View Full Version : Right arm gone up to shoulder
06-07-2009, 11:46 AM
One of my beautiful little wilds that come to my window sill in the morning has lost his right arm. It looks as though he chewed it off, and I'm afraid it was because it was caught in a rat trap. The arm is off above the elbow and it is all black like I guess dried blood.
a) I'm worried about him. What should I do if anything? I couldn't get a decent pic this morning because the angle I needed for the shot was behind the double screen. I'm so afraid that it will get infected, and I'll lose him. He is a beautiful perfect little squirrel that comes every day and always had this jaunty stance on the window sill. He didn't have a scratch or a mark on him. I feel so bad for him. This is his first year as a mature adult, and now everything is spoilt.
b) The rat trap. What else could have caused this? Are there more rat traps out there, or did something else happen?
I'm feeling sick over this. It's been a bad day. This morning I saw the black cat had a chipmunk it was tormenting, but before I could get down from the fourth floor to rescue it, both it and the cat were gone. I walked all over, but no sign of them.
But my little guy. . . what can I do? I'm afraid if I trap him and take him in to the wildlife center that they will euthanize him. I don't trust them at all. This state is illegal, but I know that there are lots of rehabbers here. Any advice? Please?
He could climb slowly and he could eat, but had trouble with the shelled nuts because he has to pin them down against something in order to get them open, and he was not being too successful.
06-07-2009, 11:58 AM
If you trap him, it will be very stressful. So, you need to ask yourself several questions:
1. Can he evade a predator, and other more aggressive squirrels?
2. Does he apppear to be suffering, or sick?
3. Is he able to eat, or is that impaired?
Based upon your description, it sounds like he might adapt just fine with the missing limb. You should make his food as easy as possible for him, where he doesn't have to compete with a lot of other squirrels. He may not even need any antibiotics for the wound, unless it starts to look bad. Then you may have to trap and treat him.
If you don't think he can care for himself, how well do you think he'll adapt to captivity being a wildie? I'm sure other members will have other opinions, but that's my 2 cents.
06-07-2009, 12:54 PM
I agree with ASG. Watch for signs of infection, or that he's having trouble making it in the wild. This is a terrible thing to see, but they can heal and adapt to all kinds of injuries.
island rehabber
06-07-2009, 12:57 PM
SO long as infection doesn't set in, he may be just fine out there after he heals. In the meantime I would offer him shelled nuts and pieces of veggies that he can eat without having to hold onto....You might want to put a little almond paste or peanut butter on a treat just to build up his calories in case he isn't able to get enough food. I agree with ASG that trapping a 1+ year old wild squirrel will be extremely stressful; that coupled with the shock of losing his arm might really send his immune system into a spiral. These are amazingly resilient animals....keep a close eye on him and offer him good food. Check out Jackie In Tampa's Sarah, if you don't believe how well squirrels can adapt to losing a forearm. :)
06-07-2009, 07:41 PM
Thanks, it's sort of what I thought, but I wanted your advice.
How will I recognize infection? He seemed active and bright-eyed this morning and ate most of the shelled nuts I put out for him. I just feel so heart-sick because he was such a beautiful perfect little guy, with a great personality.
I'm also worried about what could have caused this in my suburban (well more toward urban) neighborhood. I walked all around today and even poked my nose in more places than I should, but I didn't find anything suspicious.
island rehabber
06-07-2009, 08:46 PM
Infection will be categorized by swelling, redness, and/or anything green, white or yellowish oozing out. Also the squirrel will seem debilitated and slower than usual. Keeping my fingers crossed that this does not happen. As for how it happened, it could have been anything from an aborted hawk attack to a cat or dog. :(
06-07-2009, 08:53 PM
Well, right now the margins of the wound are black, like dried blood. I feel so helpless :( If he doesn't show up, I'm going to think the worst.
island rehabber
06-07-2009, 09:17 PM
Black is good, I think. Scabbing is, too.
JLM27, you are a very deep and perceptive person, from what I can tell 'knowing' you here on TSB. I know you are stricken by this horrible disfiguring of a perfect little young squirrel, and the potential lost for him to have a normal life. But before you drive yourself nuts try to remember that squirrels live in the moment. He's neither questioning his fate nor pitying himself -- he just looks toward the next five minutes and does his very best. We can all learn from these amazing little guys. :) :grouphug
06-07-2009, 09:27 PM
I does break your heart to see your buddy like this..
But..I think he is going to be fine...sounds like he is ready for business as usual...if he's already made his way to your place...
And as long as he has you....his hunting for food...wont be as hard...but even if you cant....if he chewed his arm off...sounds like..he's ready FOR anything..and will BUST'A TOOTH anything..and ANY one that crosses his path.....wrong....:grouphug
Gonna have to call him.."TUFFY"....:thumbsup
Hope you can get some pictures of him......Just to see...The Tough survivor!!!
Rachel n Bean:grouphug
06-07-2009, 09:37 PM
IR is right. Squirrels don't suffer the mental agony that we do, and they heal so much better than people. When my Henry broke his arm, I was amazed how quickly he bounced back--by the next day he seemed to have no pain. And I've met Jackie's little one-armed Sarah and she is as happy as can be. Your little friend will likely heal fine.
06-07-2009, 09:56 PM
Thank you all so much for your kind and wise words. I appreciate your giving me this insight. I think I am more horrified than he is.
Rachel, "Tuffy" it is, then.
