View Full Version : Squirrel Train Needed from Western PA to Upstate NY
There are two squirrels in need of transport from Allegheny, PA to as close to Orange County, NY as we can get them. One is neurological and the other is emaciated and weak - both need medical attention ASAP!! If you can help transport these two babies to me it would be a great help. We're trying to get them here quickly - before this weekend. If they could be here by Friday so I could get them to Dr. P, it would be a miracle.
Anyone who is able to drive any part of the way between these two points, please PM me and let me know.
Thanks in advance!
Jackie in Tampa
03-18-2009, 12:08 AM
Good Luck Tomo!:grouphug
Praying for baby sqs safe arrival.
praying the two babies get help soon. Hope can get the train going and some people live close by. Good luck :grouphug
island rehabber
03-18-2009, 07:22 AM
You know I'm headed south tomorrow but if something happens today and you need me to do New Jersey - to - Tomo again, I'm here! :thumbsup
Jackie in Tampa
03-18-2009, 10:17 AM
You know I'm headed south tomorrow but if something happens today and you need me to do New Jersey - to - Tomo again, I'm here! :thumbsup
You know I'm headed south tomorrow but if something happens today and you need me to do New Jersey - to - Tomo again, I'm here! :thumbsup
Thanks, but go and have a good time in FL!
I think we're going to split the drive like last time with Francis Tenshi, that is as long as this little boy foxer makes it to Thursday.
Everyone, please pray for these two little ones. One is a neuro baby and the other is very, very ill.
Poor little darlings. Many prayers being said and you drive safe. God Bless all of you:grouphug
03-18-2009, 02:02 PM
I sure hope he does make it. You say he is a foxer, was he one from PA.? If so, does it have a white venter, or gold? Foxers in this area can have white venters, and may be larger too, belonging to the subspecies S. n. Vulpinus subspecies. They are increasingly rare now, nearly disappeared from their original territory in the NEastern US. .
03-18-2009, 03:26 PM
FYI, all, Allegheny is near Pittsburgh -- way west. Tomo, had you(?) been able to put together a similar train before, or is this the same sq (one of them) still awaiting transport??
We have several members on the eastern end of PA, but not so many for the beginning legs, as I recall. There were some suggestions in the earlier thread (:thinking perhaps first posted by foxsquirrels?? I forget :dono )
On the eastern end of the trip, Squirrellie, Squirrellovepa and Chad might be possibilities. There were a couple of other members also, if you can locate the earlier thread, including, I think, in the Pittsburgh area.
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
03-18-2009, 03:49 PM
FYI, all, Allegheny is near Pittsburgh -- way west. Tomo, had you(?) been able to put together a similar train before, or is this the same sq (one of them) still awaiting transport??
We have several members on the eastern end of PA, but not so many for the beginning legs, as I recall. There were some suggestions in the earlier thread (:thinking perhaps first posted by foxsquirrels?? I forget :dono )
On the eastern end of the trip, Squirrellie, Squirrellovepa and Chad might be possibilities. There were a couple of other members also, if you can locate the earlier thread, including, I think, in the Pittsburgh area.
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
i'm sorry Tomo! I have not had service till just awhile ago since yesterday afternoon. I left you a message and I think I have TumTum's parents to help with this train. They are waiting to hear back from me. We will need to get some donations together for gas money.
tinfoil tinfoil tinfoil
Thanks everyone! It always happens last minute and it's so hard for anyone to get off work. We're going to work this one the same way as Francis Tenshi: I'm driving to Harrisburg and they're driving to Harrisburg and we'll do the transfer there. Then I'm heading straight back to the clinic where Dr. Pilny is and though he's not in on Thursdays, he will advise his staff once the babies get there.
Just keep praying everyone! The count is now up to 3 squirrels, 2 neuros and the one poor little sick one named Ox. He needs all of our prayers! :grouphug
i'm sorry Tomo! I have not had service till just awhile ago since yesterday afternoon. I left you a message and I think I have TumTum's parents to help with this train. They are waiting to hear back from me. We will need to get some donations together for gas money.
tinfoil tinfoil tinfoil
I knew for you not to respond "IMMEDIATELY, IF NOT SOONER!" you had to have computer issues! Many thanks and I think the way we're doing it is the best. I just want to get these 3 (or now perhaps 4) babies to Dr. P's clinic on Thursday so when he gets there on Friday morning, he will see them first thing.
I sure hope he does make it. You say he is a foxer, was he one from PA.? If so, does it have a white venter, or gold? Foxers in this area can have white venters, and may be larger too, belonging to the subspecies S. n. Vulpinus subspecies. They are increasingly rare now, nearly disappeared from their original territory in the NEastern US. .
I haven't seen the babies yet, but most likely they have gold bellies.
FYI, all, Allegheny is near Pittsburgh -- way west. Tomo, had you(?) been able to put together a similar train before, or is this the same sq (one of them) still awaiting transport??
