View Full Version : Scurry's hurt

06-07-2009, 01:33 PM
Hi there everyone, sorry so long to post.... we have had a new developement in our personal life...my Father -in-law has come to live with us as he has advanced COPD and can't care for himself.
Anyways, Scurry has a hurt left rear leg. I think maybe her paw, but so hard to tell. I have extended it and she can pull it back. Her toes remain together on that paw and she kinda drags it a little. She is having a hard time trying to sit up to eat and I am trying to arrange her cage so she doesn't fall... which she has this weekend. She is still interested in food though has become very picky. She doesn't want to eat her adult squirrel blocks much and I am afraid maybe her calcium level might be off? Her fav food is a chunk of Oatmeal cookie.I am worried because I don't know if she got the leg caught in cage or fell or if this could be calcium problem. The paw and leg do not show any open wound or signs of swelling. Just toes that stay together
Recently, I would say the last month or so she had been laying down a lot and it seemed she would do this so I would scrub her butt. She loves me to scratch her, a lot of face rubbing too all over her cat scratch posts and branches. she has worn the fur down near her cheeks, where cats release pheromones, that same area. However with this new developement of her leg, I thought I better hear some advice if anyone has a thought.
Also I gave her a genereic brand tums the other day in case and wasn't sure if ok to let her eat the whole thing. She LOVED it but I took it away from her half way through.
Scurry will be a year old next month.

Nancy in New York
06-07-2009, 01:47 PM
Hi there, sorry to hear about your little one...I am going to post a thread that was just started here a few days ago. I have a feeling it may be the same situation, just my opinion. Take a look at this, and let me know if you think this sounds familiar with your little one. He is a little doll, awe...:grouphug
Please let us know, I will check back periodically.

Nancy in New York
06-07-2009, 01:52 PM
Before you read the posts from the other night on what I just sent, try to get more calcium into him...tums is fine, and then as a daily routine this is a great supplement:http://store.otcretail.com/p624841.html

let me double check the doseage for an adult squirrel and I will get back to you.

06-07-2009, 01:58 PM
Hi Nancy,
No I already had been on that post and she really does exhibit a hurt leg. The other stuff that had started about a month ago... was more mmm just thrown in there to give an update of how she has been doing. Very active until 4 days or so ago when the paw/leg started to bother her. No other problems with her body.
The rubbing and laying down to be rubbed was all almost like a female in heat type behavior to me. She would run and play like crazy closing her eyes and rubbing down and up her branches then go to her scratch post, which is like home base to her, I go scratch and play with her lil butt and she would stay laying until I was done, then dart around playing again.
The hurt just started 4 days ago and seems to be the limb. She will scoot it under her to try to sit up to nibble and will even get into her hammock to prop herself up to be able to sit and eat. I am just throwing stuff out there and may not be explaing right. She had a calcium deficiency back when she was 9 weeks and self weaned which we got under control very quickly. That time she was very weak couldn't hold her body taught at all and showed no interest in food or play.
Thank you for your input.
Scurry is a female too by the way.

06-07-2009, 01:59 PM
Can Scurry sit up? Does she keep both legs under her, or are they kind of splayed out to the side?

Nancy in New York
06-07-2009, 02:00 PM
Sorry for so many posts, I didn't want to keep you waiting, but had to research the amount of the calcium recommended...typically it appears to be .3cc's daily in a syringe or water bottle. I will post the thread that explains all of this...http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=15231&highlight=Calcionate+Syrup
I will keep checking back...

Nancy in New York
06-07-2009, 02:04 PM
OK Sorry I misunderstood...I have to go get my grandson, but will be back in a half an hour, and get back to you. I'm sure there will be others on here with excellent advice, but I will still check when I get home...:)

06-07-2009, 02:21 PM
She can sit up when she figures out how to prop the other leg under her. She also can climb it's just hard with that foot/ leg not working well.
The other maybe unrelated thing she's been doing lately is trimming her own nails. I used to cut them and had trimmed them 6 weeks ago, but have noticed her eating the tips and they all appear trimmed again. And here I had decided to leave them long because she doesn't stick to things well with them trimmed! and she has done it already!

06-07-2009, 02:36 PM
It does sound as if there is an injury to the foot/leg. Calcium deficiency would likely be symetrical. Another sign of calcium problems is small seizures when she is sleeping.

Is the leg/foot tender to the touch?

