visiting his sister is fantastic. So happy Palmer is doing better. Continue to pray for her.
Jackie in Tampa
06-13-2009, 09:53 AM
:thumbsup Thanks for the cheerful well wishing!
She is very quiet but alert when awake. There is no redness at all, I got her ABs immediately. I think the boo boos will heal fast, but I know that the pawing that the dog did was extensive to remove that much fur and so clean had to have bruised the pajezz out of her. I know that not only her skin hurts but her body too.
Thanks to all for the suggestions of skin care.
She is still on heating pad and likes it!:thumbsup Every now and then she sticks her nose out to see what we are up to and maybe watch FOX news:dono .
She is a very laid back sq and I think she is ok with being inside, she has a room with a deck view and a/c, lol... I brought her brother George inside so they knew where each other are, he is back outside after a sweet short visit.
Baby steps.:grouphug
Thanks for cking on her:wave123
:tilt we named her Palmer from Robert Palmers hit, Simply Irresistable!:tilt
we love the name too!
Nancy in New York
06-13-2009, 10:21 AM
[QUOTE=Jackie in Tampa]:thumbsup Thanks for the cheerful well wishing!
She is very quiet but alert when awake. There is no redness at all, I got her ABs immediately. I think the boo boos will heal fast, but I know that the pawing that the dog did was extensive to remove that much fur and so clean had to have bruised the pajezz out of her. I know that not only her skin hurts but her body too.
Thanks to all for the suggestions of skin care.
She is still on heating pad and likes it!:thumbsup Every now and then she sticks her nose out to see what we are up to and maybe watch FOX news:dono .
She is a very laid back sq and I think she is ok with being inside, she has a room with a deck view and a/c, lol... I brought her brother George inside so they knew where each other are, he is back outside after a sweet short visit.
Baby steps.:grouphug
Thanks for cking on her:wave123
Gees Jackie, I don't think watching Fox news will make her feel better, in fact it may be the reverse...that's what my hubby watches. Everytime we go out I keep the TV on for my babies, and Rich puts on Fox, and I change it, I want healthy squirrels, not doom and gloom....:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
Seriously, great news about the little one, she needs lots of TLC and you are the right one for that. Glad her brother paid her a visit too, see what caring squirrels you raise?:grouphug :grouphug :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
Jackie in Tampa
06-13-2009, 10:26 AM
[quote=Jackie in Tampa]:thumbsup Thanks for the cheerful well wishing!
She is very quiet but alert when awake. There is no redness at all, I got her ABs immediately. I think the boo boos will heal fast, but I know that the pawing that the dog did was extensive to remove that much fur and so clean had to have bruised the pajezz out of her. I know that not only her skin hurts but her body too.
Thanks to all for the suggestions of skin care.
She is still on heating pad and likes it!:thumbsup Every now and then she sticks her nose out to see what we are up to and maybe watch FOX news:dono .
She is a very laid back sq and I think she is ok with being inside, she has a room with a deck view and a/c, lol... I brought her brother George inside so they knew where each other are, he is back outside after a sweet short visit.
Baby steps.:grouphug
Thanks for cking on her:wave123
Gees Jackie, I don't think watching Fox news will make her feel better, in fact it may be the reverse...that's what my hubby watches. Everytime we go out I keep the TV on for my babies, and Rich puts on Fox, and I change it, I want healthy squirrels, not doom and gloom....:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
Seriously, great news about the little one, she needs lots of TLC and you are the right one for that. Glad her brother paid her a visit too, see what caring squirrels you raise?:grouphug :grouphug :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon Actually She watches Oprah and Judge Judy, but I didn't want anyone to know I let my kids watch junk TV, but you are sucks!:osnap
Loopy Squirrel
06-13-2009, 10:39 AM
Yes, I agree Jackie that this isn't just a skin issue. Palmer could have other injuries as well, including internal. Dogs are heavy and strong and pawing her hard enough could actually crush her. I was just happy that it wasn't down to the muscle and bone which has a much greater chance of infection. I am glad she is doing o.k. for now.
06-13-2009, 10:57 AM
:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
Ontario Rehabber
06-14-2009, 08:40 AM
Just got to this thread. I am so sorry this has happened to poor little Palmer. I hope she continues to heal. She is in the best hands she could be in with you Jackie. She is a very lucky girl to have you as a Mom.
I know we all do it, but don't beat yourself up. You did your very best and will continue to. Every time we release we take a chance - are they going to be o.k. - are they ready - are they going to make it - do they know enough to keep out of danger, etc.
Thank goodness you were right there and could rescue her and can now nurse her back to health. Prayers, love, kisses, hugs, and cuddles going out to both you and Palmer. :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
Jackie in Tampa
06-14-2009, 11:21 AM
:grouphug Palmer is very quiet and calm, but that's her nature. :grouphug
I am pretty sure she is as comfortable as possible and seems to be healing. She looks bight eyed and is her usual demure self.
Poops are on the dry side and few, so I will push liquids and offer a variety of juicy sweet foods!
Leigh suggested that's our Sunday lunch!:D
I cannot wait to see the 4 jewish princesses trying to eat watermelon! loving the taste, but hating to touch it...ewey and gooey! They are a trip! :D
06-14-2009, 11:35 AM
:wave123 Palmer, sweetie!! :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
She looks to be in pretty good spirits, and healing. From the pics it looks scabby but clean and healthy tissue. Perhaps not as deep as it first seemed :dono . I hope she heals quickly! :thumbsup
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
06-14-2009, 11:35 AM
Give Palmer some smoochies for me! Yes, you definitely want to keep up the fluids....with the layers of skin gone, dehydration is a high risk.
Watermelon, strawberries, grapes...anything that she will take with a high water content will help her.
Love to you & all of the babies! :grouphug
Jackie in Tampa
06-14-2009, 11:50 AM
:wave123 Palmer, sweetie!! :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
She looks to be in pretty good spirits, and healing. From the pics it looks scabby but clean and healthy tissue. Perhaps not as deep as it first seemed :dono . I hope she heals quickly! :thumbsup
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
Thank BsMom and Legomom:wave123
Unfortunately it is more than skin deep...she was pawed repeatitively and I think sorer than we can imagine...poor girl. I think she is bruised and safe to say, Cooper the dog wasn't gentle when doing this.:osnap
Alot of pawing.
