View Full Version : Brother suckling...

05-15-2009, 03:18 PM
Hi! Wally is still suckling Marty! :osnap The body sock won't stay on. :soapbox Someone mentioned Gold Bond cream (Mars?) in the past. Does anyone know exactly which one will work? Will Desitin diaper ointment help?

He's not overly red, just irritated & he's not blocked at all. Just looking at what will help heal & deter his brother at the same time. (Wally just loves the taste of Neosporin! :shakehead )

05-15-2009, 08:12 PM
I always use THUM. It is for thumb suckers and works great. It does sting if you put it on and he has an open wound, though. I usually separate out the sore guy and let him heal up for a couple days, then I put the THUM on and put him back in with his buddies and they leave him alone. I put it on 2 times a day, after pittling.

05-15-2009, 08:16 PM
my lil flyer brothers did that also...i tried what you just said...it didn't work for me either...then i was told to feed them more often and that worked...hope this helps...

05-15-2009, 08:41 PM
Alerting great (and slightly unusual) thinkers tinfoil tinfoil . Design needed for baby squirrel pacifier. Pictures of prototypes will be appreciated:D :D