06-07-2009, 02:46 PM
Naw no seizures and fat and happy this am. Gave her a block with some peanut butter and she licked all that off and ate her piece of oatmeal cookie climbed to top of her cage to snuggle under her favorite blankie there. The other limbs are not showing any signs of anything. She pulls that leg under her to try and sit up and kind of uses it and kinda drags it when she climbs. She doesn't fuss at me if she is in pain, but she is used to me doing her nails and checking out her body. I can put pressure and extend it and she isn't biting or crying just looking at my face not indicating one way or another if it hurts. She isn't trying to keep me away from it.
Here are pics from this am.
The extended leg is the hurt one, in front of her. Left rear

06-07-2009, 02:47 PM
Are there any other squirrels trimming their own nails? short?

island rehabber
06-07-2009, 02:49 PM
I've never heard of that, SM.....does she do it on all her paws, or just the hurt one? I know you're in an illegal state to have a squirrel, but is there a friendly vet you might have check her out? I'd want to get an x-ray of that leg and hip....:thinking

06-07-2009, 02:52 PM
She has trimmed the nails on all 4 paws. Did a good job too! I actually work @ a Pet Hospital and am the office manager . I wil take her in Monday. Just need to plan it to be as less stress as possible for her an want to be able to run her home and not keep her there. She won't let anyone else touch her, but trusts me to do anything to her so I figure I will hold her for the x-ray and have them run the machine.

Nancy in New York
06-07-2009, 02:54 PM
Wellfigure out what some little one did when we weren't looking..., she sure is a cutie. I wonder if she could have just strained it or something? Could she have gotten the back nail stuck in a blanket or something and pulled to get it out? So many of these things happen and we just try to wrack our brain wondering what could have happened when I wasn't looking...dono :dono :thinking :thinking
I think that is a good sign that she doesn't wince or cry when you are touching it, and she does have an appetite. I wonder how much it does hurt her? I wouldn't think too much...perhaps it is just a sprain where she will favor it for a while and it will gradually recover.:dono :dono
I'm so sorry I can't think of anything else...I'm sure there will be others on with input, any and all suggestions welcomed.:grouphug

06-07-2009, 03:10 PM
any input is great! Thank you for just talkin to me. She is like a child to us and we worry about her as such. It is hard when other people close to us just don't understand how her life is so very important to us.

She very well could have gotten it stuck and or even fallen from the side of her cage as she was whirling around the house and running up the side. I jut can't be sure. She sometimes misses her destination when jumping far, but has never gotten hurt before just embarrased. She could have hurt it in her cage even. Getting it stuck in the bars or her leg could have slipped between and she could have yanked it... gosh I just don't know! Wish I could figure it out, but will just be happy ith it getting better.

06-07-2009, 03:24 PM
:wave123 i hope she just sprained her leg and it isnt something serious...pls keep us updated...she is a doll...give her lovins from me and my gang!! :Love_Icon

06-07-2009, 03:29 PM
will do!!! I kiss her squirrely lips often!She seems to be limiting herself a little. Wish she would more. I am going to take her for x-ray tuesday if she is not markedly improved.

06-07-2009, 03:36 PM
By the way, now that I am here chatting... are there any other tame females who behave the way Scurry does dragging body and especially face/cheeks all over furniture and branches and things and laying with rear up for butt rubs? The laying down pic of her is what she does after rubbing all over and lays there for me to rub her body. When I am done she's up and playing again. She uses that perch to lay and watch me cook and such while I chat to her. She is hysterical when our other Family members dare to go by. She rushes at them and swats at them with front paws. Never connects, but she sure makes a game out of intimidating them!:D She takes food from them and then promptly tells them off!:rotfl

06-07-2009, 03:52 PM
does she drag her face after she has eaten or at other times too??

06-07-2009, 03:56 PM
no this is def. when she is frisky and playing. Doesn't coincide with face washing after eating. She cracks us up. We cheer her on as she frisks and frolicks and she closes her eyes as she drags her face and twists down a carpeted runway we have for her. She has almost toppled several times because her eyes are closed!:jump

06-07-2009, 04:06 PM
hmmm, i wish i could be more help but i am no rehabber and all i can tell is what i have learned from my family here...i will be waiting patiently to hear what the x-ray says!! :grouphug

Pointy Tale
06-07-2009, 04:24 PM
scurry'smama—Scurry is just beautiful. I am not a rehabber, so I have no advice. I did want to pop in to say it sounds like things are tough right now for you and your little Scurry. She is a real looker and I’m sorry she is not well. Oh poor sweet girl, I just saw the second set of photos.