I know you are not down playing her inuries, but yet I want to stress that dogs kill sqs with this action, what you don't see CAN hurt ya!...and me AND Palmer are lucky lucky lucky lucky...which reminds me...I need to post HIS new blankies and his pretty happy face! Lucky's that is!:thumbsup
PS...nothing against jewish princesses {or anyone}, we all know they live the good life!:D
Ontario Rehabber
06-14-2009, 12:59 PM
What a precious little girl all wrapped up in her fleecies. :Love_Icon Praying her little body heals quickly with Moms' loving care. My guys love watermelon - all sweet and juicy and messy - a squirrel popsicle.
Lovens going out to Mom and Palmer. :grouphug
Pointy Tale
06-14-2009, 01:13 PM
Jackie—Palmer already looks like she is healing nicely on the outside—quickly the outside is improving. I too wonder how much pain she is in on the inside, it has to hurt, and that just breaks my heart. I wonder sometimes what she must be thinking, this little girl of yours.
I’m not sure whose dog Cooper is, but maybe dare I say it, it can be chained up. Don’t be mad at me for saying that.
Although I still feel so bad for this beautiful little girl, I am so happy she is with you, she couldn’t be in better hands, truly! You are knowledgeable, calm and get right down to the healing business.
Jackie—you mentioned that Palmer is named after Robert Palmers hit, Simply Irresistible—you are right, her face is Simply Irresistible.
You mentioned watermelon for Sunday lunch—I’m coming over:) That is just about the nicest treat for her, I can just imagine her biting into a juicy piece of watermelon and thinking she’s never tasted anything so good.
I have no knowledge or silly comments to offer to ease your soul, but I can offer you my strength, my prayers and good wishes.
All the best,
Loopy Squirrel
06-14-2009, 05:07 PM
Glad she is hanging in there. I still am worried about her pelvis but time will tell. Talk to ya soon.
Jackie, you know all the right things to do to make Palmer comfortable as she can be. Did you shop for an Aloe plant and the Lanolin? Remember our knees dried up and hurt when we skinned them as kids. Aloe and Lanolin will keep her skin moist and she can lick it off and never be made sick by them.:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug Palmer your squammy loves you very much and is trying to help you be all better :Love_Icon :Love_Icon sweet girl.
06-14-2009, 06:06 PM
jackie- I just got back from georgia and saw the, with the help of legomom.:shakehead I'm so darn sorry about all this. Yep- keep up hydration and ABs. Poor sweet Palmer.
Keep us posted. I miss talking to you BTW. Hugs.
06-14-2009, 06:14 PM
Aloe! Yes! It has magical wound-healing properties, truly. But it does STING because it is astringent.
Once I got a bad burn on my hand while cooking....I'd used aloe on a wound and was surprised at the good result so I wanted to TEST. So I carefully put aloe on one-half of the burn; nothing on the other side. The untreated side healed with a raised white scar that's still there; the aloe side, scar, no mark, the pores came back, the little hairs grew back, everything it never even happened. I still have the evidence on my hand.:D
Poor sweet little Palmer. I hope she enjoyed her watermelon. Give her a smooch from me.:Love_Icon
Ontario Rehabber
06-14-2009, 07:47 PM
Any kind of unpastuerized honey works wonders on her outside wounds, it heals from the inside out. I have used it and think it is great. The only problem with it is it is obviously sticky. You would have to wrap gauze around her little tummy and back. It obviously won't do anything for the internal damage or bruising.
Smootches and cuddles for the precious little girl and Mommie too. :grouphug :grouphug :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
Loopy Squirrel
06-14-2009, 08:32 PM
OR: I read about a seal that they used honey on for a horrific wound and it works beautiful and fast.
Ontario Rehabber
06-15-2009, 06:36 AM
OR: I read about a seal that they used honey on for a horrific wound and it works beautiful and fast.
Quite a few rehabbers and zoos are using it now on different species and have found it to be one of the best topicals even for fairly large open wounds. They also use it in many areas for people with bedsores, and are looking into it for burn victims.
06-19-2009, 04:10 PM
:wave123 Hi, Jackie & gang!! How's Miss Palmer feeling? Is she healing well? Just wanted to poke in & check on her. Give her & all the furr babies kisses for me! :grouphug
Jackie in Tampa
06-19-2009, 04:52 PM
:wave123 Lego, funny you should ask, I just put Nuudge in for his nap and it is Palmers turn to roam...She got up two days ago and has been on the go since. She has ugly scabs falling off and her hair is still not growing, peach fuzz is coming in. She is really doing good. thanks for all support and your offers to help us, :grouphug I love you friend...big hugs!
:wave123 Loopy, I used a sugar paste on my turtles prolapsed penis, remember us talking about keeping the tissue wet with a hardening barrier. Geez...what's next!
:wave123 OR...I do have un everything honey...dripping from a sq box...overflowing is the term i think....fresh!:D on hand! Very conveniently out the back door, on the deck!:D Honey on deck equals mess...honey on sq equals hell of a mess!:D
Jackie in Tampa
06-21-2009, 06:23 AM
Palmer is antsy, but much better!
George is still looking for her too!
She is off meds and most scabs have fallen off, just the deep ones that are still healing remain. She looks great and is getting around better than before, she lost a few, some weight!:D
Thanks for the support.
island rehabber
06-21-2009, 06:41 AM
awww, sweet girlie! She does look sound and healthy other than her boo-boo, though. Beautiful work, Jackie :bowdown :grouphug Bet George misses her.
Lady Squirrelly
06-21-2009, 08:43 AM
Palmer looks great. :grouphug . Hugs to you both.
Ontario Rehabber
06-21-2009, 08:47 AM
Great to see Palmer healing and feeling better :thumbsup :grouphug
06-21-2009, 09:06 AM
So happy to see her on the mend! :wott
How is she moving? Does she seem to have any issues other than the obvious skin damage?