One thing that has occurred to me more than once today is how much our young men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan are suffering when they lose their limbs right at the beginning of their lives, all full of promise and hope. It's so sad, and I pray that they will have courage too to go ahead with their lives.
island rehabber
06-07-2009, 10:07 PM
One thing that has occurred to me more than once today is how much our young men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan are suffering when they lose their limbs right at the beginning of their lives, all full of promise and hope. It's so sad, and I pray that they will have courage too to go ahead with their lives.
:goodpost :bowdown
Ontario Rehabber
06-08-2009, 12:23 AM
:goodpost :bowdown
Totally agree. Hope the little guy does o.k. Poor little sweetheart. It is so sad to see this but they are strong little guys. Prayers he does well with your help. Keep us posted on his progress. :thankyou :thankyou :grouphug
So here's my two cents and I'm sorry to have to contradict anyone else's opinion, but does anyone remember linhood46 and Carlin, the little squirrel who had the black arm? He died of blood poisoning. I know because I was the person that took him to the doctor and he didn't make it; he died before I could get him to help. So to me, black indicates necrotic tissue and that means that it could already be infected. This squirrel should be looked at by a vet. It may be a risk of traumatizing him by trying to catch him, but the odds are that if you don't, he could die of blood poisoning. At this point, the black part of the arm may need to be cleaned up so tissue further up the arm is not compromised. I'm sure antibiotics would help as a precaution, but which ones would be best to handle this, I don't know. I really hope I'm wrong and this little fellow is better soon.
06-08-2009, 07:54 AM
Of course you can make a strong case to go ahead and trap, as Tomo suggested. A vet check would certainly be the safest route if JLM has a vet that will see him. And certainly the wound will heal better with proper surgical debriding and closure.
Vets that will see a squirrel are so rare in many areas...I wish we could clone Dr. P (and those wonderful Tampa vets), and put one in every state.
06-08-2009, 08:20 AM
I am thinking and praying for Tuffy.
JLM27, your description, how he was "perfect" really got to me.
Thats how i feel when i look at my new babies, and like you said such promise.
I only recently had a similar situation. But now, as my Cyan seems to be recovering from losing most of her hand, i can appreciate how fortunate she was, and how much more of a loss Tuffy had.
Not in any position to recommend course of action, but just want you to know i am praying for little Tuffy.
The philosopher in me, considers how we are taught not to feel sorry for a human who has a similar loss, but rather to see them as whole. And in fact the human spirit has led many with great losses to achieve greatness! Squirrels have incredible spirit of their own. I hope Tuffy can overcome this test of the physical, because you know his spirit is indomitable.
06-08-2009, 09:28 AM
Beautifully put, MasterNibbler!
Black could indicate necrosis, but dried blood also looks would smell awful if necrotic, can you get close enough to get a whiff?
I bet he will recover...I hope so!
Ontario Rehabber
06-08-2009, 09:35 AM
Of course you can make a strong case to go ahead and trap, as Tomo suggested. A vet check would certainly be the safest route if JLM has a vet that will see him. And certainly the wound will heal better with proper surgical debriding and closure.
Vets that will see a squirrel are so rare in many areas...I wish we could clone Dr. P (and those wonderful Tampa vets), and put one in every state.
:goodpost I'm putting in my request for one of the first Dr. P clones, overnight delivery please :thumbsup
06-08-2009, 09:44 AM
I didn't see him this morning: (
How can I find a rehabber or squirrel friendly vet in the Boston area? Can someone send me a list? The one rehabber I knew seems not to be where she was.
06-08-2009, 09:49 AM
Oh MAN! Does he come every day??
Can you put out yummy food for him?
praying for you!!!!!!
06-08-2009, 10:13 AM
Update: I found Jodi. She says the best bet that she knows of is still the New England Wildlife Center, that she knows the vet there, Megan, has amputated an arm from a squirrel and then released him back in the wild. She also referred me to another rehabber that I just talked to. She confirms that trapping him would be very traumatic for him. She works for a vet that would clean the wound, but without caging him for a while, a course of antibiotics could not be administered because they need to be given twice a day.
She said had just finished working with a raccoon that had had an elastic wound under his arms for a long time. He was a regular at someone's house, so they trapped him and cleaned the wound under sedation and then released him, thinking that he would come daily for his atb because he had been a regular, but apparently the trapping was so traumatic that he didn't come back for 2 1/2 weeks, by which time he had healed on his own.
Lord, please help this little one make it. I still don't really know what to do. Certainly I did not smell anything bad yesterday or see any redness or pus.
06-08-2009, 10:50 AM
:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
Is it possible to get pictures? Sometimes that is enough to tell better what you are seeing, than from a distance. If the "black" is scabbing, he will be OK. But if it is black, yucky tissue, that would be a bad sign.
We also have clues from his behavior. I would think if he had infection, dying tissue, he would not be acting as well? That would also be something to watch. If his behavior seems to deteriorate at all.
If you haven't seen Sarah's thread, you should take a look. She did not miss her arm at all! And she gets around GREAT! (in fact, if she had less-doting parents, she might be releasable (NOT criticizing or saying she should be released, and Sarah is happy as a lark, but the point is that they adapt quite amazingly)).
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
06-08-2009, 12:21 PM
Right now I am just praying I'll see him again and for him to be OK. Dear Lord, hear my prayer and protect Tuffy with your love and boundless mercy. He's a really sweet guy and I don't think he's really finished being a squirrel yet, but the Father's will be done. Amen.
On a brighter note: I have reason to believe the chipmunk MAY have survived the cat attack. I saw one in my garden this morning. I put out some seeds for him.
Next time he comes I will do my best to get a picture. I have to get the screen out of the window, see. And that commotion makes them run for the nearest branches.