I understand how close you are to your squirrel, I feel the same about mine, only they are wilds, I can’t even imagine how much you feel your beautiful little girl. Good luck with the x—ray on Tuesday, although I hope it is better before then.

Her intimidating game to your family members sounds funny, hehe, but I’m sure not to them. Hehe about taking the food and then bug off. You have my warm wishes and prayers for someone who knows something to figure it out to help her, but I guess in the meantime, maybe additional calcium couldn’t hurt either? All the best,

06-07-2009, 04:32 PM
Thank you!!!:thankyou

06-07-2009, 06:04 PM
Scurry is adorable. Since Scurry was eating HHB until just recently, but then hasn't had any in a while, it's hard to diagnose MBD in her case. If you take her in to the vet clinic, have them take some blood and check her blood calcium levels. Also, assuming they're going to x-ray that leg, ask the vet if he sees any signs of osteoporosis (MBD). That way you can eliminate MBD.

Hopefully she just twisted it, poor little thing. Keep us posted.

06-07-2009, 06:17 PM
Thank you for the input. She is eating her greens and things, just won't eat the new biscuits, but will still eat the monkey biscuits that I use intermittently so she won't get bored. She is a picky type of girl but will eat and otherwise is really well. I think I will hold off on blood work as the stress might really throw her for a loop. I am going to have the leg x-rayed when I return to work Tuesday. Thank you for the suggestions. :thankyou

Nancy in New York
06-07-2009, 09:06 PM
Just checking in to see how the little one is doing? I don't think that the rubbing is anything to worry about. You know how sometimes dogs rub and rub their faces on a rug or something...maybe it is just feeling good...:dono
There is no possible way that she could have fleas could she? Do you have any animals that go outside and may bring one in on them? Does her skin seem fine to you, I mean is it dry, flaky or anything. Is her fur the same as always??? Just trying to think. Personally, I don't see anything to worry about. Just keep an eye on her skin, maybe its getting a little dry? Hard to tell with these babies sometimes...
I will check in tomorrow, I can see why you are in love with this little doll...:grouphug

06-07-2009, 09:47 PM
Hi again Nancy and thank you for checking in. She seems better tonight and using the paw some. She has been out all day instead of hanging in her hammock.
Yeagh, I think it is like a cat thing. She rubs her favorite spots with her face. Her coat is very thick and fluffy everywhere but does show signs of rub in her cheeks. Nope no bugs of any kind. Not really worrying about it as she has done it for months. Ever since she saw a squirrel out the window. I figure it's a girlie thing!
Have a good night!

06-07-2009, 09:56 PM
Hi, just checking in. It's normal for them to rub against things, but not to the point of fur loss. Mama's instincts are good, so if you think something's going on, you should never ignore your concerns.

Of course, hopefully your vet will be able to set your mind at ease, but so few vets have any knowledge of squirrels, it's good to get input from TSB folks too.

She is just the most adorable little furball.:Love_Icon

06-07-2009, 09:58 PM
Oh thanks 4S. She's pretty wonderful! Hard to believe she will be a year old be. next month! We have had her since 2 days old!

Nancy in New York
06-08-2009, 02:48 AM
:wave123 Hi Sweetie, just thought I would check to see if there were any updates since last night. I will check when I get home, she definitely is a cutie, and very fortunate to have found you for her Mama. Glad the foot/leg is somewhat better too! Catch you later...:grouphug

06-08-2009, 03:22 AM
Okay, here is my two cents (and in today's market it's worth about a sixpence!). Scurry is just like my Tomo was. I think the face itching/scratching/wiping is a sign of low calcium. I think you mentioned that her fur is coming off of her cheeks? Tomo used to do this as well. I would start her on Calcionate Syrup by Rugby (can be ordered online - Amazon sells it and there are other sites that do as well). .25 cc once a day or .50 twice a week are the doses for an adult squirrel. Tomo lost a lot of hair due to lack of calcium and the Calcionate Syrup helped greatly. The fact that she hurt herself recently could be due to low calcium. An xray may show bone density, but a SMA and CBC (blood tests) will tell you more about her internal organs and chemical levels especially her calcium level.

She is so very precious!! A little bit of prevention will be worth a pound of cure. Big Hugs and Big Kisses to Sweet Little Scurry! :grouphug :Love_Icon

06-08-2009, 09:04 AM
Since Tomo agrees, I'll second my original suggestion for bloodwork, including blood calcium levels. The main trauma of a vet visit IMO is the VISIT.... While you're there, you might as well have any and all tests done to find out what's going on.