Give her kisses for me! :grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
Pointy Tale
06-21-2009, 09:23 AM
Jackie—Palmer is amazing, just looking better and better! She is healing really fast.
06-21-2009, 09:25 AM
So much to heal, and amazing to see how well she's recovering. :thumbsup
Nancy in New York
06-21-2009, 09:32 AM
Aw poor baby doll have been through the mill...You do look so much better now though. Big kisses to you and Mommy for taking such good care of you....:grouphug :grouphug
06-21-2009, 09:57 AM
:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
Jackie in Tampa
06-25-2009, 10:21 PM
She is so much better, still scabby, but moving great!
On the road to recovery!:thumbsup I will post pics of her healing booboos later...she wanted to show her pretty side today!:D
First two are Palmer, the last is her brother George taking a break from the trees and the heat, hanging around in the Half Way House!
He has taken a nest and no longer spends nights there, only naps and waits for his sister!:tilt
They are adorable!:Love_Icon :Love_Icon
06-25-2009, 10:22 PM
There's the sweet girl!! :wave123 Looking fluffy & happy, Palmer!! :thumbsup
And, George, what a good brother you are....checking on sis! :grouphug
Lady Squirrelly
06-25-2009, 10:44 PM
So glad she continues to do well. She will be out playing with George before you know it.:thumbsup
island rehabber
06-25-2009, 10:48 PM
they are such pretty squirrels! How sweet of bro to wait for her!
Nancy in New York
06-26-2009, 01:31 AM
Aw Jackie...I am so thrilled that she is doing better. What a beautiful squirrel she is. I love a brother who loves his sister...sweet babies for sure!:grouphug
Ontario Rehabber
06-26-2009, 08:55 AM
So happy Palmer is doing better, what a precious little girl. Great job Mom :thumbsup George is such a sweet little brother waiting for his sister. That will be a exciting, heart melting reunion - playing and preening each other - can't wait.
06-26-2009, 09:17 AM
Thanks for the update on this pair of Dollbabies:grouphug Theres a hug for you squammy, you have done a wonderful job!!:Love_Icon
Pointy Tale
06-26-2009, 09:27 AM
Jackie—So great to hear that Palmer is moving great—wonderful news. Wow! Palmer is stunning, just look at her with her filbert—her tummy is so fluffy and what a beautiful tail she has—long and fluffy! She is really bringing a smile to my face. It’s like she knows she is beautiful, especially in the first picture where she is looking at you—she’s like I’m too cute!!!
Goodness, just look at George—he is a handsome chap, with the cutest little ears I have ever seen!
Thank you for sharing, you really brought a smile to my face.
Jackie in Tampa
07-02-2009, 08:52 PM
Thank you all for being the best support ever.
Palmer is healing great...cute as can be and happy!
Look at this face!:D
07-02-2009, 08:56 PM
OMG, look at that face. You know I fell in love with that girl when I saw her at your house. Maybe Henry needs a sister? :D
luvs squirrels
07-02-2009, 09:30 PM
Oh, are such a sweet girl. So glad to hear how well you're doing.
Yes...Henry does need a sister. :D
07-02-2009, 09:47 PM
Ah, sweet ARE simply irresistible! :multi :multi :multi
Looking good, Momma Jackie! :thumbsup
Love you both & the rest of the crew! :grouphug
Jackie in Tampa
07-03-2009, 07:28 AM
I agree Henry needs a sister!:D
07-03-2009, 08:47 AM
What a doll!! :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
Her wounds now look like little booboos .... healing so nicely! Soon you will hardly see where they were --- hopefully the fur will come back in most places and there will hardly be a trace. :bowdown :bowdown
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
Ontario Rehabber
07-03-2009, 09:12 AM
She's adorable, such a sweet trusting face. :Love_Icon Her wounds are healing wonderfully. Terrific job again Jackie :thumbsup :grouphug
island rehabber
07-03-2009, 09:24 AM
Jackie she looks wonderful! Bright-eyed and healthy...who would know she was so badly hurt a short time ago. Good job mamma!! :bowdown
Nancy in New York
07-03-2009, 09:39 AM
Aw Jackie, I think this is the picture we all needed to see. She looks absolutely wonderful. Great job nurse Jackie:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
Jackie in Tampa
07-14-2009, 07:45 AM
This is the face of 2009!
How sweet is that! OMG!
This pic is Naughty Palmer, in Janes cage stealing Janes HHB!:nono
she has been caught stealing lots of food!:D doesn't she look guilty!:D
Her teeth are still catching up, she is still chewing anything in her face!
Palmer P. {Pirrahna}. Thinking she didn't chew enough while in recovery and is getting her chompers back in shape at my furnitures expense!:sanp3
Pointy Tale
07-15-2009, 09:26 AM
Jackie—Palmer looks Great! Look at her with all of her curiosity and wonder about her—like nothing had happened to her. And she looks so innocent, I can hardly believe she is stealing Jane’s HHB—but if it’s true, she is one smart girl—knowing what is good for her! This is such a happy update.
07-15-2009, 10:02 AM
OHHH I just love that face!!!! Kiss her and pinch that little neck for me:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
Jackie in Tampa
07-16-2009, 08:24 AM
I need an inventor!
I need a muzzle for the Chewer!..I mean Palmer favorite sq with teeth:D
aka, Palmer Pirrahna...
07-16-2009, 09:04 AM
Those pictures are GREAT!! "What?" says Palmer. :thinking
This is the face of 2009!
How sweet is that! OMG!
This pic is Naughty Palmer, in Janes cage stealing Janes HHB!:nono
she has been caught stealing lots of food!:D doesn't she look guilty!:D ....
Poor sweet Palmer :Love_Icon :Love_Icon Tell Mommy you are just following one of Sammy's Rules for Squirrels: "If I see it, it's MINE." :D :D :shakehead
Good thing you are such a sweet and adorable little girl. :Love_Icon And have a very foregiving Mommy. :)
island rehabber
07-16-2009, 09:06 AM
I love Palmer!!! Smoooochies from IR!!! :Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon
07-16-2009, 10:24 AM
awe god love her momma she cant help it:grouphug
Jackie in Tampa
07-16-2009, 10:37 AM
Does anyone want a fat girl sq with 4 bluepaws????
