View Full Version : Pics of MBD squirrel

05-13-2009, 12:45 PM
This is the squirrel I am posting about in NFSA and here. I hope this works. Didn't get it right on the other board!

Will be taking pics later to show any progress.

Is it just me, or does her fur look odd? Not smooth and glossy. And bald ears.
She was supposed to have just opened her eyes 2 wks ago. Does that look possible? She is much bigger than my spunky lil wee Alvin who opened his eyes Jan 26th!

Thanks for opinions! :)

Her foot was stuck like that mostly when she walked, like it hurt to open it. She can use it now.

05-13-2009, 01:56 PM
Flyer babies are dull and have that ruffled look to them...I wouldn't worry about it, looks like a normal baby flyer...

Is it possible she's a northern flyer? they do get bigger then the southern flyers? Though she does look like a southern flyer to me.....

05-13-2009, 03:12 PM
the possibility could only lie in the fact my friend had family coming in from Canada and All states below that. If they live up that far, she could have been brought intentionally or accidentally.

To me, she looks older, but it could just be her size fooling me. I have never seen a NFS...

She is a lot redder than Alvin, and the only the only sound she ever made I can only call "barking." Low-pitched and nothing I ever heard prior.

Her teeth are dark orange, as a side note.

05-13-2009, 03:55 PM
Is she still on Espilac Puppy Formula? If she opened her eyes 2 weeks ago then she would be around 6 weeks old..and should still be on formula....

As for MBD...I wouldn't worry about that IF she is on formula.....You can begin to introduce some greens to her....In the nutrition section there is a thread for flyer diet.....

Where did your friend get her from?

05-13-2009, 04:30 PM
ok, can I PM (how do I do that?) someone about the squirrel later? It would be easier if its like IM...


Mrs Skul
05-13-2009, 04:59 PM
:Welcome Toni I called Muffin squirrel she will be on shortly. The high pitch or low soft peep peep noise is their way to call for reassurance form other. The way her leg is often when they are scared walking. Did they take her from her mother to early? She looks like a sfs to me. She is a cutie. :Love_Icon I believe pm is almost like im.

05-13-2009, 06:04 PM
ok, can I PM (how do I do that?) someone about the squirrel later? It would be easier if its like IM...


Hi. You can PM me tonight if you want to. The flyer pup looks just fine from what I can see. She is young, and babies have that 'wet, greasy look' to their coat. There is a lot of color variation in flyers, from a redish color to grey to brown. They all have orange teeth as they age, and southern flyers don't have much fur on their ears, and what they do have is very short.

As young as she is, she should definately still be on Esbilac formula, even if she is starting to eat solid foods. The Esbilac (be sure it is Esbilac Puppy Replacement Formula, and not a different brand) will make sure that she is getting the correct diet for optimum growth.


05-13-2009, 10:12 PM
Okay, I am on yahoo - is that which one you use?

05-19-2009, 12:44 PM
OM Goodnesss That baby is just beautiful!!! Just had to say so :D