My Henry freaks as soon as he sniffs the "vet office smell"; after that, it doesn't really matter what we do to him, although he cooperates surprisingly well and never tries to bite. His eyes are bugging out the whole time so I know he's scared. But as soon as he's back home, he's a happy camper again, just like a kid, and ready for a treat and some lovin's from mommy.

06-08-2009, 04:27 PM
Thank you for the input.
Question, should she be receiving a calcium supplement even if she is on a good diet? I had asked this question when she was about 6 months old and was told she didn't if fed a good diet. She has been and was supplemented with crushed calcium when she was much younger. I will gladly start giving it to her daily if needed to avoid any issues. My problem also with lab work is that the Vet doing the treatments does not treat them and I am not sure that the lab the tests would be sent to wouldn't red flag a squirrel being tested. That is why I was wondering if it would hurt to just start supplementing her.

06-08-2009, 04:28 PM
Is there any way I could see a picture of Tomo with the hair loss?

06-08-2009, 05:12 PM
My gut feeling is there is something nutritional going on. Since Scurry did have one bout with calcium deficiency when she was younger, she is much more likely to have that problem in the future, at least until she's been on a healthy diet for at least a year IMO. Scurry not eating her HHBs lately could have tipped the balance.

Scurry's new batch of HHB are on the way. The new formula is getting two paws up from all the fuzzers so far, so I'm hoping little Scurry will like them too. This is just my two cents, but this is what I would do:

1. Give Scurry 500 mg of plain calcium.

2. Then give her 200 mg per day for 1 week; then an extra 100 mg per day for another week; then 50 per day for another 2 weeks. This is ON TOP of the HHB. This will give Scurry 1 month of extra calcium; not enough to hurt her, but hopefully enough to help build her calcium levels up.

3. Hopefully Scurry will soon be eating her HHB like a good girl (2 per day). And yes, normally, no other supplements are needed with HHB. However, it's possible that Scurry never fully recovered from her former deficiency by rebuilding the calcium stores in her bones. Thus, Scurry could need extra calcium on top of the HHB for many months, and we really don't know what amounts are needed, and safe, for such a long period of time. Short term, calcium given orally is safe and nontoxic; but long-term, too much calcium can cause problems, just like too little.

So, after the month-long regimen mentioned above, in the weeks and months ahead, I would offer her a plain calcium pill every few days to nibble on IF she wants to. This will allow Scurry to balance out her own calcium levels using her instincts.

If at any time in the future, Scurry shows acute symptoms--lethargy, appetite loss, seizures, paralysis--she will need the Emergency Treatment for MBD that is posted at the top of several forums.

This is just my 2 cents; it's what I would do for my Henry in the same situation, given what knowledge I have. Others may have different ideas. We are still learning about MBD in squirrels.

(BTW, I may have to come over there and steal her from you....she is beyond precious!)

06-08-2009, 06:23 PM
Here's another two cents from an innocent bystander. That is, innocent of any scientific knowledge, experience, or training.

First penny, if there is a calcium deficiency could it be not from lack of calcium in the diet, but from lack of vitamin D (sunshine)?

Second penny, I saw another comment go by about vulnerability to MBD once they have had it, so might a calcium boost be good for these squirrels in any case?.

06-08-2009, 08:29 PM
Here's another two cents from an innocent bystander. That is, innocent of any scientific knowledge, experience, or training.

First penny, if there is a calcium deficiency could it be not from lack of calcium in the diet, but from lack of vitamin D (sunshine)?

Second penny, I saw another comment go by about vulnerability to MBD once they have had it, so might a calcium boost be good for these squirrels in any case?.

Yeah, right on both points I think. Many things can cause calcium deficiency--dietary lack of calcium, lack of vitamin D, too MUCH vitamin D, lack of phosphorus, too much phosphorus, lack of protein, too much vitamin A, etc. These can all lead to calcium deficiency, and the cure in every case is calcium in the short term, and fixing the diet in the longer term so that all nutrients are taken care of.

06-08-2009, 09:42 PM
Hi there!
Well she certainly has an appetite! I handed her a calcium citrate with Vitamin D tab , half and she is happily munching away. These are the tabs I purchased from Trader Joe's when she collapsed at 9 weeks. She did in fact have a complete collapse. No seizure but couldn't even rouse her from sleep. Again she was 9 weeks old and had self weaned without eating any other foods... picky butt almost killed herself then. I crushed the tabs and gave her 1/8th tsp daily for 7 days, then 1/8th for 5 days and slowly weaned her as she started to eat biscuits and greens.