06-08-2009, 10:38 PM
Here is a "before" photo taken on June 6th (I THINK it is him) and then some that I took today when he---thanks be to the Lord---showed up on my window sill today.
06-08-2009, 10:54 PM
JLM27 :grouphug I am going through something very similar right now with a bunny. Though the bunny is in my care so its easier and she has been to a vet. Thankfully the "location" is better. My bunny is missing her back leg and was infected right way b/c she pees on it even though I change her bedding 5-6 time a day.
I will keep your lil guy in my prayers, :grouphug
P.s in the pictures it looks great! What skill this three legged wonder has!
06-09-2009, 01:42 AM
Great pics..
And he doesn't look very much effected, as he is climbing up there without any problem!!
Poor little one..
Do you really think this is his job!? If it was his job, then he wouldn't stop biting the wound again and again! (i.e. Mia!)
God bless.. Praying for the little one................ :Love_Icon
06-09-2009, 02:02 AM
He is doing excellent..
I dont think you have anything to worry about..GOT up there...with one hand missing..he's a little trooper!
OKAY..NOW..I AM...freaking out...what the that thing...on the top of that wooden that some sort of bug..that is ALIVE..... :eek: if yes...what the heck is it doing IN YOUR HOUSE...ALIVE>.?
That thing would be squished unser my SHOE...right about now!:osnap
:;eeeewww:::eeewwww::eeewwww:::Rachel:::doing:::th e :::sissy::dance:::shudder's::::
Glad you are taking such good care of him!"Tuffy"..not that BUG....Ewwwwwww....Jill....................... :eek:
Have a great rest of the morning...:grouphug :wave123
Rachel n Bean:grouphug :wave123
06-09-2009, 03:46 AM
My heart goes out to Tuffy..I will certainly add him to my prayers....
06-09-2009, 08:23 AM
praying for your little tuffy :grouphug
06-09-2009, 08:27 AM
Rachel, calm down, that is a little metal sculpture of a grasshopper.
06-09-2009, 09:09 AM
Looks like the amputation was near the elbow (above it or below it I can't tell), which leaves him with quite a bit of his upper arm, which he might be able to learn to use quite well. HOWEVER, it is also possible that there will be excessive wear on the stub, meaning it will be better to have it taken off. You'll have to watch out for that in the coming weeks. That being said, he looks great! Bright-eyed, good fur condition. And the stub almost looks like a vet closed it...very neat. Perhaps a bit of swelling. Watch for any increase in swelling or drainage (pus).
My two cents is that considering his injury, he looks fantastic. Others may see things I've missed.
I have used Bactrim (liquid version) for infected wounds successfully.
I would certainly give the poor baby some Bactrim now, perhaps 200gms. I dont like giving AB but as his injuries is so severe, I would but the decision is yours to make. Take half a shelled pecan, make a shallow well with a blade or knife, then put the bactrim in the nuts and leave to dry out overnight,. Then sprinkle some shaved nuts to mask the AB.
Black may mean necrotic tissues also I think.
Last year I saw a male squirrel in our garden just like yours. I was not able to get close enough but what is left of the arm appears to have healed. I never saw it again. I dont know how it can survive though since they need to hold on to nuts to crack them, though I have seen some holding nuts with just one paw but the nut is already cracked. If it is not, I personally think your wild squirrel friend will have problems surviving, esp if food is scarce.
I would personally give him the AB and keep an eye out to see how he copes. GB and I hope and pray that he will adapt in the wild.
06-09-2009, 09:58 AM
I don't he back yet? Do you have AB? I am the last person to advise meds but it looks too "soft" in that pic. Maybe swelling, but he has a lot of skin, too, so who knows. I wish you knew he would come back daily....
Have you seen him today??? He looks happy enough, eating right?
I just wanna squeeze him. But I would get torn up, heheh.
06-09-2009, 10:26 AM
How do I get Bactrim? How many does per day are needed and for how long, and what if he doesn't come every day, like today it is raining and they mostly stay in bed when it rains (another thing we should learn from them).
PS. I'm not totally sure that June 6th photo was him, so I really DON't know how old the wound is. I just know I heard some terrible screaming on Sunday, which I'm still kicking myself for not running out and tending to, although if it was up on a porch or roof, I don't know what I could have done.
06-09-2009, 10:29 AM
Wow Jill...what a experience...he is doing good....I like the name Tuffy :D
Here's a big hug to you :grouphug I know how much this is stressing you out :grouphug
island rehabber
06-09-2009, 10:55 AM
I am encouraged by how bright-eyed and healthy this squirrel appears. However if at all possible it would be great to get some ABX into him....even on a piece of avocado or a tasty nut.
06-09-2009, 11:04 AM
I just saw this thread and I am so happy to see how well he is doing:wott
If he is eating and climbing so well, I am very hopefull he will be fine.
I am also one who would only trap as a last resort. I have seen and heard of many cases where the stress of it all hinders the healing process even if they could be treated. But there are always exceptions to the rule:tilt
omg!!! best wishes for this little fellow!!! amazing he's climbing so well...:grouphug
06-09-2009, 02:06 PM
One thing that has occurred to me more than once today is how much our young men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan are suffering when they lose their limbs right at the beginning of their lives, all full of promise and hope. It's so sad, and I pray that they will have courage too to go ahead with their lives.
Prayers for Mr. Tuffy. Poor little one, with a courageous soul, and strength matched by few!
But I wanted to say thank you for mentioning this... my husband is a veteran of the Afghanistan war (thankfully he's still in one piece), and as a military wife I've met a few people who are missing limbs... It shakes you to the core. I don't know how they do it sometimes, but they do. And often, they do it better than the rest of us could! :) I think maybe that could be true of Tuffy too.