We have several members on the eastern end of PA, but not so many for the beginning legs, as I recall. There were some suggestions in the earlier thread (:thinking perhaps first posted by foxsquirrels?? I forget :dono )
On the eastern end of the trip, Squirrellie, Squirrellovepa and Chad might be possibilities. There were a couple of other members also, if you can locate the earlier thread, including, I think, in the Pittsburgh area.
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
Last time we had no luck organizing a train from West PA. So that's why we're doing it the same way as the last time. I don't think there are many members in West PA, only East PA. But we're getting it done!
Little Ox, the very very ill squirrel, passed away about 20 minutes ago. It was a shock, but he passed safe and cared for. We are getting the two neuro babies to Dr. P tomorrow. Please keep up the prayers.
03-18-2009, 06:46 PM
I have spoken with Tum Tum's Dad several times today. He and Tum Tum's mom are only about45 mins. south of Pittsburg. He was willing to help get them from Pittsburg to wherever they needed to go this evening or tomorrow. I just talked to him again and he said if this ever comes up again, to keep him in mind that if he could he would be glad to help transport from Pittsburg.
Thank you Tum Tum's Dad and Mom. You are both very, very sweet and eager and willing to help. I'm so sorry for what you've had to go through in the last couple of days with your dog. :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
03-18-2009, 06:48 PM
Little Ox, the very very ill squirrel, passed away about 20 minutes ago. It was a shock, but he passed safe and cared for. We are getting the two neuro babies to Dr. P tomorrow. Please keep up the prayers.
I am so sorry, I feel so bad. Why in the world did my internet have to be out last night?:shakehead :shakehead :shakehead
RIP sweet Little Ox
I am so sorry, I feel so bad. Why in the world did my internet have to be out last night?:shakehead :shakehead :shakehead
RIP sweet Little Ox
Little Ox was meant to be back with God, not here with us. It's a hard fact to accept, but we must realize that everything, no matter how painful, is part of the divine plan. It spurs us on to do more and try harder the next time we are confronted with emergencies. What is that expression, "What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger."
Little Ox passed away safe, loved and knowing that he was cared about, thanks to BHO. And a big thank you to TumTum's daddy for offering to help us with transportation especially with all that is going on in their lives right now.
Thank you all! :grouphug
Nancy in New York
03-18-2009, 07:26 PM
I am so proud of these members who always go above and beyond...ALWAYS.
If there is anything I can do, please don't hesitate to let me know. Gail has my number. I personally can't thank you enough, every single person involved in this...
I am so sorry the little one didn't make it R.I.P sweet baby
God Bless all of you trying to help:grouphug
Tum Tum
03-18-2009, 11:30 PM
Tomo and FoxSquirrels, me and David thank you for your very kind words.
I am glad and so is my fiance to be apart of this forum and apart of your lives, to help the lives of any animal big or small.
We love this forum a lot because, this forum has mature posters, there is not a lot of panic when help is needed and not to much drama.
Also a great thank you to the one who had the squirrels, we do not know your user name, but thank you. :thankyou
R.I.P. Ox, I am so sorry you passed away, maybe you and Duke can run in fields of flowers together!
Jackie in Tampa
03-19-2009, 06:59 AM
Be careful, stay safe and thank you!
Good Luck little sqlys.
Have 2 beautiful angel foxers and heading home. More later.
Nancy in New York
03-19-2009, 07:42 PM
I think God put Tomo on earth knowing she would take care of His "broken" little babies if it is ever within her power. I think she would go to any lengths to save His little critters... I am truly in awe...:Love_Icon
As you know Ox, passed away shortly after I spoke with Tum Tum that we will be driving up to Harrisburgh to meet Tomo.
I came back downstairs to put Ox a box and he started to gasp for air and then he passed on. Tried to perform CPR on his chest but it was no good. I then rang Tomo to let her know the sad news. I just could not believe what had happened. I really thought he would make it. It is really hard. I am still in shock and only started to cry whilst posting this message. Have been trying really hard not to think about him. Thanks Tum Tum for your kind offer to transport him. God bless you all.
Well, it was a very uneventful trip until the little foxer escaped my grasp inside the car. We were transferring him into one of my transport cages and he just slipped away and under the passenger seat to the front of the car. It was my fault because I didn't want to squeeze him too tightly. So he found his way under the driver's seat, in a nice tight place were we couldn't really reach him.
After about 25 minutes and many hilarious bends and turns and upside down positions by BHO and me in the car, he finally shot out to the front, then he shot to the back, then under the driver's seat and then up to the dashboard where I successfully caught him and he was wiggling to be free as I was praying quite loudly, Jesus, Jesus, Dear Lord, please let me keep hold of him!
Well, the power of prayer is an amazing thing and I didn't loose my grasp and got him securely into the transport cage. Talk about adrenaline rush!
BHO got Short 2 in my second transport cage and then we were headed home. The ride home was very peaceful and now everyone is quiet and resting. So it's off to the doctor tomorrow morning to see what he can figure out with these two sweet little neuro angel foxers!