I am wondering if the tabs I have are calcium citrate and each tab contains 333 mg of calcium and 400 iu of vit D3 how much should she have? She loves them! I don't think it will be a problem for me to give them to her.

She does have a light on just an FYI . She has never been outside in real sun though.

I feel very bad and wondered if she would have more MBD probs as an adult.

06-08-2009, 09:58 PM
Hi there!
Well she certainly has an appetite! I handed her a calcium citrate with Vitamin D tab , half and she is happily munching away. These are the tabs I purchased from Trader Joe's when she collapsed at 9 weeks. She did in fact have a complete collapse. No seizure but couldn't even rouse her from sleep. Again she was 9 weeks old and had self weaned without eating any other foods... picky butt almost killed herself then. I crushed the tabs and gave her 1/8th tsp daily for 7 days, then 1/8th for 5 days and slowly weaned her as she started to eat biscuits and greens.

I am wondering if the tabs I have are calcium citrate and each tab contains 333 mg of calcium and 400 iu of vit D3 how much should she have? She loves them! I don't think it will be a problem for me to give them to her.

She does have a light on just an FYI . She has never been outside in real sun though.

I feel very bad and wondered if she would have more MBD probs as an adult.
Actually, those tabs have too much vit D relative to calcium, as do all human supplements that contain both. That's why a plain calcium tab is recommended, plus the rodent block, which has the right amount of vit D for a squirrel. Vit D is one of the nutrients that must be dosed carefully; too much Vit D can actually cause MBD. I'm sure what you've given her so far won't hurt her....

06-08-2009, 10:15 PM
Of course I don't want to hurt her and they def. saved her life back then. She looked to be a goner for sure and to see the dramatic change after even 1 dose did it for me.
At least the amount per serving calls for 3 full tabs and she only gets some of 1.
Thank you for the help.

The reason behind the calcium with Vit d is we couldn't find any with just calcium at the time. I will try again.

06-08-2009, 10:28 PM
Of course I don't want to hurt her and they def. saved her life back then. She looked to be a goner for sure and to see the dramatic change after even 1 dose did it for me.
At least the amount per serving calls for 3 full tabs and she only gets some of 1.
Thank you for the help.

The reason behind the calcium with Vit d is we couldn't find any with just calcium at the time. I will try again.
Vit D in just the right proportion to calcium aids in bone formation; however when there's too much vit D relative to calcium, it causes the opposite to happen; it causes calcium to be quickly mobilized from the bones into the bloodstream. Now this could actually help raise blood calcium levels very quickly in an emergency, but in the long term would make the MBD worse, as the bones will have lost even more calcium and it is the storage depots in the bones that enable the body to maintain steady blood calcium levels.

Hope I'm explaining this clearly...calcium metabolism relies on so many elements working together... it gets fairly complicated.

06-09-2009, 01:59 AM
Thank you 4S. Do you think th Calcionate syrup can be found in health food stores? Or only able to get online?

06-09-2009, 07:01 AM
Thank you 4S. Do you think th Calcionate syrup can be found in health food stores? Or only able to get online?
I know a lot of people like the calcionate syrup, and certainly it is handy to have a liquid. However:

1. The Rugby Calcionate Syrup contains only 115 mg elemental calcium per 5 cc (1 tsp).

2. The estimated daily minimum requirement of calcium for rodents is 330 mg. This means you'd have to give 15 cc per day just to meet the minimum requirement.

3. The Rugby syrup contains saccharine, an artificial sweetener. This is supposed to be a "no no" for squirrels.

4. The Rugby syrup costs around $16 + shipping for a 16 oz. bottle. The entire bottle contains just over 10,000 mgs elemental calcium. By comparison, you can buy Now Brand (highest quality) pure calcium carbonate powder in a 12 oz. jar (this is what I use to make the HHB). This jar contains over 135,000 mgs of elemental calcium and costs under $4.00. No sweeteners or fillers. You can mix the powder with water, yogurt, formula, or whatever.

Here's the Rugby label:
Jackie first asked me about the Rugby syrup I think about a year ago. She'd been treating her Rocky for severe MBD for several years with little improvement. She was using Rugby calcionate syrup as recommended by her vet (vets seem to recommend this stuff automatically...). When we did the math, we found out that Rocky wasn't even getting enough calcium to meet his minimum requirement, much less cure his MBD. (He has only one tooth and can't eat squirrel blocks.) When Jackie started giving him the correct amount of calcium carbonate, he began to get better--running and climbing for the first time in years. So ask Jackie about the calcionate syrup....