3rd ink pen this week! this time taking down my cute gold summer bag with the newest incident.....
ink pens do not kill, mad mommys do!
07-16-2009, 12:23 PM
:osnap Palmer, you can hide at my house (until Momma cools off)! :)
Momma sounds a tad bit irritated! :shakehead
07-16-2009, 12:29 PM
Oh, my. :sanp3
Lady Squirrelly
07-16-2009, 12:33 PM
Maybe you should invest in a strong box.:D
Run, Plamer, Run!!!!
Nancy in New York
07-16-2009, 02:16 PM
Does anyone want a fat girl sq with 4 bluepaws????
3rd ink pen this week! this time taking down my cute gold summer bag with the newest incident.....
ink pens do not kill, mad mommys do!
I do, I do...I've been looking for a fat squirrel with blue feet for the longest time...
Do you know how hard they are to find????
She looks absolutely amazing Jackie!!!
Jackie in Tampa
07-16-2009, 02:31 PM
oh nancy...just this very second ago...I took the table cloth off to shake, only to discover that the table underneath is chewed to death...this happened is crazy...when did she do this and how did I not see it?
I cannot catch her and when I sneak up pon her, she looks so sweet I cannot scare her and grab! Dang HER!
MY recliner is full of corn cob fragments...right now!
three holes in the lotion bottle
I am done with nice....she is the definition of 'mischeif with whiskers!'....yesterday was Clinique lipstick ruined with a mess included...
this is not good. No huh uh!
I have frequent flyer miles accumulated towards her air fare!
She's in trouble and she knows it too.
07-16-2009, 02:47 PM
Palmer and Henry....separated at birth??? :D
07-16-2009, 03:13 PM
Palmer, Mommy is angry because she loves you. Sometimes grown-ups have bad days, too. She loves you just the way you are. So, get back to chewing up the house and Mommy will find a therapist who specializes in People Who've Been Driven to Insanity by the Squirrels They Love.
07-16-2009, 03:13 PM
...... ummmmm ..... I'm seeing the Halfway House in Palmer's very near future ................. I think she's ready. :crazy
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
Secret Squirrel
07-16-2009, 03:26 PM
The road to recovery is sweet.....sweet little chomper that is !!!!!!
Go Palmer, go palmer !!!!
Jackie, they make staight jackets for mad mommies......Oh no, let's not give Palmer P any ideas.!!!!!! :rotfl
Nancy in New York
07-17-2009, 12:41 PM
oh nancy...just this very second ago...I took the table cloth off to shake, only to discover that the table underneath is chewed to death...this happened is crazy...when did she do this and how did I not see it?
I cannot catch her and when I sneak up pon her, she looks so sweet I cannot scare her and grab! Dang HER!
MY recliner is full of corn cob fragments...right now!
three holes in the lotion bottle
I am done with nice....she is the definition of 'mischeif with whiskers!'....yesterday was Clinique lipstick ruined with a mess included...
this is not good. No huh uh!
I have frequent flyer miles accumulated towards her air fare!
She's in trouble and she knows it too.
OMG Jackie,this is funny...well not really to you, but to the rest of us, I am just picturing this. The important thing about the Clinique lipstick is if it was her shade, which I can assume it wasn't since she ruined it. Buy only the color she loves.
Good thing you are an expert with wood, you probably have a new top on as we speak.
Oh Jackie, I know this isn't funny, we love our littles so much that we want to give them the run of the house...but then...WATCH OUT. All is fair game.
Well since you already have the frequent flyer miles, just put her the plane and let me know the flight and remember have her go to Albany...that's only about 20 minutes away. I'll be looking for her.
Isn't it great to see the recovery she's made...:thumbsup :thumbsup
You gotta love her...:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
Pointy Tale
07-17-2009, 12:54 PM
Jackie I feel so bad about your table, I'm not sure what, if anything you can do to her, is there? It's horrible that she did all of that, I guess she is bored or wants your attention, but what do I know. Truly sorry for you. Hope it turns around for you.
07-17-2009, 01:32 PM
Not to worry, Jackie. You know what they say - someday you'll look back on this and laugh! :rotfl :rotfl (Assuming you aren't in jail for squirrel abuse!)
Nancy in New York
07-18-2009, 11:16 AM
oh nancy...just this very second ago...I took the table cloth off to shake, only to discover that the table underneath is chewed to death...this happened is crazy...when did she do this and how did I not see it?
I cannot catch her and when I sneak up pon her, she looks so sweet I cannot scare her and grab! Dang HER!
MY recliner is full of corn cob fragments...right now!
three holes in the lotion bottle
I am done with nice....she is the definition of 'mischeif with whiskers!'....yesterday was Clinique lipstick ruined with a mess included...
this is not good. No huh uh!
I have frequent flyer miles accumulated towards her air fare!
She's in trouble and she knows it too.
OMG Jackie...I was just thinking about all of the saddness lately on TSB, little Chicago Snubby, George, little RI....
Well remember back when little Palmer got into trouble last month? Remember all of the promises that you made to God, if He would just let her live???
The ones like she could have your lipstick, eat your table, have blue feet if that's what she know all of the things you promised God...I think this time He was listening. Good job praying Jackie, next time think before you ask He may grant all of your prayers again...:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
Jackie in Tampa
07-18-2009, 11:29 AM
Not to worry, Jackie. You know what they say - someday you'll look back on this and laugh! :rotfl :rotfl (Assuming you aren't in jail for squirrel abuse!)
:thinking I remember awhile back when we rediscovered that we had dining room I guess this most recent discovery is in the aging techniques of furniture rehabbing! Which I do on the side:rotfl
what did Donovon once sing about...?!...
first there is a table, then there is no table, then there is!
first there is a booboo., then there is no booboo, then there is!:rotfl
whadda ya gonna do...they're sqs!:rotfl
it's wood!:rotfl
then it's not!:rotfl
Jackie in Tampa
07-18-2009, 11:31 AM
OMG Jackie...I was just thinking about all of the saddness lately on TSB, little Chicago Snubby, George, little RI....