Anyways, keep us updated!
06-09-2009, 08:27 PM
I saw Tuffy this afternoon. He looks the same, but another male squirrel was here and although not hostile, he supplanted Tuffy on the window sill where he was eating. I tried to shoo the little interloper away, but only succeeded in scaring Tuffy. He came back after a while and ate, but he did not finish what was on the window sill. He still looks lively, but seemed a little more skittish today. We had a fine rain today and it was not the best of days to hang out in a maple tree.
A funny thing is, he often shows up WITH another squirrel. I don't think always the same one, but its like he is sticking close maybe to take advantage of an extra pair of eyes??? And he has been close to the other squirrel each time, like 2 to 6 inches behind, but does not seem to be pursuig for mating purposes and separates as they come into my yard.
I did not get an answer to the ABX questions I had. Should I call that rehabber back, the one that works for the vet? Some one said to put a dose on a nut, which I am willing to try, but what ABX, what dose?
06-09-2009, 08:59 PM
That looks a little high up. Can you make him a little ledge, or shelf to park on while he eats?
06-09-2009, 09:09 PM
I'm trying to fix it so he can get on the inside window sill while he eats, but he is so skittish right now. . . Some of them are willing to come inside, especially if I leave two windows open. The window sill out there is 4 1/2 inches wide. I have to think how I could make a ledge, because it is a concrete window sill and it is not easy to attach anything to it. Sweet little guy. He was a little more relaxed with me when he first showed up with this injury, but perhaps my hovering anxiety is making him nervous.
06-10-2009, 03:17 PM
take a piece of wood, like half inch plywood, 18 inches by the width of your window, and bold a right angle, oh say a six or nine inch right angle iron bracket on the part that will be the inside underside of it. ( make sure screws do not protrude to top side! ), then you can put a threaded rod into a toggle bolt under in the right spot inside, and when you want the shelf, just spin a wing nut on. Many real simpler ways too. just trying to be helpful i am always building odd modifications to things. I do a lot with velcro, you can shim up a shelf to fit perfectly over the sill and any window protrusions, then velcro the shim, makes easy removal.
BUT i was going to say, that i am not sure if that is the same squirrel?
Maybe a sibling. Maybe Tuffy was recuperating for a long time, and you been seeing his sibling. Could be three or four very close siblings, easy to mix up.
That would change his recovery time and the point along the way in his injury.
Just an idea.
06-10-2009, 07:24 PM
It may not be the same squirrel. Frankly, these are some of the little guys that I can only tell apart by reference to the patterns on their undercarriage.
I do know that Tuffy was one of mine, because he was relatively relaxed when I was close when he first came back. Some days they are casual about me; other days they act as though they have just discovered that I am really a velociraptor in disguise. When he stood up the first day, though, I recognized his brown and white pattern. The problem is, I have not yet found a picture that displays his belly before the accident.
I didn't see him today, but it is raw and gloomy here and I had to be at work on site most of the day.
06-10-2009, 08:14 PM
Yes, they behave differently based on how their day is going, and what they experienced since last you saw them, and how they recovered from those experiences. I have been studying these around me for the past year now.
Some have come to me nearly every day. Quite amazing how they are more concerned with other factors, like a sibling, or an uncle, or others in general, and of course strange humanoids not myself, dog walkers, etc. I find that if Magenta, who was so sweet and docile, coming in, sitting on my left leg as she selected just the nut she wanted from this big bowl in my right arm, yesterday, if she gets spooked or has a close encounter upon leaving here, with another squirrel, it will take a few visits for her to feel more at ease. Pretty much like people are. That is why i love them so.
06-11-2009, 10:56 AM
Didn't see him this morning. It is still gloomy here. Praying that he will come back so that I can stuff his little face and that his arm is healing ok.
Father in Heaven, Thy will be done. Dear Lord, please give your loving protection to little Tuffy, what ever he has to go through, help him through it, and bring him out safe, and if it is Your will, let him stay with us to have a full and happy little squirrel life. Amen.
island rehabber
06-11-2009, 11:08 AM
Father in Heaven, Thy will be done. Dear Lord, please give your loving protection to little Tuffy, what ever he has to go through, help him through it, and bring him out safe, and if it is Your will, let him stay with us to have a full and happy little squirrel life. Amen.
...and Amen.
:grouphug :grouphug :Love_Icon :Love_Icon Come on Tuffy!
06-11-2009, 08:50 PM
I didn't see anybody but Fatty Mama and one other squirrel who wouldn't even say hello to me this evening. No social hour at all. Gloomy, rainy. Tuffy, I hope you are tucked in warm and dry, little boy.
Loopy Squirrel
06-11-2009, 09:21 PM
Praying for your little Tuffy. We are pulling for you little one.
Ontario Rehabber
06-12-2009, 09:01 AM
Come on little Tuffy. Prayers for the little guy.
06-12-2009, 09:04 AM
I am praying for Tuffy, and hope we see him real soon.
06-12-2009, 04:01 PM
Any luck yet with Tuffy?
06-14-2009, 10:04 PM
I saw Tuffy yesterday and today, and his stump seemed less swollen. I got some pics of it today, and they are pretty graphic, so I hope this doesn't freak anyone out.
The bone is sticking out and has gotten black. The wound looks as though it is healing, though. He is such a dear sweet boy. He came right to me and sat quietly eating. I ran upstairs and got him shelled nuts so that he didn't have to struggle. As soon as I get the Henry's wild bloocks, I will try to get him eating them.
