View Full Version : A zillion Q's
Linda and Cooper
03-03-2009, 03:11 PM
2 squirrels, incisors just coming in, eyes open, look to be about 5/6 weeks old. Proven orphans. Doe 108 grams. Boar 90 grams.
Doe came in yesterday, fleas, dehydrated, hungry, cold. Bathed with Dawn, fleas gone, warmed, hydrated with pedialyte, then fed.
Boar came in today, no fleas, dehydrated, hungry, cold. Bathed with Dawn (expecting fleas), duel purpose to warm him (warm water), hydrated, dry, warm, just gave 2 ccs of formula (I think I should have thinning it some)
Me: Exotic companion bird keeper (think nutty bird lady in the neighborhood) and people bring me babies. I've raised g'zillion bird orphans and hand raised hookbills. First time for squirrels.
1 part Esbilac (powder)
2 parts water
1/2 part whipping cream
dash of calcium 1 x a day
What environmental temperature do I want for these babies?
Aspen shavings? I was concerned for their little claws getting hooked in the material. Someone said no to Aspen, go to t shirt?
The girl bites my fingers after eating. Is this just to seek suckling action? Or am I not feeding enough? I'm feeding 5%/weight ratio (grams). Should I go to 7%?
Should I have the rodent blocks in with them now?
Should I made the little guy's food thinner for a bit? He's SKINNY.
I'll have more, lol. I'm just concerned about the above.
island rehabber
03-03-2009, 03:34 PM
:WelcomeLinda! You're doing great for someone new to squirrels -- here are a few things that popped into my head immediately:
SLOW DOWN :D. You'll want to hydrate these babies more slowly. Get some flavored Pedialyte, warm it, and alternate feedings of Pedialyte, then DILUTED feeding of formula (1 part Esbilac to 3 parts water for now) and do this alternating for the next 24 hours. I would say feed them every 3.5 - 4 hours for now. You must re-hydrate them -- especially the boy, if he's skinny -- before overloading their systems with nutrition and risking a crash. Once you've done this alternating for 24 hours, go to diluted formula only for another day....then go to full strength (1 part Esbilac 2 parts water). If they are not hydrated, they will have no appetite -- this is possibly why the boy only took 2cc's. As for warmth, 80* is good for these guys especially since they are weak. I like fleece for bedding; it is warm, clean, and their little nails don't get hooked on it.
Linda and Cooper
03-03-2009, 04:35 PM
Thank you! :thankyou I am slowing down. I was reading and had the "moment" where I went DUH!
Now, the little girl, yes, I kept hydrating until way last night and finally at eleven o'clock, she perked wayyyyy UP and peed like crazy twice and had a bowel movement (ewww, not a good one, little one, very dark) and so I start fed her some (2 ccs). This morning, she was really good, and I gave her 4 cc's. That's all I thought she ought to have. But then she went like crazy. She's sucking on my fingers and all. Really perky. Hungry. At the 3 o'clock feeding she wanted MORE MORE MORE! Peeing good. Lost the bm in the aspen shavings. Removed those. Now on a tshirt.
Now... one problem: I'm looking for a good bowel movement and I don't, um, know what to look for, lol. Is it like a little dog? Or what? A rabbit pellet? A rat dropping? What?:dono
Now, the baby boy, he's acting a bit active and I immediately gave him no more formula (thanks!) and he's on more electrolytes/pedialyte. He's warm and all. I can't tell if he's peed! I've massaged. I think they think I'm nuts, lol. And I hate to ask it making me sound so dumb (we don't massage birds) how do you massage a boy? Am I massaging for bowels? or urination too? I've massaged dog pups before (newborn+) but gee, long time ago. I think one of the problems is these guys look so well developed. I think I expect more out of them than they are capable of in their bodily functions.
I feel really dumb, but I'm so sorry I can't find the answers to my questions.
I owe you!
(Must come up with names)
03-03-2009, 05:04 PM
L&C, a really neat article to read since these are your first squirrels, is "Raising Infant Tree Squirrels" you can download it from the site below:
03-03-2009, 05:21 PM
Thank you! :thankyou I am slowing down. I was reading and had the "moment" where I went DUH!
Now, the little girl, yes, I kept hydrating until way last night and finally at eleven o'clock, she perked wayyyyy UP and peed like crazy twice and had a bowel movement (ewww, not a good one, little one, very dark) and so I start fed her some (2 ccs). This morning, she was really good, and I gave her 4 cc's. That's all I thought she ought to have. But then she went like crazy. She's sucking on my fingers and all. Really perky. Hungry. At the 3 o'clock feeding she wanted MORE MORE MORE! Peeing good. Lost the bm in the aspen shavings. Removed those. Now on a tshirt.
Excellent! Classic case of how a baby acts once rehydrated: they perk up and get hungry.:thumbsup
Now... one problem: I'm looking for a good bowel movement and I don't, um, know what to look for, lol. Is it like a little dog? Or what? A rabbit pellet? A rat dropping? What?:dono
They look like rat droppings. However, once your babies are started on Esbilac, the poops may become soft and golden in color, which is okay. If diarrhea occurs, go back one step, to a more diluted formula. Also a little plain yogurt with active cultures helps with this.
