View Full Version : Teeth Issues? Age?

05-18-2009, 02:33 PM
Here are bad pics of Miracles (MBD female from other thread) teeth. I had to take these myself.
To me, this looks like...well, not a baby squirrel.
Her lowers poke the roof of her mouth when she closes it and they seem loose!

Should I trim 'em a bit like for hamsters? Leave 'em be? I have trimmed hammies before, even puffer fish (THAT'S a major task) Opinions? I can make a "burrito" and she's fairly good.

Or, should I say...I have a whole new box of Band-aids? LOL!!!!!:rotfl

Pointy Tale
05-18-2009, 02:43 PM
I'm sorry, I can't see the pictures.

05-18-2009, 02:53 PM
If you're having a problem posting pics, feel free to email them to me & I can post for you. legomom0701@aol.com :D

In my opinion, if they are poking the roof of her mouth, they do need trimmed. I think we have some pics in the "Ailments" section about malocclusions and teeth trimming. I have (knock on wood) not had to do this, but there are others (Jackie In Tampa) who do it regularly. I'll email her & send her to your link.

In the meantime, does she have things to chew: tree branches, deer antler (you can get these at Chris's Squirrels and More on line) and in shell nuts?

Good luck! :grouphug

05-18-2009, 04:22 PM
Errrr....I am a moron. I forgot to add pics. *sheepish grin*

Okay, on closer inspection, I don't see a sore in her mouth so maybe they aren't too long, but they DO look way longer than a babies teeth!

She doesn't CHEW anything. She's really odd- needs feeding like an elderly person!
She has molars in the back, but she only eats yogurt, Esbilac and ensure, with a grated pecan on the yogurt. I THINK she ate some more Kaytee pellets but now I am counting them out to be certain. She nibbled a mealworm too.
She has stuff for chewing if she wants though. Alvin likes limerock. (good source of calcium carbonate!!)

05-19-2009, 02:51 AM
Hi Tony,

She has orange colour teeth, so she isn't a baby any more, is she ?

Teeth look normal to me, look i attached my girl's pics down (not a flyer but still gives you idea about teeth), they are taken at the same minute, seconds difference. You can see how flexible/mobile is their teeth in their mouth!


05-19-2009, 11:20 AM
I actually wanted an opinion on her age!

It was assumed by all of us she was a baby, but sure doesn't look like it. Is it possible she has MBD because she is OLD?

05-19-2009, 11:33 AM
Hard to tell, but she looks young still. Do you have a thread about her? Did I miss it? If you can get a good full body pic that will help, too. If her fur has the 'wet' look, she's still young. I'll see if I can find something on the NFSA messgeboard about aging a flyer. :grouphug

Jackie in Tampa
05-19-2009, 11:57 AM
I thought I had posted here already{sorry Shanon}...poof it is gone:dono
Not a flyer expert, Muffin may be able to give better info.
In my opinion, her teeth look fine.
MBD is not an OLD age issue, it is a diet issue. Old and young can have deteriorating bones due to lack of calcium. Long road, but can be turned around with true commitment and knowledge. All about diet.
Legosmom is right ..if wet looking, probably young.
I have not got much flyer experience, so would rather let Muffin give her thoughts.
However a vet can draw blood and get calcium level, but Xrays are the only REAL way to diagnose MBD.
Good Luck

05-19-2009, 08:20 PM
Teeth look fine, actually short compared to a lot I've seen. Only pups have white teeth and they turn by one year.