09-08-2006, 08:44 AM
Hello everyone! I got four new babes in last night. Six weeks old. All came out of the pine tree (STICKY) on thier own when Momma didn't come home. Been hollering for her for two days before they came down. One was on his last leg...lost him about an hour ago just before smuggling him into work with me. Hate that. But he was SO weak...he just couldn't get any strength up.
So now I'm scared for the other three (ok, I was already scared for them) because they all weigh close to 100 grams...but my six-weeker that I've had since he was a pinky weighs 200 grams! How long were they without Momma??
I'm confused about rehydrating. I gave them straight pedialyte last night on the spot when I picked them up, and again an hour later, then another hour later gave them diluted formula to begin introducing it to them. I am taking a little more water out of the formula mix each time I feed now...this is right, correct? Do they still need the pedialyte if they are taking the watered-down formula? Do I need to initially feed them more frequently than normal due to the dehydration? How often? Do I feed them based on weight or age???? HUGE difference there! I went by weight last night and this morning and all but one seemed to get a semi-round I'm thinking somewhere in between weight feeding and age feeding is where we should be, but I want other opinions.
Only one baby of the three remaining is squirrely...the other two are very stoic, but eat well and everyone is peeing and pooping...though not a lot yet.
Help me please. I think I'm doing this right, but it's the first time I've had babies this dehydrated/malnourished that might actually make it. I have an appointment with my vet tonight...anything I should be asking??
So now I'm scared for the other three (ok, I was already scared for them) because they all weigh close to 100 grams...but my six-weeker that I've had since he was a pinky weighs 200 grams! How long were they without Momma??
I'm confused about rehydrating. I gave them straight pedialyte last night on the spot when I picked them up, and again an hour later, then another hour later gave them diluted formula to begin introducing it to them. I am taking a little more water out of the formula mix each time I feed now...this is right, correct? Do they still need the pedialyte if they are taking the watered-down formula? Do I need to initially feed them more frequently than normal due to the dehydration? How often? Do I feed them based on weight or age???? HUGE difference there! I went by weight last night and this morning and all but one seemed to get a semi-round I'm thinking somewhere in between weight feeding and age feeding is where we should be, but I want other opinions.
Only one baby of the three remaining is squirrely...the other two are very stoic, but eat well and everyone is peeing and pooping...though not a lot yet.
Help me please. I think I'm doing this right, but it's the first time I've had babies this dehydrated/malnourished that might actually make it. I have an appointment with my vet tonight...anything I should be asking??