Please pray that this little guy heals up OK. He is still lively and bright-eyed. Just skittish when other squirrels are around, as well he might be.
06-15-2009, 05:34 AM
I'm concerned by these latest pics. With the bone exposed the danger of serious infection is high. I also see yellow pus.
Just my 2 cents, gut feeling, or whatever, but I think it's time to trap this little guy and get him to a vet.
island rehabber
06-15-2009, 07:03 AM
In the 3rd and 4th pix there does appear to be infection, I agree. Remember that these squirrels are so resilient they will function very well even when in pain or ill from prey animals, behaving 'normally' is their "job One" because it keeps the predators away. I'm wondering if somehow he can be dosed with ABX without capturing him...he does come for food regularly, and some ABX need only be given once a day..... :dono
Ontario Rehabber
06-15-2009, 07:49 AM
In the 3rd and 4th pix there does appear to be infection, I agree. Remember that these squirrels are so resilient they will function very well even when in pain or ill from prey animals, behaving 'normally' is their "job One" because it keeps the predators away. I'm wondering if somehow he can be dosed with ABX without capturing him...he does come for food regularly, and some ABX need only be given once a day..... :dono
I agree that there does appear to be some infection. If he is visiting on a daily basis, I would definitely give him ABX in peanut butter, almond butter, avacado, or whatever he will take.
06-15-2009, 07:53 AM
OK, but I asked this before. . .WHAT ABX and where do I get it? From a rehabber? How important would it be to get that bone sawed off and closed over?
And how would I trap him?
06-15-2009, 09:10 AM
Can one of our rehabbers w/vet connection (quietly) arrange to send her antibiotic and dosing instructions??? :bowdown :bowdown No one needs to know where it came from. It should be easy to dose him when he comes to eat.
Does it appear to anyone else that the dead bone is getting ready to separate of its own accord (4th pic)? :dono :thinking Haven't we seen this happen before -- a couple of fingers, many tails? I agree that getting cleaned up and treated by a vet in a sterile setting would be ideal. But if it is not feasible or if trapping and treating would cause worse problems for him, can't we provide the help that we are able to?
:thinking If someone in a nearby state can send something out overnight, today, she will be able to start treating him ASAP -- and much time has already been lost, where we could have gotten ahead of the infection. This has been done by several dear angels in other parts of the country, but they cannot supply antibiotics to all of TSB. :tilt
This might be all the help he needs. Even if it isn't, it will get a jump on the infection while we try to figure out how to trap him (since he comes to feed upstairs, it is not a simple matter of putting a trap where he is used to feeding, and may take some time even with diligent and watchful efforts .... ifit's even possible).
:grouphug:Love_Icon :grouphug
06-15-2009, 09:40 AM
I can pay for whatever is necessary. Pleaser PM me and I will give you my address. Please help, Tuffy is such a dear sweet boy.
06-15-2009, 11:20 AM
:bump :bump
Can one of our rehabbers w/vet connection (quietly) arrange to send her antibiotic and dosing instructions??? :bowdown :bowdown No one needs to know where it came from. It should be easy to dose him when he comes to eat.
Does it appear to anyone else that the dead bone is getting ready to separate of its own accord (4th pic)? :dono :thinking Haven't we seen this happen before -- a couple of fingers, many tails? I agree that getting cleaned up and treated by a vet in a sterile setting would be ideal. But if it is not feasible or if trapping and treating would cause worse problems for him, can't we provide the help that we are able to?
:thinking If someone in a nearby state can send something out overnight, today, she will be able to start treating him ASAP -- and much time has already been lost, where we could have gotten ahead of the infection. This has been done by several dear angels in other parts of the country, but they cannot supply antibiotics to all of TSB. :tilt
This might be all the help he needs. Even if it isn't, it will get a jump on the infection while we try to figure out how to trap him (since he comes to feed upstairs, it is not a simple matter of putting a trap where he is used to feeding, and may take some time even with diligent and watchful efforts .... ifit's even possible).
:grouphug:Love_Icon :grouphug
Ontario Rehabber
06-16-2009, 12:20 PM
Any news on this little one? Have ABX been organized? Hope all goes well :grouphug
06-16-2009, 12:46 PM
Update: I did not see him yesterday afternoon (I didn't get out there until after six) or this morning.
ABX is being organized to be sent to me. I only pray we can get some in him.
Ontario Rehabber
06-16-2009, 02:03 PM
Why don't you start the taste test today to get him used to it without the ABX. A half shell with peanut butter, avacado, nut butter.......see which he prefers. :thumbsup
06-16-2009, 02:34 PM
As painful as it looks..Id have to agree with doesn't look infected..looks like he's healing quite nicely..
:thumbsup No...ozing puss or green puss...:thumbsup
06-17-2009, 08:34 AM
Update: I saw Tuffy yesterday afternoon between 5:15 and 5:45 pm. His wound looks much better. No redness or yellow pus that I could see. I did not have my camera with me. Sorry. I gave him shelled nuts, and I tried some Henry's Wild blocks, but he ignored it completely. Didn't even seem to realize it was food. He runs OK and climbs OK (probably more slowly than others), but walking is awkward, and he has to hold a nut against something hard to gnaw it open. I also don't see how he is going to store his food for the winter as it will be hard to dig and refill holes with only one hand. I am likely to start traveling again for the second half of the year, and so be away four days a week. Thanks for everyone's support with this situation. Tuffy is a gentle little sweetheart and a good-looking boy.