Well remember back when little Palmer got into trouble last month? Remember all of the promises that you made to God, if He would just let her live???
The ones like she could have your lipstick, eat your table, have blue feet if that's what she know all of the things you promised God...I think this time He was listening. Good job praying Jackie, next time think before you ask He may grant all of your prayers again...:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
:poke yes yes,,, I remember, don't remind me...if it were anyone but God...I would deny all charges!
she is adorable!!! you have the most fun squirrels!!! (destructive, but fun:D )
Jackie in Tampa
07-21-2009, 12:30 PM
:soapbox I am on Home Phone Only statis....until old cell phone charges...not sure how long that will take...:dono
Palmer is wearing sable clinique shadow today...all over her and my white bed quilt,
and again and finally has found my cell phone!:pissed
:Phone RIP Nokia
Jackie in Tampa
07-21-2009, 12:32 PM
she is adorable!!! you have the most fun squirrels!!! (destructive, but fun:D ):jump :jump :jump :jump :jump :jump
happy happy Joy joy...
:poke I guess fun is in the eye of the beholder huh!
island rehabber
07-21-2009, 12:45 PM
Palmer is wearing sable clinique shadow today...all over her and my white bed quilt,
Sensible girl, to keep it all hypo-allergenic.....:D
Pointy Tale
07-21-2009, 02:16 PM
Palmer is wearing sable clinique shadow today...all over her
Did you pick it special for her or did the sales girl pick the shade for her? :rotfl
I'm sorry, that really is not funny, I would be blank...blank. I'm sorry.
Nancy in New York
07-21-2009, 07:11 PM
Did you pick it special for her or did the sales girl pick the shade for her? :rotfl
I'm sorry, that really is not funny, I would be blank...blank. I'm sorry.
OMG Pointy Tale,,,you were right the first time, this IS funny. Jackie you have such a way with words in describing what this little one is up to, I just sit at my computer laughing just picturing this...I am just so glad that this is your house....How are her little blue feet, did that come off yet? What a little baby doll Palmer is....and what a fantastic squirrel mommy Jackie is:grouphug :grouphug
Jackie in Tampa
07-21-2009, 10:33 PM
OMG Pointy Tale,,,you were right the first time, this IS funny. Jackie you have such a way with words in describing what this little one is up to, I just sit at my computer laughing just picturing this...I am just so glad that this is your house....How are her little blue feet, did that come off yet? What a little baby doll Palmer is....and what a fantastic squirrel mommy Jackie is:grouphug :grouphug
The sable brown actual color is gone, however the shimmer effect is still there:D
the other day she had sunk her teeth into the tube of mascara, but no serious biggie, I wrapped blue tape around it! good to go!:thumbsup
...but today, I accidentally left my cosmetic drawer open 1 inch {I wished I had a video of the heist, her girth is much larger than the drawer was open} and she had a dress up day! :osnap Fred found the mascara, entire bottom chewed out...can't wait to stumble onto THAT crime scene. The eye shadow was applied on my bed!:thankyou Palmer!
:shakehead Cliniqiue is not cheap either, and there was Maybelline in the same drawer,Errr!
but if you could see her now, all sweet in her basket, :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon adorable!
We love you Palmer P:grouphug little ****!
Lady Squirrelly
07-21-2009, 10:38 PM
Passing up Maybelline for Clinique proves the girl is a
Jackie in Tampa
07-21-2009, 10:55 PM
Passing up Maybelline for Clinique proves the girl is a
:poke easy for you to laugh, you got boys!
Nancy in New York
07-22-2009, 01:39 AM
Does anyone want a fat girl sq with 4 bluepaws????
3rd ink pen this week! this time taking down my cute gold summer bag with the newest incident.....
ink pens do not kill, mad mommys do!
Palmer is just into so many things lately, this is what I was referring to with the blue feet, you silly girl....
Now why would she choose Maybelline over Clinique, you raised her!!!!!!:wahoo
Sounds to me like this little girl is recuperating just fine, and she is showing Mommy a little gratitude.. very little...
You gotta love her...:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
Pointy Tale
07-22-2009, 07:23 AM
The sable brown actual color is gone, however the shimmer effect is still there:D
the other day she had sunk her teeth into the tube of mascara, but no serious biggie, I wrapped blue tape around it! good to go!:thumbsup
...but today, I accidentally left my cosmetic drawer open 1 inch {I wished I had a video of the heist, her girth is much larger than the drawer was open} and she had a dress up day! :osnap Fred found the mascara, entire bottom chewed out...can't wait to stumble onto THAT crime scene. The eye shadow was applied on my bed!:thankyou Palmer!
:shakehead Cliniqiue is not cheap either, and there was Maybelline in the same drawer,Errr!
but if you could see her now, all sweet in her basket, :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon adorable!
We love you Palmer P:grouphug little ****!
Jackie, when you tell the situation, you tell it with such joy that we can't help but giggle a little. And, boy do I know clinique is expensive. I usually get Lancôme for my birthday and it's always a special treat that both my mom and I give to each other (separate stuff of course, but always our favorites). I couldn't imagine the heist and losing it all so fast and on the bed no less. Nothing like starting the morning off with having to clean up when you already have a full plate. Hope the rest of the day gets better.
07-22-2009, 07:44 AM
Silly girl, sqs don't need mascara but a little eye shadow never hurts.... poor Jackie.
I had a PINK HENRY again yesterday.....another red marker gone and he also ate one of those filler sticks for furniture--dark cherry color--what a mess. Monsters!
Jackie in Tampa
07-22-2009, 08:27 AM
:wave123 PT, your too funny!
the eyeshadow mess was yesterday...who knows what's in store today!???
but really, had I not left the drawer open...she would be an innocent Plain Jane! now she is DIVA!:D
I have hid my last years old ugly summer purse!
