View Full Version : Not eating this afternoon
Squeaks foster mom
09-07-2006, 04:57 PM
Hello, I am new to the board and have a quick question....Squeak ate a VERY large breakfast almost 10 cc, but this afternoon he did not want to eat much. I gave him some apple for the first time at lunch after he would not take his formula. He nibbled them pretty good but did not eat a whole piece. Now that it's dinner time I tried to feed him again but he still does not want the formula. Btw - I just changed from the kmr to the esbilac at lunch time. Is he being picky because of the change or did he eat to much this am? (Squeak is abt 5-6 weeks..eyes opened on Tuesday and upper teeth have just come in)
09-07-2006, 06:53 PM
an example mine eat about every 5 hrs but they are 8 weeks.
Maybe try some plain vanilla yogurt no diet.
That might help his tummy also, he'll get used to it keep offerering every so often till he's on a schedule.
Also try small piece of wallnut & pecan I bet that will get him eating!!
island rehabber
09-07-2006, 07:10 PM
It's hard sometimes to just switch a baby over from one formula to another all at once. Try mixing a half & half combination of KMR and Esbilac for one or two feedings, then mix it with mostly Esbilac, then all Esbilac. These things have to be done gradually sometimes because the formulas smell different to the baby. Don't let him get dehydrated by not taking anything...if necessary try Pedialyte (apple flavor may interest him) mixed with 1 part Esbilac as a "transition" formula.
Squeaks foster mom
09-07-2006, 08:46 PM
Thanks for the advice...I tried to feed him a little while ago with the Esbilac and cream and he would have none of it, so I made the kmr and cream, what a difference. He sucked right down. I will start mixing the two for a short time as we work to all Esbilac.
Thank you again.:thankyou
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