The case of Rocky was important because it showed that a squirrel with longstanding vet-confirmed MBD recovered when dosed according to the Emergency Treatment protocol, and then continued to improve over the long term when dosed according to the estimated calcium requirements extrapolated from rats.

Here's that thread:

Bottom line: If it weren't for the saccharine, I'd say the Rugby syrup would be a nice daily supplement for a healthy squirrel--not enough calcium to hurt them for sure. But frankly, for an MBD squirrel, not only will you go broke buying this stuff, but your squirrel will be taking in an awful lot of saccharine in the process.

06-09-2009, 09:31 AM
ok so the powder... I only mentioned the syrup because it was reccomended to me here on the board. So would health food stores carry it? I want to get some calcium into her in case this is her problem an it sounds like she should be supplemented anyway.

06-09-2009, 10:02 AM
ok so the powder... I only mentioned the syrup because it was reccomended to me here on the board. So would health food stores carry it? I want to get some calcium into her in case this is her problem an it sounds like she should be supplemented anyway.

For right now, today, a plain calcium carbonate pill is fine; she can nibble it or you can crush it up and add to whatever. You can buy a small bottle at ANY drugstore for less than $5. The NOW calcium carbonate powder might be sold at your healthfood store. You can also buy it online at Lucky Vitamins:

06-09-2009, 12:13 PM
Today is tuesday, so I will be thinking of Scurry her x-ray today! I hope it's just something simple for her. After reading so much about MBD, I am now spooked about whether I am feeding my little 4 mos. old flying squirrel a balanced enough diet? I give him 2 growth HHB's a day, greens(50/50 mix from Wal-Mart with Romaine,baby green and red's, radiccio, etc.) 4-6 baby limas, 2-3 small pcs of fresh mushroom every other day, yellow squash, broccoli, 2 small pcs of cauliflower EOD, slices of carrott EOD, a whole pecan in shell twice a week, and a soda cap-ful of flavored yogurt every night. Is this an okay diet to fend off MBD?? I just want to do the best I can by him, we love him so much!!

06-09-2009, 12:31 PM
Today is tuesday, so I will be thinking of Scurry her x-ray today! I hope it's just something simple for her. After reading so much about MBD, I am now spooked about whether I am feeding my little 4 mos. old flying squirrel a balanced enough diet? I give him 2 growth HHB's a day, greens(50/50 mix from Wal-Mart with Romaine,baby green and red's, radiccio, etc.) 4-6 baby limas, 2-3 small pcs of fresh mushroom every other day, yellow squash, broccoli, 2 small pcs of cauliflower EOD, slices of carrott EOD, a whole pecan in shell twice a week, and a soda cap-ful of flavored yogurt every night. Is this an okay diet to fend off MBD?? I just want to do the best I can by him, we love him so much!!

HHBs contain all the calcium and other nutrients necessary to keep your flyer healthy. The diet you're feeding sounds just about perfect: HHBs, a nice variety of veggies, limited nuts, and no fruit. Fantastic! The only small change I would recommend is to cut back a bit on the squash and carrot. Yellow and orange veggies (including sweet potato) are VERY high in Vit A, so I recommend no more than 1 tablespoon per month (total of all yellow/orange veggies) for a flyer. Also, make sure "wild foods" are included, like plenty of leaves, branches, and flowers to nibble. Great job!:thumbsup:thumbsup:thumbsup

06-09-2009, 02:02 PM
Thanks 4Skwerlz, can you give me some examples of leaves and branches as wild foods? I can give some rose hips from my yard, what other flowers can be given?

06-09-2009, 06:04 PM
Scurry's back form Doctors. No break in the leg/paw maybe just a sprain. Dr. really couldn't see any probs with her bones, but this is not a squirrel doc either. We did take samples of blood to send in, but had a hard time with the collection so hope the lab can use what we got. I will keep you posted. Scurry is better on the leg today.... figures since it was the day she was going in!

Nancy in New York
06-09-2009, 06:50 PM
Exactly, that's just what she needed was a doctor appointment and then look ma, I'm feeling better...:thumbsup Thanks so much for the update, great news I would say...:wave123 :wave123

06-09-2009, 07:00 PM
So far, so good. Anxious to see what the bloodwork says. I think we can still assume MBD for now.