I love lancome too!:thumbsup {how did you get that "^" above the o?}
Leigh, Henry and I are very colorful monsters!:D
with duct tape...the phone is I can retrieve the phone numbers out before I can it!
Dr.Frederick performed emergency surgery and organized all wire components in an attempt to transplant memory to OLDER REtired Samsung! Surgery was successful, we are salvaging contacts!
Pointy Tale
07-22-2009, 01:00 PM
:wave123 PT, your too funny!
the eyeshadow mess was yesterday...who knows what's in store today!???
but really, had I not left the drawer open...she would be an innocent Plain Jane! now she is DIVA!:D
I have hid my last years old ugly summer purse!
I love lancome too!:thumbsup {how did you get that "^" above the o?}
I cheated and copied Lancôme, so it already came with the ô, hehehe
I just got the new Lancôme hobo bag gift and some much needed "war paint", :rotfl hahaha, no actually it was their foundation powder in their lightest shade, so glad your sweet one isn't here, I'd be afraid she might like it too!!! She certainly has great taste, and so do you! Have a good one.
Jackie in Tampa
07-29-2009, 03:12 AM
The face of innocence!...not!:eek: When traggedy first struck, I had volunteers wanting to keep Palmer forever...since capturing her 'el destructos" on one has mentioned it!:thinking
Palmer knows her mommy is super busy and has given me a break for the last couple days, but since I mentioned it...I'm sure she'll feel pressured to deliver her normal antics today!:sanp3
:poke pretty slick PT, coping Lancome!
Nancy in New York
07-29-2009, 04:32 AM
The face of innocence!...not!:eek: When traggedy first struck, I had volunteers wanting to keep Palmer forever...since capturing her 'el destructos" on one has mentioned it!:thinking
Palmer knows her mommy is super busy and has given me a break for the last couple days, but since I mentioned it...I'm sure she'll feel pressured to deliver her normal antics today!:sanp3
:poke pretty slick PT, coping Lancome!
Hi Sweetie...Have you ever thought that perhaps you have aired too much of Palmer's dirty laundry? ie, blue paws, mascara, eye shadow, dining room table, muzzeling her...and the list goes on :shakehead :shakehead , not that we don't love her, and find this so your house.....:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :alright.gif :alright.gif :alright.gif :alright.gif
Let's put our heads together and write up a new resume.....Too funny, but we do love our little Palmer...
07-29-2009, 07:02 AM
:wave123 Palmer! Be Mommy's Good Girl this week! :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
AMAZING how wonderfully she has healed!! I didn't think her fur would come back so nicely. FYI, comparison to one of the first pics you posted in this thread -- well done, Jackie & Fred!! :alright.gif :alright.gif :alright.gif
Jackie in Tampa
07-29-2009, 07:08 AM
Hi Sweetie...Have you ever thought that perhaps you have aired too much of Palmer's dirty laundry? ie, blue paws, mascara, eye shadow, dining room table, muzzeling her...and the list goes on :shakehead :shakehead , not that we don't love her, and find this so your house.....:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :alright.gif :alright.gif :alright.gif :alright.gif
Let's put our heads together and write up a new resume.....Too funny, but we do love our little Palmer...
Nancy..I do not lie well, you write it!:tilt
Jackie in Tampa
07-29-2009, 07:12 AM
:wave123 Palmer! Be Mommy's Good Girl this week! :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
AMAZING how wonderfully she has healed!! I didn't think her fur would come back so nicely. FYI, comparison to one of the first pics you posted in this thread -- well done, Jackie & Fred!! :alright.gif :alright.gif :alright.gif
wow...big difference...she does look better!:wahoo
07-29-2009, 07:12 AM
Good Morning Jackie & Palmer:grouphug :wave123
Popping in for a look see..
I have one picture of Palmer when we came..
I'll share it in here...( just of her):D no,one else..:thumbsup
Have a great day!!
Ps. She has come a long way!
Pointy Tale
07-29-2009, 07:33 AM
Just popping in to check on Palmer. All news so far, this is good. Great picture from Rachel!
Be well.
Jackie in Tampa
07-29-2009, 07:35 AM
just this minute...she ran off with Jackson and Jillsys syringe...eeerrr!
I can't feed babies without her assistance:rotfl crazy chunky monkey!
Grabs the syringe and runs like the wind...under Janes cage and then leaves it under so I have to reach...pain in the butt Palmer already!:tilt
Pointy Tale
07-29-2009, 07:40 AM
Jackie: she is getting cuter by the moment. How precious she is hiding like that, knowing she's doing a no-no, but doing it anyway, she knows how to you to pay attention to her. What a sweet little girl.
Jackie in Tampa
07-29-2009, 07:42 AM
Jackie: she is getting cuter by the moment. How precious she is hiding like that, knowing she's doing a no-no, but doing it anyway, she knows how to you to pay attention to her. What a sweet little girl.
:poke you can say that, you're hundreds of miles away!:D
07-29-2009, 08:48 AM
just this minute...she ran off with Jackson and Jillsys syringe...eeerrr!
I can't feed babies without her assistance:rotfl crazy chunky monkey!
Grabs the syringe and runs like the wind...under Janes cage and then leaves it under so I have to reach...pain in the butt Palmer already!:tilt
:D She thought she might like a little snack later .... and you might be busy with the little ones ....... just savin' you time, Mom! :innocent :monkey
Jackie in Tampa
07-29-2009, 09:56 AM
:D She thought she might like a little snack later .... and you might be busy with the little ones ....... just savin' you time, Mom! :innocent :monkey
oh yeah...she really needs a snack...not!
she's built like a neck, lots of cleavage!:D
07-29-2009, 10:10 AM
that's why she resorting to stealing baby milk, she know you won't give it to her!:D Gotta feed the pudge! :rotfl
Jackie in Tampa
07-29-2009, 10:14 AM
that's why she resorting to stealing baby milk, she know you won't give it to her!:D Gotta feed the pudge! :rotfl
that's the problem...