Thanks for your prayers everyone and many, many thanks to BHO for her patience!!
03-19-2009, 10:52 PM
OMG! What a day, atleast they are safe in your care. Your an angel to the squirrels thats for sure. Im sure my Charmy is watching over Ox, RIP sweet boy.
:thankyou Nancy and AEMJ. I try do what I can, but it's really all about teamwork! Without the other parties, BHO for watching out for her babies and capturing them when they need help and Dr. Pilny for taking so much time to thoroughly investigate every baby I bring to him, my efforts would mean nothing. But I am very honored for your kind thoughts.
Bless you both! :grouphug
OMG! What a day, atleast they are safe in your care. Your an angel to the squirrels thats for sure. Im sure my Charmy is watching over Ox, RIP sweet boy.
:thankyou I'm certain sweet little Charmy has her paw in all of these rescues and babies that have passed on, helping in ways in which we are unable. :grouphug
03-19-2009, 11:46 PM
:bowdown :grouphug :bowdown :grouphug :bowdown :grouphug :bowdown :grouphug :bowdown :grouphug :bowdown
Prayers to little foxer babies and everyone involved in helping. Tomo you have always amazed me and continue to keep me in awe. BHO you are a sweet, kind hearted, caring person. Thank you for everything you girls have done.
Rippie, I'm sure Charmy is showing them the best places to play!
I agree, Our Heavenly father sent us and angel, Tomo.
All of you are just as wonderful. God Bless
The two little foxers went to Dr. P today. He consulted with a neurologist and he felt that perhaps the neuro issues with these two is being caused by a Thiamine (Vitamin B) deficiency. They were given sub-q fluids with Vitamin B and blood work was run.
In a few days, I should see if the shot is helping. I'm certainly hoping and praying that this is the answer and these two sweethearts can get well and go home and the rest of the effected population where they came from can be treated as well. This is our starting point and we'll work it from here. I'll keep everyone posted as to their progress. :)
03-20-2009, 06:10 PM
For reference, what are their symptoms, Tomo?
03-20-2009, 06:20 PM
I'd like to know too!
Head tilts a bit to one side, even when they crouch down. When they eat, they sit very tall and arch their backs and sometimes loose their balance and fall over. They are a bit slower than other squirrels and aren't as coordinated as other squirrels. Eventually, they will slow down completely. Sometimes their head will just lower as if they have fallen asleep and they will pull it up suddenly. There's also a certain look in their eyes, almost as if their vision is locked on something from time to time. And then there is the classic star gazing - looking up at the ceiling and staring. They act like any neurologic squirrel that has had head trauma, but the cause is completely different. I guess we need to start recognizing the difference between head trauma and vitamin B deficiency. Most rehabbers will administer Dex and that may do harm to a Vitamin B deficient squirrel.
I'm so hoping the Vitamin B shot helps these little ones. :grouphug :Love_Icon
03-20-2009, 10:07 PM
Head tilts a bit to one side, even when they crouch down. When they eat, they sit very tall and arch their backs and sometimes loose their balance and fall over. They are a bit slower than other squirrels and aren't as coordinated as other squirrels. Eventually, they will slow down completely. Sometimes their head will just lower as if they have fallen asleep and they will pull it up suddenly. There's also a certain look in their eyes, almost as if their vision is locked on something from time to time. And then there is the classic star gazing - looking up at the ceiling and staring. They act like any neurologic squirrel that has had head trauma, but the cause is completely different. I guess we need to start recognizing the difference between head trauma and vitamin B deficiency. Most rehabbers will administer Dex and that may do harm to a Vitamin B deficient squirrel.
I'm so hoping the Vitamin B shot helps these little ones. :grouphug :Love_Icon
I am very interested in your findings. I know Kramer is a head trauma because he was found with a gash in his skull, but the symptoms are the same. Very interesting!!! Were the injections Cyanocobalamin or Methylcobalamin?
:thankyou Nancy and AEMJ. I try do what I can, but it's really all about teamwork! Without the other parties, BHO for watching out for her babies and capturing them when they need help and Dr. Pilny for taking so much time to thoroughly investigate every baby I bring to him, my efforts would mean nothing. But I am very honored for your kind thoughts.
Bless you both! :grouphug
Of course, I forgot the most important component of this team...God! Without God, I would be unable to accomplish anything. :)
I am very interested in your findings. I know Kramer is a head trauma because he was found with a gash in his skull, but the symptoms are the same. Very interesting!!! Were the injections Cyanocobalamin or Methylcobalamin?
I don't know, but I will find out. I do know that they were given in the Sub-q fluids.
03-20-2009, 11:31 PM
I keep a bottle of Cyanocobalamin for my wildlife and horses. Sometimes in the past Annette has told me to give a bunny, squirrel or bird .02 or .03 cc.'s of B-12 along with lactated ringers if the animal really needs a quick boost. I wondered if that is what Dr. P did.
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