06-09-2009, 09:00 PM
I don't mean to contradict anyone on here, but her symptoms don't really appear to point to that and the xray of her bones, showed good density. I did the lab work to be sure that she is ok and we had given her some Isofluorane anesthetic anyway to get a clear x-ray of her limbs so figured I would get the blood to be sure. She is happy and active with good appetite, just being picky about her blocks and her hurt, possibly soft tissue injured leg/paw is on its way to better. Thank you for all the input, but I am optimistic that the hurt is a hurt and not dietary at all. Of course if it is a calcium issue I will do whatever needs to be done to correct and or manage the issue.:thank you for all of the support!:)

06-09-2009, 09:23 PM
Scurry resting in the nest on the top of her cage after her traumatic Vet visit.

Pointy Tale
06-10-2009, 08:56 AM
Oh my goodness, another beautiful picture of Scurry.

So, I'm not an expert, and don't mean to ask silly questions, but Scurry had x-rays and blood work that came back negative? Hmm, that sounds good to me, is it?

I'm sorry that Scurry is still hurt, I can imagine it is hard when they can't tell you what is wrong.

About the Henry's Healthy Blocks, I'm sorry Scurry is not taking to them the way you like, but I think other members, have removed all other food sources, and given the Blocks to them in the morning when they are the hungriest and they will eat them, it is very nutritionally sound, especially for an inside squirrel. My wilds enjoyed them. Oh, does Scurry have one of those special lights? About the calcium part, I am no expert, but I have heard it is serious.

Again, I don't mean to ask silly questions, I am not an expert and just did not understand. So all is good?! :)

Nancy in New York
06-10-2009, 09:05 AM
Awe, poor baby, she looks exhausted. I think it may just have been a sprain. Never hurts with the calcium and it seems that you have been doing everything right. It's obvious that you are such a great mama and you love your little one...Keep us posted. That is one lucky little squirrel...:grouphug :grouphug

06-10-2009, 09:32 AM
She was very good and very tired! She exhibits like she has a sprain, strain on the lower portion of her leg where it connnects to the paw from what the vet can tell. I am certainly not an expert on anything either just going by what they say and how she is acting.No breaks on the x-ray and bone density is good. Her blood will be back today... I am an optimist by nature and am hoping that is well too. She was getting much better with the leg yesterday and not missing beat while walking. The toes are starting to separate while walking and running again like they did before..

I am positive the blocks are perfect for her:bowdown and she loved the baby ones and she also loves her primate biscuits, but would not eat the adult biscuits I had ordered. No worries.... 4S is hurrying another batch to her!!! Thanks again 4S!!!!:thankyou I am sure all will be ok.

Thank you all for the support and I will be back on after work with her lab results.

Pointy Tale
06-10-2009, 10:16 AM
Hi! You are so kind to explain it to me simply, I am so sorry, I truly did not understand. So everything so far sounds like good news!! Yeah!!!! Right?!

You are wonderful person for caring for Scurry in the way that you are, truly I believe this. Oh wow! 4S is rushing them to you, she is a real gem, isn't she!

So glad you have a positive outlook, that is more productive. Thank you again for explaining it to silly ole me. Wishing you and Scurry the very best. Can't wait to read about the update, and I'll try to keep the silly questions at bay:)

06-10-2009, 03:25 PM
Of course PT!

Back home for lunch and no news on labs yet simply because the Vet doesn't have a reference range for a squirrel. Anyone out there know the normal ranges for calcium and phosph? etc... gluclose?
I am waiting for the Exotic Vet from the lab to call me and help with the evaluation of the lab. I did have her radiographs looked over by a specialist who has examined squirrel rads and he said bone density and formation are good and no obvious probs noted.
I will let you kow more when I do!

Pointy Tale
06-10-2009, 03:56 PM
Oh, I'm sorry there isn't any news yet.
I don't know what the
normal ranges for calcium and phosph? etc... gluclose?, but I know someone will.
Did you actually get the report back, maybe if you posted the results a rehabber could look at them for you? I don't know, that was a random thought.

06-10-2009, 04:23 PM
Of course PT!

Back home for lunch and no news on labs yet simply because the Vet doesn't have a reference range for a squirrel. Anyone out there know the normal ranges for calcium and phosph? etc... gluclose?
I am waiting for the Exotic Vet from the lab to call me and help with the evaluation of the lab. I did have her radiographs looked over by a specialist who has examined squirrel rads and he said bone density and formation are good and no obvious probs noted.
I will let you kow more when I do!