she still gets esbilac, vanilla yogurt and heavy cream every night...she's a milkshake with a fluffy tail! Diva Pudge!:D
07-29-2009, 10:18 AM
well that explains it, she's a piggy in a sq costume, did you check for a zipper?, maybe under her arm, in the folds of her chins, it's gotta be somewhere....:thinking :tilt
07-29-2009, 10:43 AM
Oh Jackie, what fun you are having(:shakehead ) with Mommy's little helper:D
Palmer is a little miracle..good job:tilt
Pointy Tale
07-29-2009, 12:43 PM
:poke you can say that, you're hundreds of miles away!:D
Jackie: you are correct, if it were me, I would be more than angry and working round the clock to do damage control and would probably be a little ticked at people being insenstive to me, I am sorry, my bad:( :). But honestly, I am not sure why, sometimes these situations make people giggle. I know you're not mad, because she is a real sweetheart-this from the woman at least a 1,000 miles away:(
07-29-2009, 12:43 PM
Palmer is such a riot! :jump A Big Brat, as my grandfather used to say lovingly. :Love_Icon
07-29-2009, 12:56 PM
Palmer, dear, tell Mommy "I'm just FLUFFY."
Jackie in Tampa
09-01-2009, 09:21 AM
A house with arms and legs??? A big house at that!
What is it??
A hairy toad??
A fuzzy 15lb bowling ball??
A Long tailed furred walrus??
Maybe a plushy with batteries??
heck's fat girl Palmer P!
I know she's fat! I can see that!... but I cannot find her stash, although I have caught her thieving from others! :innocent
Palmer Piranha...:hidechair
Palmer Pudg'ola...:hidechair
Piggy P. Palmer...:hidechair
island rehabber
09-01-2009, 09:25 AM
I have never seen a trapezoidal squirrel before!! I love her!!! :Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon
09-01-2009, 10:30 AM
A house with arms and legs??? A big house at that!
What is it??
A hairy toad??
A fuzzy 15lb bowling ball??
A Long tailed furred walrus??
Maybe a plushy with batteries??
heck's fat girl Palmer P!
I know she's fat! I can see that!... but I cannot find her stash, although I have caught her thieving from others! :innocent
Palmer Piranha...:hidechair
Palmer Pudg'ola...:hidechair
Piggy P. Palmer...:hidechair
:jump :jump :jump
What are you feeding your squirrels??? :rotfl
You know maybe she just knows how to open the PB jar:poke
What a chubbly bubbly! HA!
Jackie in Tampa
09-01-2009, 10:47 AM
PB hell...she eats Godiva I think! and Nutella for sure!:D
and everything she can find, steal, or un earth in/under the couch/furniture..oh heaven help us!
Weight Watchers or Bust!:D
:poke do ya want her...she comes with a fridge!:D
and a big menu!:rotfl
let me remind you...she has monster teeth...deconstruction team in her mouth!:rotfl tables to splinters in sheer moments! She's incrediable!...or not!:dono
09-01-2009, 10:57 AM
Bet you can't wait to stuff her in the HWH! :D
I'm already having problems getting them to eat their HHBs. And most veggies I put in there just end up withering and shriveling. They seem to be ok with carrots, broccoli and green beans, no luck with lettuce, chard, kale. I'm trying to hold back on pecans and other nuts as much as possible in hopes that they eat the blocks but so far no luck. So weird, the first day they loved them! Fickle little buggers!
oops, I thrread jacked.... :osnap
Hmm, maybe I should start a new thread with this.........:thinking
Jackie in Tampa
09-01-2009, 12:01 PM
Bet you can't wait to stuff her in the HWH! :D
Did that months ago...neighbors dog had her...scratched her raw, had to re rescue her. I want her to show me that she wants to go outside...but she is showing me the opposite...some of them are really house sqs I think...she is content for now...we'll see. I won't force her to go back out, but hoping she would choose to...she is on the couch reading Jane Eyre currently!:rotfl
I'm already having problems getting them to eat their HHBs. And most veggies I put in there just end up withering and shriveling. They seem to be ok with carrots, broccoli and green beans, no luck with lettuce, chard, kale. I'm trying to hold back on pecans and other nuts as much as possible in hopes that they eat the blocks but so far no luck. So weird, the first day they loved them! Fickle little buggers!
oops, I thrread jacked.... :osnap
Hmm, maybe I should start a new thread with this.........:thinking
Jackie in Tampa
09-03-2009, 04:29 AM
Now does this look like a buddha belly to you???
Looks like pure sweet to me...
but WE know better!!!!!!:osnap
Nancy in New York
09-03-2009, 06:15 AM
:tilt What a sweet looking well behaved little princess you have adorable, I don't see any problem...looks like pure innocence to me:dono
09-03-2009, 08:12 AM
awww, that's so stinkin' cute! rub da belly!!!
09-03-2009, 09:28 AM
Palmer is TOO pudgy! Need to be careful of diabetes. Just a thought. Pudgy is cute, though. She looks VERY squidgeable. Can she be held?
09-03-2009, 09:41 AM
Palmer is TOO pudgy! Need to be careful of diabetes. Just a thought. Pudgy is cute, though. She looks VERY squidgeable. Can she be held?
No, she's too heavy! :jump
Jackie in Tampa
09-14-2009, 11:31 AM
She sees all my sqs being loved and has started to climb on me, so I think with time ...she will allow me to hold her...but now she just ruins and runs...I swear I hear her snickering....:icon_devil
i came home the other day...leaving her with Fred watching a movie...she had the prettiest multi colored Tie Dyed shirt on...I have no highlighters anymore!:shakehead
Todays infraction!
and the other days!!!:nono
Palm Beach
Palm City
Palmer P Ranha
Palm lala dodiay Palmlaladodiay!
Our Tubster Diva!:osnap
some of the keys that SEEM unaffected...ARE!