Now, the baby boy, he's acting a bit active and I immediately gave him no more formula (thanks!) and he's on more electrolytes/pedialyte. He's warm and all. I can't tell if he's peed! I've massaged. I think they think I'm nuts, lol. And I hate to ask it making me sound so dumb (we don't massage birds) how do you massage a boy? Am I massaging for bowels? or urination too? I've massaged dog pups before (newborn+) but gee, long time ago. I think one of the problems is these guys look so well developed. I think I expect more out of them than they are capable of in their bodily functions.
He probably won't pee until he's rehydrated. As far as stimulating, imagine what momma squirrel would do, licking the whole area with her soft, wet, warm little tongue, and do that....only use damp Q-tip, kleenex, or soft cloth.:D
I feel really dumb, but I'm so sorry I can't find the answers to my questions.
I owe you!
(Must come up with names)
You're doing great!:thumbsup
03-03-2009, 07:38 PM
I've always just used a dry tissue to stimulate the genitals. If the tissues not wet before you use it you'll know for sure when they've urinated. It should be clear when they're hydrated. Don't worry about the dark stool. It's from mother's milk and will lighten on formula.
Linda and Cooper
03-04-2009, 10:38 AM
Okay, little Missy's poop looks like coffee grounds... is this ok? haven't seen Little Mister's poop yet...
03-04-2009, 11:27 AM
It will take a few feedings of formula for the color change to occur. As long as all systems are 'go', they're heading in the right direction.
You're doing great!! :thumbsup
:poke Now, we need some pictures of your sweeties!! We :Love_Icon to ohhh & ahhh over the babies!! (And, it makes the Northern folk jealous that we get fuzzy babies year round down here! :rotfl )
(Must come up with names)
They'll tell you their names when they're ready! You'd be amazed at the personality that comes through with these little furbabies! ;)
Linda and Cooper
03-04-2009, 02:21 PM
you asked for pictures, you got em!
Here they are!!!!!
3 pictures but of only 2 squirrellie bambinos. Soooo precious and sooo sweet. The little girl grunts a lot. Soft little noises. Kind of cute, but I'm not real sure what the grunts mean. The little boy, he's like he's hysterical "DON'T LEAVE ME!" poor guy. He's clingy:Love_Icon
island rehabber
03-04-2009, 05:23 PM
They are beautiful!! And they look very good, thanks to you both. :thumbsup They're about 6 weeks old....I love that age. :D
Jackie in Tampa
03-04-2009, 05:40 PM
:Welcome :wave123
welcome to TSB! You may actually have no poops for a day or so until their systems adjust to the changes. I use a heating pad on low under half the cage. They are precious, great job, you nutty bird squirrel lady!:rotfl
Cuteness overload!
03-04-2009, 05:55 PM
They are absolutely precious! Good job!:thumbsup
Linda and Cooper
03-04-2009, 06:30 PM
:thumbsup COOL! I love the encouragement and my report card having all A's after I slowed down!
I have discovered their names!
There's this woodsie character who is a bit backwoods and very tender, needing nurturing so he can go out and conquer it all, but for right now he's momma's baby boy... Leroy!
And his more bold, rather forward sister who I am sure will be squirrelly stunning when she dons her cut off jeans and hangs out on the front porch wowing all the boys squirrels in the neighborhood, when she's not catfishing or cookin' collards... Sadie Mae!
island rehabber
03-04-2009, 07:02 PM
Leroy and Sadie Mae, welcome to our nutty family! :Welcome:Welcome
03-04-2009, 08:04 PM
:Welcome to the nutty world of squirrels, Linda!! You are lost for sure!! :Love_Icon to all of you!! Love the names!! Welcome to TSB, Leroy & Sadie Mae!! :grouphug
Linda and Cooper
03-05-2009, 10:17 AM
:Welcome to the nutty world of squirrels, Linda!! You are lost for sure!! :Love_Icon
Yes, I guess now I'll have to tell the local vets I'll help with baby squirrels. I was at a local vet with one of our birds once and this person came in with a baby blue jay. It was just a fledge and the vet people told them no-no-no... and that was all. Stepping up, advising the worried couple, I told them how to return the fledge to the parents and they dashed off all happy to reunite them. The secretary/receptionist said, hey, can I have people call you about these baby birds? I said sure.. but no one has ever called. I guess she didn't give my number out. :dono poo.
03-05-2009, 10:20 AM
My mom & I have called the local vets & humane societies, given them our number & said we'd be happy to help foster the squirrels. Except for the very first one, Rocky - who found my mom after one of our storms, that's how we've gotten most of our babies. They are a lot of fun & it is very rewarding to watch them go off to do their squirrely business when they are old enough. :Love_Icon (One vet recently told me that they have a star next to my mom's name in their rolodex...she's the first one they call!!)
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