You can use the normal ranges for a rat.

06-10-2009, 05:44 PM
Great news!! :thumbsup

Many times they will hurt their paw and favor it for a few days, then recover like new (just in time for the vet appointment :tilt ). Glad to hear the xrays looked good. :flash3

:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

06-10-2009, 09:40 PM
Ok here is the info on Scurry. She is a 100% without doubt an extremely, calcium fortified, healthy Squirrel! :multi :jump I had her labs evaluated by an exotic specialist and all of her levels are perfect. Hre x-rays which, were also evaluated by a specialist, show excellent formation and density. She is using her leg well today and up and down her runways with only a little limp.

A HUGE thank you to 4S:thankyou :thankyou as the blocks came today and she gobbled up the first one right away. I also want to thank you for talking me into doing her lab work. I felt she was ok by her actions and because we had seen her before with MBD, but it was nice to know for sure that we are doing the right things for her life and the lab work was a great confirmation!!!
I am sooooo happy to have you all for support!!

06-10-2009, 10:19 PM
Oh thank goodness!!! This is WONDERFUL news!!! :wottHer little footie was hurting and that's why she was acting funny I guess. And what a relief to know MBD is out of the picture for Scurry....

I did want to clarify that with any indications of possible MBD, we don't hesitate to go ahead and start the calcium regimen, since if it isn't MBD it won't hurt them to get calcium for a few days, and if it IS MBD, it will save the squirrel's life. It usually becomes clear very soon what the actual problem is--MBD or something else--although we rarely have the luxury of an exotic vet who can provide a definitive diagnosis, as thank God you did.

And Scurry likes the blocks! Well that's more good news. It's just so much easier to feed them something with all the right stuff in it. You know, that's why I came up with blocks in the first place, a year ago, because of worrying about my own Henry and Hazel getting the right nutrition, especially calcium.

I'm just thrilled for you and Scurry.:thumbsup

06-10-2009, 10:25 PM
:thumbsup :wott :wott :wott :multi :multi :multi

06-10-2009, 10:33 PM
You are a genius to have invented the Magic blocks! I am forever grateful ! I am very lucky to have been able to get the help of the specialists like I did. I want you to know that I sincerely did heed everything you said 4S and even though my instincts wre telling me it wasn't MBD, Scurry enjoyed a Tums and I did do the blood work you recommended.
I am not en expert or even well-trained in the art of caring for Squirrels. Our only other squirrel lived to almost ten and I am hearing he should have lived to be 20. He dealt with compromised lungs for 2 years b4 he succombed to that. Nutkin was a happy man-squirrel who we also raised from a couple of days old. He never was affectionate after he became an older teen, so Scurry makes up for it! The only problem with that is she has my heart , every bit of it, to the point of feeling physically ill when I think she's not ok... ugh! Oh well.... too late now! Tha'ts what I get for folding to the peer pressure of my co-workers and daughter! JK I wouldn't trade her for the world!
Thank you !thank you again for all of the wonderful support and knowledge you all share!

06-10-2009, 10:39 PM
even though my instincts wre telling me it wasn't MBD, Scurry enjoyed a Tums and I did do the blood work you recommended.

I'm a big believer in "Mommy instincts".... And I became a believer in having bloodwork done after my Henry broke his forearm (a heavy door closed on it), and the vet suggested some routine tests for good measure. I was surprised at how happy I was to hear all his results, including especially calcium, were perfect. And how shocked I was to hear he had coccidia--a VERY common squirrel parasite that often has no symptoms. Needless to say, we took care of that!

So, yes, it is a huge relief to have the tests done.:thumbsup

06-10-2009, 10:43 PM
Funny I had a fecal exam done for Scurry when she was a tiny ,which was negative, but didn't realize they get Coccidia too. That is a very common parasite in dogs and cats too.

One more thing I forgot! Scurry's teeth are well too. I took the opportunity to get a great look at them all while she was under anesthetic! Another just in case and might as well since she was out!

Nancy in New York
06-11-2009, 02:33 AM
Awe, I just love these kind of endings. It's amazing how a little squirrel can take over your heart so completely. I am thrilled about this news....:wahoo

Pointy Tale
06-11-2009, 10:28 AM
scurry'smama—What wonderful news to hear in the morning. Totally agree 4skwerlz is great for inventing the “Block”. So glad that Scurry is enjoying them. Can’t wait to read more about you both, and see pictures, love to see those pictures. Wishing you all the best,