05-13-2009, 04:12 PM
My baby has suddenly started jumping to the top of his tank, clinging on, flailing his tail, and making some very frightful noises. any Ideas? or is he just ready for a cage upgrade? he is currently in a cage full of blankets that he was using as a nest, he never playued so he needed no room. HELP!

05-13-2009, 04:18 PM
:Welcome What kind of 'baby' is he? How old is he? How big is his cage? Sounds like he's getting feisty & testing out his calls, but I'm sure others will have thoughts, too.

Lady Squirrelly
05-13-2009, 04:26 PM
Sounds like he is saying, "I WANT OUT !!!!!":D

05-13-2009, 04:31 PM
It does sound like baby needs more room. Chit-chit-errrrrr and tail flicking is a distress call. Something may have scared her/him. Squirrels don't like to be alone.

Mrs Skul
05-13-2009, 04:42 PM
:Welcome How old is your baby? How often does he do this? What time of day does he react? What kind of cage is he in? If he is in a aquarium. He has no where else to hang on to. Try adding some window screen to the back ( the kind you will need is a heavy duty fiber glass? It is so dogs toenails don't tear through) You might add more sticks for him to clime. It sounds like something is scaring him, or he wonts to play. What kind of sound does he make? Do you have any birds in your house? In aquariums they will see their reflection on the glass. He might be reacting to that. He might even need a biger cage. I stare all my baby's out in a 85 gal. acquires, it has happened to me before. Can you take pictures of tank, or cage? Good luck :wave123

05-13-2009, 05:03 PM
thank you all, i will look into finding a larger cage:)

05-13-2009, 06:04 PM
I moved him into a larg-ish birdcage with a bunch of big sticks for him to perch in. It's the best I can do for now.

05-13-2009, 06:09 PM
In my short time as a squirrel foster parent I've discovered some basic facts...

A young squirrel's personality can change from one day to the next and then right back again.

They are not shy about telling you what they want, and they fully expect you to understand their demands.

They are constantly coming up with something new..a new call, a new behavior, a new "cute as all get out" look.

They do not...repeat...do NOT like new things such as a new room, new cage, or new sound, but do explore and get soon will become accustomed to changes in their environment.

They will steal your heart and absolutely refuse to give it back.

05-13-2009, 06:33 PM
In my short time as a squirrel foster parent I've discovered some basic facts...

A young squirrel's personality can change from one day to the next and then right back again.

They are not shy about telling you what they want, and they fully expect you to understand their demands.

They are constantly coming up with something new..a new call, a new behavior, a new "cute as all get out" look.

They do not...repeat...do NOT like new things such as a new room, new cage, or new sound, but do explore and get soon will become accustomed to changes in their environment.

They will steal your heart and absolutely refuse to give it back.
YES they do omg he is such a cutie :) even with his still wild and erratic bahavior,hes just the greatest! <333

05-13-2009, 07:16 PM
You didn't mention how old your baby is. Or if you are planning on releasing him. Keeping squirrels takes a lot of "squirrel knowledge":) Even if you plan to release. They need lots of space to climb and make nest. You can't keep them like a small hamester:D I am sure you will find lot's of good info here.
Once your little one is over 2 months old please make sure you get him a cage where he can start climbing. Then in a few more weeks after he is weaned he will need a cage at least 3feet wide, 4 feet long and 4 to 5 feet high. Again put in lots of climbing branches and a nest box and or a hammock to nest in. Check out the pet squirrel nutrition and MBD prevention. Hope this isn't all over whelming but as I said, squirrel knowledge is very important:tilt

Good luck, sounds like you are in love and want to do your best:thumbsup