09-14-2009, 11:36 AM
I don't think she has the hang of sewing yet, maybe give her a couple more bobbins :jump
09-14-2009, 01:09 PM
Oh my Palmer P!! :Love_Icon How can she be so cuuuute?!! She looks like a new breed of squirrel. :D
09-14-2009, 01:36 PM
Oh my word...That keyboard:rotfl
Poor Jackie...Palmer..You be a GOOD girl for your momma:D
09-14-2009, 01:38 PM
Maybe you should send her to back for Spice! Henry needs a sister, right? :osnap
Belly rubs from Aunt Shanon!!! MUAH!! :grouphug
Jackie in Tampa
09-14-2009, 03:53 PM
[quote=Legomom]Maybe you should send her to back for Spice! Henry needs a sister, right? :osnap
I couldn't agree more!!!!!!!:D
09-14-2009, 04:29 PM
:D Palmer Pudgola :rolf
Nancy in New York
09-14-2009, 05:56 PM
OMG Jackie...I was just thinking about all of the saddness lately on TSB, little Chicago Snubby, George, little RI....
Well remember back when little Palmer got into trouble last month? Remember all of the promises that you made to God, if He would just let her live???
The ones like she could have your lipstick, eat your table, have blue feet if that's what she know all of the things you promised God...I think this time He was listening. Good job praying Jackie, next time think before you ask He may grant all of your prayers again...:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
Awe...I just thought that you needed a little reminder again Miss Jackie...are you working on getting her up to me???? I love this little Palmer girl....:Love_Icon :Love_Icon
Jackie in Tampa
09-14-2009, 07:14 PM
Awe...I just thought that you needed a little reminder again Miss Jackie...are you working on getting her up to me???? I love this little Palmer girl....:Love_Icon :Love_Icon
I can be packed in an hour!
No way...she would trash your home girl! She's a nightmare with a fanny pack and saddlebags...she cuddles rough...she's a disater...
she goes to bed at dark like clockwork...sweeeet!:thumbsup
Nancy in New York
09-14-2009, 07:48 PM
I can be packed in an hour!
No way...she would trash your home girl! She's a nightmare with a fanny pack and saddlebags...she cuddles rough...she's a disater...
she goes to bed at dark like clockwork...sweeeet!:thumbsup
Sounds exactly like my hubby....:rotfl
Pointy Tale
09-15-2009, 05:24 PM
Jackie—Palmer is adorable, her antics are funny from here, but not so much to you. You do have to admire her spirit though, right? So very glad she is doing well.
Pointy Tale
11-07-2009, 09:44 AM
Jackie: how is Palmer doing?
11-07-2009, 10:43 PM
Jackie: how is Palmer doing?
Palmer is one of my favorites too. Would love an update :poke
11-20-2009, 02:50 PM
Yup we need to know how she's managed to desacrate yet another keyboard :rotfl A pic is in order!
Jackie, look what I can do .... ABCDEFG, !#$%^&*()_+ :D
My offer still stands, by the end of next week I may be able to send you another keyboard, this one is cordless, you can put it in a drawer when you're not using it :thumbsup That would drive Palmer nuts :rotfl
Jackie in Tampa
11-21-2009, 06:57 AM
Yup we need to know how she's managed to desacrate yet another keyboard :rotfl A pic is in order!
Jackie, look what I can do .... ABCDEFG, !#$%^&*()_+ :D
My offer still stands, by the end of next week I may be able to send you another keyboard, this one is cordless, you can put it in a drawer when you're not using it :thumbsup That would drive Palmer nuts :rotfl
rub it in whop...i have nothing here to work with...and i love a good exclaimation mark...errr...
i am supposed to be hiding the keyboard, but i always get distracted and forget...that's the problem...this keyboard is cordless, and although i try to stick the keys back on when they can be...that does not always warranty that they work...
:thumbsup palmer is good...i saw here working on her thanksgiving menu this morning...she's always thinking 'diner'...she loves martha stewart, says i need to pay more attention:rotfl
have you seen her backside lately...looks like a running cupcake....:osnap
Loopy Squirrel
11-21-2009, 07:11 AM
Jackie, we went so far as to turn the keyboard up over and guess who is strong enough to flip it back over...Rudy & Tater!!! Rudy can pull of at least twenty keys in less than 10 seconds. It takes me at least ten minutes to figure out where they go. She's good!
Jackie in Tampa
11-21-2009, 07:44 AM
Jackie, we went so far as to turn the keyboard up over and guess who is strong enough to flip it back over...Rudy & Tater!!! Rudy can pull of at least twenty keys in less than 10 seconds. It takes me at least ten minutes to figure out where they go. She's good!
yes i try to remember to hide the keyboard and the remotes...
there are no spongy buttons left on any remotes here, and they have scrapped the words, and being that my eyesight isn't as good as it was...these infractions warrant punishment, but she is...
a, too fast, 'the flying cupcake':D
b, when i do scold her, she tilts her head and tips her nose just so,
demure and precious...i crack everytime and demand kisses...sigh
c, by the time i catch her stripping the keys off, she's done serious damage and is in the next room...then fred says it's my fault, insult [truth] on top of injury...akkk
and it takes me 10 minutes to find the little black nipple that goes under the keys...many are still mia...big sigh...
d, dangerous caper...although we have taped the backs on the remotes, she steals the batteries...never chewing into them , they are deadly poisonous btw,but then i have to get on all fours and my knee always finds a nut shell before finding the batteries...errr...:shakehead
and then there are the ink pens, cell phones, camera too...
i perfer we talk about somthing else this early on a saturday....:tilt
11-21-2009, 07:53 AM
so do you have the recipe for Palmer Cupcakes? <--- Look!! it's a question mark :rotfl
Jackie in Tampa
11-21-2009, 08:01 AM
so do you have the recipe for Palmer Cupcakes? <--- Look!! it's a question mark :rotfl
:poke it's too early for you to be a bh or a ff....
:rotfl :rotfl
11-21-2009, 08:22 AM
:poke it's too early for you to be a bh or a ff....
:rotfl :rotfl
It's never too early to be a BH, besides it seem today I'm crapcakes :D
He's so romantic.........
Pointy Tale
11-21-2009, 09:25 PM
You have remarkable sense of humor Jackie. I feel for you getting on your knees to look for things. So glad you laugh about it.
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