View Full Version : Tum Tum Question
Tum Tum
04-19-2009, 09:45 AM
Hello everyone. This is Brittany Tum Tum's Mommy with a question.
Me and my hubby have had tum tum since September 6th. 2008. We both have spent a lot of time with him, but I am the one who saved him and I am the one who recently he has only really seen.
He is acting more aggressive towards my hubby and bitting him hard. But never me, he still bites, but playfully nibbles on my fingers and goes right into cleaning my hand. Like last night, I had him out for 2 hours before my hubby got home, and all we did was cuddle and play he gave me kisses and everything. Never seen him be so sweet since he was a baby.
I have also noticed him when he is on his favorite chair, he rubs his butt, I believe its marking his territory right?
Is this a sign of him not allowing my hubby near me when tum tum is by my side, because when I leave the room, they get a long better. My hubby is afraid to get bit anymore, I am afraid that my hubby will not want to play with him or be around him anymore.
s there something we could do, like start my hubby out with just them two alone and him feeding him his favorite stuff? And move onto both of us after they had sometime to be alone for a few days? :thankyou
04-19-2009, 09:52 AM
This pretty common for pet squirrels to be attached to one person and be aggressive toward everyone else. That is one of the warnings for people who want to keep them as pets.
You could try ways to get Tum Tum to change his ways but I think you are the Mom and that is who he loves:tilt
Good luck:wave123
04-19-2009, 08:40 PM
Squirrels are very possessive. I think it is not so much that he doesn't like your hubby as that he is trying to claim you for his own, no sharing. Perhaps letting the two of them alone more would help.
Tum Tum
04-19-2009, 08:43 PM
Thanks, thats what I think, I talked to him today and we are going to try to work thing out, if not, Tum Tum is all mine muhahahahah! :thumbsup
04-19-2009, 11:02 PM
yep squirrels are stingy little fuzzers alright, they dont share anything. If they like it, it's theirs and nobody else is allowed near it. They usually start to show their possesive side when they hit maturity at around 9 months. Some people have managed to get their squirrels to bond to more than one person but its not the norm. Once they hit this age they will bond to the person they see the most of and bite everyone else. You might be able to get him to come around though, just be careful your hubby doesnt get bit bad while he's trying.
04-20-2009, 02:26 AM
I always knew frick was not a "normal" squirrel....she spreads the love pretty easily! weirdo!
there was a time when she was really feisty with my dad though....they had some bonding time and within a couple weeks things were back to normal and now he's right up there on her totem pole. all that to say....some hubby-tum tum time should help things out. :D
Tum Tum
04-20-2009, 10:23 PM
Okay, we tried to have them both in the room together.
No bitting!! Yes... David put his hands in pellows to protect himself and he covered his face with those pellows when tum tum came over to him, tum tum loving the coolness of the pellow, laid on it lol. He did chatter his teeth though some, and did jump on him a little to some what show off, but no bitting or attacking as i saw. I staid in the room because he was afraid to be alone with him.
The sad thing is, david cried, because he thinks tum tum does not like him no more. It was very sad to see. But for a few weeks we plan to do the same thing, getting davids scent is major key and being on him and getting walnuts from his hands.
Wish us luck I will be posting updates. :thankyou
04-20-2009, 10:56 PM
Awww. David. I'm sorry Tum Tum is being a momma's boy! Try to have some alone time with him. Maybe he is worse when momma is in the room. That's what happens with Bean. Ask Rachel. You are his brother now and squirrel brothers are for wrestling, chasing, outwitting, and yes, biting. You are still part of his clan, but just not his momma. Momma is, well, you've heard the saying. . ." This here is MA-AH prapperty!"
04-21-2009, 11:44 PM
Also remember that squirrels do not like freshly showered people. Some of my most cuddly fuzzies will attack me viciously in the first two hours after a shower. David should only have bonding time with Tum Tum before a shower. He should not give Tum Tum any nuts or prized treats during this time either because they sometimes get very protective of a special treat. He should however give him treats that are yummy but not extra special.
It is probably best not to remove David from Tum Tums daily play times even if he becomes threatening towards him, there is a chance that he will get past this faze and accept David again with time. The more he see's of David the more likely he will re-bond with him.
04-22-2009, 06:16 AM
I think you are doing the right thing in letting them bond :D As many know, I had a VERY hard time with my Pip. She is just now a year old. From October until about February she was NASTY MEAN. But we stuck with her and never showed her our frustration with her attitude. She finally came around.
I have the same issue as you - Pip loves her Mommy and that's it! She used to chase my boyfriend out of our own bedroom (I know its not supposed to be funny .... but seeing a full grown man RUN from a little red squirrel :rotfl ) Anyways! He was getting upset as well. He sees how Pip cuddles and plays with me and wants her to atleast just be friendly with him. I told him he needs to spend more time with her. In her mind, he is beneath her. Mommy is all that matters.
I started him off with just sitting on the floor in her room. Not moving, just sitting and watching. Eventually, she would get curious and come check him out. She would nip at him and walk away. He just stuck with it and eventually she accepted him. Then we moved to having him be able to pet her (:hurt) She used to sit there and just stare at him, ears cocked to the side like little horns. When he went to go pet her, she would sometimes bite him, others she would let you touch her face and not move at all ... until she has had enough, nips and takes off.
Now, with a few months of him handling her and allowing her to get used to him in her own way they are getting SO much better. He can hold her now without her screaming at or biting him. :D
His man-to-man word of wisdom: Be prepared to get bit and scratched! What he had to do at the petting stage is even though she would latch onto his hand, he didn't let go. He held her until she calmed down and let him touch her mouth. Then when shes calm, he put her down. Slowly and non-violently we showed Pip that he was more dominant than her... (I thinks she's just pretending about that part ... letting him feel good about himself :D but they really are doing good).
Good look with her! It will just take time!
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