06-17-2009, 08:53 PM
I received abx today (thanks again) and put it into a) some avacado in a pecan shell and b) another dose into some peanut butter on a piece of whole grain bread, trying to be prepared if the first one didn't get eaten. I was outside from 4:40 to 7:45 PM watching for him, but no Tuffy today :(
Poor little guy. I keep thinking about all the things that will be hard or maybe even impossible for him. Like what squirrel lady is going to let him make love to her? He's so beautiful. And burying nuts, how will that work?
06-17-2009, 09:26 PM
Maybe he just came when you werent looking or around..:grouphug
And he just went to bed before you could see him..
Hope you see him tomorrow...xoxoxo:grouphug
Ontario Rehabber
06-19-2009, 07:34 AM
Have you seen the little guy lately?
06-19-2009, 10:22 AM
No, I have not seen him since Tuesday, but it has been raining here, this morning, heavily. He has been coming at about 4:30 to 5:30 before the others get here. Wednesday he didn't come, and yesterday I had to be in NYC all day. I received the abx on Wednesday and made it ready to give to him, but rendevousing in the rain is not going to happen too easily. I would be glad to sit out in the garden all day and watch for him, but I can't do that in the rain (because I have to work on my computer), and it is unlikely he will come when it is so wet anyway.
06-19-2009, 05:57 PM
I haven't seen my brave little guy today. Now I am worried about him. But there is nothing I can do. I do not even know where he is sleeping these days. The weather was crummy here with rain showers all day, some of them really heavy, but I was hoping he would come over in the evening. The sun is finally coming out, but we are supposed to get wet weather all week. Others were here this morning, dodging between the raindrops to get their handouts, but no one tonight except Fatty Mama. I was not here for several hours today and many nuts were eaten while I was gone, so he possibly could have stopped by.
06-19-2009, 06:09 PM
:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
I hope he is just hunkered down with the weather. He may sense that wet branches would be even harder for him. They can stay in their nests for days at a time so we can hope that if it EVER stops raining, he will pop in for dinner (and meds).
Nasty weather just changes everything for them. I have a little girl that I see at least once a day. After last week's bad storms (many trees down), I didn't see her for a week, even though I went out at all the times I have ever seen her. Just as I was accepting that something had happened to her in the storms, she trotted across the street. Hoping Tuffy will do the same. :thumbsup
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
Ontario Rehabber
06-19-2009, 08:23 PM
Praying that the little guy is just waiting for good weather, or he was one of the bandits that stole nuts while you were away. Hope you see him tomorrow. Maybe he has taken this time to heal a bit. Sending good thoughts and prayers to precious little Tuffy. :Love_Icon
06-19-2009, 08:57 PM
Thank you for all your support and prayers. I appreciate it, and I know Tuffy would too, if he knew.
06-20-2009, 09:51 PM
Hello everyone. Tuffy came to visit today and he is looking good. The bone has fallen off and it looks as though the wound is closing. He has a good appetite (for nuts, doncha know), and I got a dose of the abx in him. The funny thing is that while I was being so excited at seeing Tuffy and being anxious to get the abx in him, I left the lid off to the little plastic container that had the other three abx loaded treats in it, and when my back was turned. . . you got it! Three little bandits came in and helped themselves, including baby Freddie.
Tuffy actually had a smile today, and he charged another squirrel that got near him when he was at the nut box, so I think his sprits are returning. The wound looks good, pink, not red and looks like it is closing up. I wish I could give him a hug and a back rub!
One note for lessons learned, don't make the abx treat with avacado unless you know it is going in them right away. That treat had gray mold on it (yuck!) when I opened up the plastic container, even though I had kept it cold. Of course, mold did not deter the bandits. Peanut butter is better and will keep for a day or so. I filled half an almond shell with peanut butter mixed with fine natural ground cornbread meal that I picked up in Arkansas and tucked the abx into the mixture (Bentonville - Walmart HQ). I also had some wheatberry bread that I put the abx in and then smeared it with peanut butter. That's the one Tuffy ate.
ne note for lessons learned, don't make the abx treat with avacado unless you know it is going in them right away. That treat had gray mold on it (yuck!) when I opened it up today even though it had been kept cold.
island rehabber
06-20-2009, 10:07 PM
good work, JLM27! Tuffy's wound does look nice and clean, but it's great that you got some abx into him anyway (along with three of his closest friends :poke). It certainly can't hurt. Those closeup pix are excellent....go Tuffy -- get all healed up, little dude :thumbsup.
06-20-2009, 10:13 PM
Whew!! So glad he came back!! :wahoo :wahoo
He looks great! :thumbsup What a brave little boy! It seems that he is adapting very well. They are quite amazing. :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
Hooray! Tuffy's arm looks so much better:thumbsup It does appear that it will heal well. So glad he got a dose of AB. That will just help his chances of dodging an infection that much better. Great pictures of him too:D :D
06-21-2009, 02:44 AM
That's a big relief to read Tuffy is back and better!!
:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
Ontario Rehabber
06-21-2009, 05:57 AM
His arm is looking much better, and nice sparkly eyes. Glad he is doing better. :grouphug
If he's taking the ABX, maybe you could try and see if he will take a little yogurt or Lactobacillus acidophilus in another treat to help with his tummy.
06-21-2009, 11:55 AM
Update: Saw Tuffy this morning and got another dose in him.:jump
He's still pretty cautious around some other males ( a stranger showed up today who had very fat cheeks and almost a "ruff" around his neck, but was not really scared of me at all. Wonder who HE was???), but some of these guys are the neighborhood toughs and are avoided by others, too.
He was just as sweet as ever. Been drizzling here intensely, then when the wind blows, the trees shower it all over me. My furry friends were WET this morning, but because it is warm, they do not seem to care.
