View Full Version : Feed them as much as they want?
Linda and Cooper
03-09-2009, 11:10 AM
Do I feed them as much as they want? Or limit them? Grey tree squirrels about 7 week or so old. Male and female (2).
Leroy, the boy, is sooo cute and cuddly and seeks human interactions. Especially cuddles, lol. Sadie Mae, on the other hand, seems ready to cut off her jeans wayyy too short, don a strapless halter top, put on make up, dye her hair and go hang out at the beach with the wayyy older-than-her spring breakers. She's a wild one at heart! We'll have to keep an eye on her for sure or she'll be in juvenile hall in a squirrel heart beat!
Squirrel Smitten Linda/FL
island rehabber
03-09-2009, 11:23 AM
Do I feed them as much as they want? Or limit them? Grey tree squirrels about 7 week or so old. Male and female (2).
Leroy, the boy, is sooo cute and cuddly and seeks human interactions. Especially cuddles, lol. Sadie Mae, on the other hand, seems ready to cut off her jeans wayyy too short, don a strapless halter top, put on make up, dye her hair and go hang out at the beach with the wayyy older-than-her spring breakers. She's a wild one at heart! We'll have to keep an eye on her for sure or she'll be in juvenile hall in a squirrel heart beat!
Squirrel Smitten Linda/FL
:rotflwatch those Sadie Mae types -- I know them well. They do everything sooner, better, and with more gusto than their siblings and they wild up fast! At 7 weeks I'm assuming you're giving them healthy rodent block (hopefully, Henry's :D) and some dark leafy veggies as well as formula. They still need formula for at least another two weeks (or more) so don't let them fill up on solids if it means they are not drinking their formula. That calcium is a must! I'm not sure whether they are overeating.... how many cc's they are taking, and how often?
Linda and Cooper
03-09-2009, 12:41 PM
They must not be that old, because they don't want to eat anything. They just want to suckle. Hmm. Sadie Mae's tail is bushier than Leroy's. He really got set back by nearly dying. Poor guy. Anyway, so I ordered some squirrel blocks! I don't trust myself to try to make them. Although I might, eventually. I did put a bunch of unsalted roasted peanuts in their box with them. They just crawl under them, lol. I don't see anything "missing".
Squirrel Smitten Linda/FL
Linda and Cooper
03-09-2009, 01:45 PM
Okey dokey then... so, I need to give them broccoli and perhaps acorns and almonds, but never cashews, pine nuts, etc. Right? Just so I'm reading it correctly. We do have acorns! I have some almonds because I give them to the birdies.
So, how do you introduce them? They don't come out of the box unless it's near suckle time and they hear me coming. Put broccoli, almonds and acorns in the box with them?
Perhaps their cage is too big? I have them outside for their 2 hours in the sun right now. It's beautiful weather right now and they don't get over heated. I just open the top of their nest box.
Squirrel Smitten Linda/FL
03-09-2009, 01:50 PM
Okey dokey then... so, I need to give them broccoli and perhaps acorns and almonds, but never cashews, pine nuts, etc. Right? Just so I'm reading it correctly. We do have acorns! I have some almonds because I give them to the birdies.
So, how do you introduce them? They don't come out of the box unless it's near suckle time and they hear me coming. Put broccoli, almonds and acorns in the box with them?
Perhaps their cage is too big? I have them outside for their 2 hours in the sun right now. It's beautiful weather right now and they don't get over heated. I just open the top of their nest box.
Squirrel Smitten Linda/FL
Please be careful putting them out in the sun. Make sure they have a shaded part to get under (they don't have to have direct sunlight). They have very fast metabolisms and can become hyperthremic very quickly (and die just as quickly)--in minutes. I wish I could say I didn't learn this from experience.
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