06-21-2009, 12:04 PM
wow tuffy looks is amazing how they heal..way to go mom!! :jump
06-21-2009, 12:55 PM
After seeing those pics of wound/bone exposed, it's a small miracle to see it all healing up and Tuffy going on as if this is just another day. Amazing. "Tuff" is right. :grouphug
Ontario Rehabber
06-22-2009, 08:16 AM
Keep up the great work with little Tuff :thumbsup
Secret Squirrel
06-22-2009, 11:22 AM
:thankyou for taking care of this fellow.....:wott
Loopy Squirrel
06-22-2009, 02:34 PM
Wow, the wound looks really good. Glad he has someone like you who cares about him. Keep up the good work.
06-22-2009, 03:39 PM
It has been raining all day today. If he came over, it was this morning when I was heads down working on getting my 140 page document finished, which is due today. I looked this morning, at 1:30 and I am about to go look for him again, but it is wet and gloomy. The guys I did see today were pretty soggy little squirrels!
06-22-2009, 05:11 PM
Looking good! I'm so happy for you and Tuffy.
06-22-2009, 06:36 PM
No Tuffy today :( I hope he is snug somewhere sleeping and convalescing.
Ontario Rehabber
06-22-2009, 09:18 PM
No Tuffy today :( I hope he is snug somewhere sleeping and convalescing.
I hope so too. Heal little one. I'm concerned with the ABX administration if he is not getting it on a daily basis. Since the wound looks like it is healing very well on its own I would consider stopping it. If you cannot get it to him on at least a daily basis it may be doing more harm than good. My 2 cents. Don't know what other rehabbers think? - thoughts :thinking
06-23-2009, 09:35 AM
Well, Tuffy came to my window sill this morning and has more of his old personality back. He chased another male away, stood up and peered over the screen at me, took nuts from my hand, and even stuck his sweet little furry head with its soft ears into my hand to get some of the nuts as I was putting them down on the sill. I did get another dose of abx into him this morning at about 8:30 AM.:jump
I tried, but could not get a shot of his stump. He always turned that side away from me while eating and I could not take a picture up underneath like I can when he is on the tree branch. From the glimpse I got, the wound looks like it is puckering together more like purse strings pulling tight. I suppose the muscle around the stump is atrophying, too. Anyway, he seems to be adapting quite well climbing jumping and chasing his friend Jimmy.
While I was feeding Tuffy and talking to him, Jimmy came in my window next to my left elbow (I was talking to Tuffy right in front of me) sneaked up behind my back and snatched the avacado I was cutting up for them. He seized the fruit as though it were an enormous nut, and before I was aware of what he was doing and could react, he was out the window and down the tree! The little bandit! Later, I found it where he had dropped it in the parking lot after taking about ten squirrel bites out of it.
Loopy Squirrel
06-23-2009, 10:51 AM
Little devils... I am so glad to hear that Tuffy is doing well. Squirrels are amazing and you are doing a wonderful job.
Ontario Rehabber
06-23-2009, 12:08 PM
Most of them really do love avacado, it's like a major prize - Jimmy the bandit :D Glad Tuffy is doing well. :thumbsup
06-28-2009, 10:28 PM
Here is the series of pics on Tuffy's injury. The first was taken the 14th, the second on the 19th, and the third on the 26th---12 days!
I have stopped trying to get abx in him, because he and I do not rendevous every day. As I am working, I cannot hang out and wait for him to make sure he gets a dose. He is chasing some other males away and some females, including big bad Fatty Mama.
He wants to eat hazelnuts, but he has trouble holding them effectively to gnaw the shell open. If I am here I step on them for him. He has also indicated liking peanut butter-cornbread mix balls (which I have for him sometimes), but I can't get him interested in the HHBs. He seems to be maintaining weight and is reasonably agile. I haven't seen him trying to bury any nuts, but then I haven't seen any other males trying to do this either at my house, because the territory is owned by three females and Fatty Mama's babies. The males carry them away to bury them, but I haven't seen him carry any away.
Finally, I noticed another injury on him on June 26th which may or may not have been part of the original incident and I am only now noticing it:
06-28-2009, 10:33 PM
He looks great. The new wound looks like a classic case of two males fighting; they try to bite and scrape their teeth down the other squirrel's hide, making a long shallow wound just like that.
06-28-2009, 10:45 PM
From the size of Tuffy's (ahem) equipment, he looks like he is probably out in the fray. I hope he can still get a honey once in a while. He is a beautiful young male and a sweetheart, and any lady squirrel should be glad to get his attentions.
island rehabber
06-29-2009, 04:00 AM
I am so glad Tuffy is doing well! In fact it's time to move him out of Life Threatening Emergency.....we can let him stay in Non-Life Threatening for a while just for visibility, but I think he's doing great. :crazy
06-29-2009, 08:44 AM
:multi :multi :multi :multi :multi :multi :multi :multi :multi
GO, TUFFY!!! :alright.gif
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
I also have a squirrel in my yard with a bad left eye that's blind, and now a bad left leg that appears to be broken. He is one of my Fabulous 5 squirrels, who we thought had control of the yard, but now it seems like he's been taken out of that position by the looks of him. Below is a movie I just put out this morning, he does come everyday, for the most part, he's been hurt now for about 3 -4 weeks, and he's getting better everyday. I have been giving him bread with peanut butter with a solid gold sea meal sold for dogs , cats and horses. It really seems to me that this has helped him heal. It boost his own immune system. I was toying with the "do I capture him" , but, I then choose to start the sea meal rather than a capture. He can now at least sit up and eat, and he can climb trees, so I think we're on the mend.
:jump :jump :jump :jump :jump
06-29-2009, 01:30 PM
He looks SO MUCH BETTER!!!! Great job!!!!
06-29-2009, 01:37 PM
:alright.gif You have done an excellent job:wott I have been lurking in here, but just wanted you to know and say God bless you for helping this cutie pie and give him a second chance:):grouphug mjs
06-29-2009, 01:53 PM
Tuffy says thank you, everyone, for caring about me.
Ontario Rehabber
06-29-2009, 01:56 PM
Glad to see Toughy healing so well :thumbsup
07-11-2009, 11:46 PM
Here is an update on Tuffy. I was pretty sure that the bone had blackened and fallen off , but now I am not so sure. Either that or more bone has continued to protrude as the muscles above the wound site atrophy. He also now has scraped the fur off under his arm as though he is using his "wing" to hook over tree branches. It also looks like there is an abrasion on the inside of his left wrist.
The first is from June 26
These are from Jul 8
07-12-2009, 10:45 AM
Looks like it will take a while for the rest of the bone to drop off.
The abrasion on his left wrist could be from the extra pressure due to having to climb with one arm. Hopefully, in time the skin on his wrist will toughen up and form a callous.
07-15-2009, 05:40 PM
I haven't seen Tuffy for three days again, and now we are about to have 4 days of rain :(. I can't help but worry about him. Maybe he has two nests and moves back and forth between them. I can't help him except by giving him calories, but I also want him to know I'm his friend and I am rooting for him.
I'm sitting in the garden with Hoover the Chipmunk taking nuts out of a bowl by my side. I call him Hoover because that is what he looks like when he is snarfing up the seeds I put down for him.
07-20-2009, 09:06 PM
No sign of Tuffy. It has been 8 days now. Jimmy has been coming by alone the last few times. I hope and pray I am just missing him, but I feel SO anxious, now. Like he came to me for help and I failed him. I'm thinking I should have snatched him and had that arm attended to and now it is too late.
IR, if I see him again, should I catch him? That bone sticking out. . . And he looked sort of dejected the last time I saw him. He is such a sweet, sweet boy.
I'm even willing to drive him out of Massachusetts to someone that can get him to a safe vet.
07-20-2009, 09:22 PM
Can you elaborate on him looking dejected? Did he look weak and struggling to get around the last time you saw him?
07-20-2009, 09:26 PM
Not exactly. He had worn the fur off under his arm from using his "wing" to hang on and it look like some abrasion there and on his wrist.
It's just that he has always been cheerful and lively, even right after it happened. Last time he was sort of subdued and a little. . .I don't know, kind of not "there" as much. I know this is vague, but I thought if he seemed ok mentally, he was going to be alright, and the length of time coupled with my sense that he wasn't feeling too good last I saw him is what has me so worried.
07-20-2009, 09:38 PM
If you see him again and he doesn't look quite right, then grab him. Better safe than sorry. I do understand the hesitation to trap a wild squirrel; it's a big responsibility and you always wonder if you're doing the right thing. But they do get over it quickly.
07-26-2009, 09:44 PM
Great news! I've been asking everyone that comes by for Tuffy and he finally came Saturday morning just I was leaving for a picnic on the Cape. I jumped up and down with excitement and so did he. He looked very lively and he came over with Jimmy, who was sitting on a branch with his tail hanging down the other side, eating a nut, and watching us while we were greeting. Then I made Pat wait in the parking lot while I found his special shelled almonds and put them out for him. But then I did have to leave, and I was sorry that I couldn't stay and talk more.
However, he came back this morning and was upstairs on the windowsill and even came in my house for a few minutes. He seemed lively and appears to be doing well. He defended his place on the window sill, but I gave him his own sill with his own pile of nut treats (including a little chocolate covered hazelnut), and refused to let Fatty Mama interfere, as she can be a persistent noodge. Anyway, I was so glad and grateful to see my Tuffy is OK and still getting along. He seemed a bit thinner, but otherwise fine.
All three of the boys were here this morning, in fact.
07-26-2009, 09:54 PM
What wonderful news. I'm very, very happy for you and Tuffy.
08-09-2009, 11:17 PM
For those who are interested, Tuffy continues to come around to bum nuts. He tries to pick odd times because then he won't have to compete. His arm looks good, considering it is off all the way up to te dhoulder. He reamins a very sweet boy who is very, very gentle to his human. He never bites or scratches. His paw is warm and velvety, I love his soft touches
08-10-2009, 12:03 AM
:grouphug It's such a tragic but sweet story. He trusted you and you helped him heal. Now he's back to his old Tuff-As-A-Teddy-Bear self and continues to visit and share his lovely nature. :Love_Icon
I'm so happy to hear his arm is looking so much better. :wott
island rehabber
08-10-2009, 12:05 AM
Oh it's so great to hear that Tuffy has been visiting and that he's doing well! You are his Guardian Human, JLM.....and always will be. :bowdown
08-10-2009, 06:20 AM
So happy to hear this.
I often found that my wildies, if they were compromised in any way or simply had a non-combative personality, would show up to eat at odd times to avoid the morning/evening scuffles with others. These were often the friendliest squirrels and often the longest lived too. I actually think it was a very good strategy, as they avoided a lot of fights and stress.
My favorite boy, Whitey, was such a sweet old soul and never fought, in fact, he babysat the little ones sometimes. I taught him to come to a certain branch for his nut--he learned it in like 2 minutes, and never forgot it either. So while others were scuffling round the peanut bowl, Whitey could calmly walk to his special branch and get his nut.
So happy for you and Tuffy. I know how special he is to you.
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